WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                           SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

          Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                    Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.  )

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[_]  Preliminary Proxy Statement         [_]  Confidential, for Use of the
                                              Commission Only (as permitted by
                                              Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement

[_]  Definitive Additional Materials

[_]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12

                              Unocal Corporation
               (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                              Unocal Corporation
   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required

[_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
         the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     (5) Total fee paid:


[_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
     Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
     was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1) Amount Previously Paid:


                                               Unocal Corporation
                                               2141 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 4000
                                               El Segundo, California 90245

                                    UNOCAL [LOGO]

                                               April 9, 2001
Dear Stockholder:

     Please  accept my  personal  invitation  to attend  our  Annual  Meeting of
Stockholders  on Monday,  May 21, 2001. It will be held in the auditorium at the
Company's  Hartley  Center,  376 South Valencia Avenue in Brea,  California,  at
10:00  A.M.  to elect four  directors,  ratify the  appointment  of  independent
accountants,  approve the 2001 Directors' Deferred  Compensation and Stock Award
Plan,  and vote on three  stockholder  proposals.  Before the  conclusion of the
Meeting, there will be a period for questions.

     If you are a  registered  stockholder  and plan to attend the  Stockholders
Meeting,  please  mark the  attendance  box on your  proxy  card and  bring  the
tear-off admission ticket with you to the Meeting. If you are a beneficial owner
of Unocal stock held by a bank, broker or other nominee (with your stock held in
"street name"),  you will need proof of ownership to be admitted to the Meeting.
A recent brokerage statement or a letter from the bank or broker are examples of
proof of ownership.  Stockholders will be asked for identification for admission
to the Meeting.

     Your vote is important. I urge you to submit your proxy as soon as possible
so that your shares will be represented. This year, most stockholders have their
choice of three  methods to vote by proxy (phone voting is restricted to callers
in the U.S. and Canada)

          o Mail, using the  enclosed  proxy card and return  envelope
          o Phone, using the 800 number provided on the proxy card
          o Internet, using the website provided on the proxy card

     Thank you very much for your continued interest and support.


                                      /s/ John W. Creighton, Jr.

                                      John W. Creighton, Jr.
                                      Chairman of the Board of Directors

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


Invitation from the Chairman..............................................................................   Cover

Notice of 2001 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.............................................................    i

Proxy Statement...........................................................................................    1

General Information.......................................................................................    1

Item 1.   Election of Directors...........................................................................    2
2000 Board Meetings.......................................................................................    5
Board Committee Meetings and Functions....................................................................    5
Directors' Compensation...................................................................................    7
Security Ownership of Management..........................................................................    8
Executive Compensation....................................................................................    9
   Report of the Management Development and Compensation Committee........................................    9
   Performance Graph-- Cumulative Return to Stockholders..................................................    13
Indebtedness of Management................................................................................    22
Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners...........................................................    23

Item 2.   Ratification of Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
             as Independent  Accountants..................................................................    23
Report of the Accounting & Auditing Committee.............................................................    23
Audit Fees................................................................................................    24
All Other Fees............................................................................................    24

Item 3.   Approval of 2001 Directors' Deferred Compensation
              and Stock Award Plan........................................................................    25

Item 4.   Stockholder Proposal: Workplace code of conduct
              based on ILO conventions....................................................................    30

Item 5.   Stockholder Proposal: Executive compensation review and report..................................    32

Item 6.   Stockholder Proposal: Selection of Board of Directors candidates................................    34

Item 7.   Other Matters...................................................................................    35

Stockholder Proposals for 2002 Annual Meeting.............................................................    36

Exhibit A:  Accounting & Auditing Committee Charter.......................................................   A-1

Exhibit B:  2001 Directors' Deferred Compensation and Stock Award Plan....................................   B-1

                                 Notice of 2001
                                 Annual Meeting
                                 of Stockholders

                       UNOCAL [LOGO]

                                 Unocal Corporation

     The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Unocal Corporation (the "Company"), a
Delaware corporation,  will be held in the auditorium at The Hartley Center, 376
South Valencia  Avenue in Brea,  California,  on Monday,  May 21, 2001, at 10:00
A.M., Pacific Daylight Time, for the following purposes:

     (1)  To elect four directors for  three-year  terms that will expire at the
          annual meeting in 2004;

     (2)  To  ratify  the  action  of  the  Board  of  Directors  in  appointing
          PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as the Company's  independent  accountants
          for 2001;

     (3)  To approve the 2001 Directors'  Deferred  Compensation and Stock Award

     (4)  To consider and act upon the three stockholder  proposals described in
          the accompanying Proxy Statement, if presented at the Meeting; and

     (5)  To consider and act upon such other matters as may properly be brought
          before the Meeting and any adjournment thereof.

     Only stockholders of record at the close of business on March 22, 2001, are
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting and any adjournment thereof.

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        /s/ Brigitte M. Dewez

                                        Brigitte M. Dewez
                                        Corporate Secretary

April 9, 2001
El Segundo, California


                                        Proxy Statement

                          [LOGO HERE]

                                        Unocal Corporation
                                        2141 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 4000
                                        El Segundo, California 90245

     This Proxy  Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies  by the Board of  Directors  of Unocal  Corporation  (the  "Company"  or
"Unocal"), a Delaware corporation, for use at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
of the Company to be held on May 21, 2001, and any adjournment thereof, pursuant
to the notice of the Meeting.

     The notice of Annual Meeting and this proxy  statement,  proxy card and the
Company's 2000 Annual Report are being sent to stockholders on or about April 9,

     Only common stockholders of record on the books of the Company at the close
of  business  on  March  22,  2001,  are  entitled  to  vote at the  Meeting.  A
stockholder  of record is  entitled  to one vote for each share of common  stock
owned.  As of February 28, 2001,  the Company had  243,105,407  shares of common
stock   outstanding.   Under  Delaware  law,  shares  voted  by  brokers  as  to
discretionary  matters only and shares abstaining will be counted as present for
the  purpose  of  determining  whether  there is a  quorum.  With  regard to the
election of directors,  votes that are withheld  will be excluded  entirely from
the  vote  and will  have no  effect.  Abstentions  on Item 2  (ratification  of
appointment  of  independent  accountants),  Item 3 (approval of the  directors'
plan),  and Items 4, 5 and 6  (stockholder  proposals)  will have the  effect of
negative votes. Pursuant to the rules of the New York Stock Exchange, only Items
4, 5 and 6 (stockholder proposals) are  "non-discretionary."  Brokers who do not
receive  instructions  from their  clients will not have  discretion  to vote on
Items 4, 5 and 6, and these broker "non votes" will not be counted as votes cast
for determining their outcome.

                               GENERAL INFORMATION

     The Board of Directors is soliciting  this proxy.  The Company will pay the
cost of  soliciting  proxies.  In  addition  to  solicitation  by mail,  certain
directors,  officers  and  employees  of the  Company and its  subsidiaries  may
solicit proxies by telephone, personal interview, electronic mail, facsimile and
other  written  communication.  The Company  also has retained D. F. King & Co.,
Inc.,  New York,  New York, to assist in the  solicitation  of proxies for a fee
estimated to be $16,000 plus reimbursement of out-of-pocket  expenses. The Board
of Directors has appointed Messrs.  Timothy H. Ling and Dennis P.R. Codon as the
proxy holders for the Annual Meeting.

     All  stockholders  may vote by signing,  dating and  returning  their proxy
cards in the  enclosed  pre-addressed  envelopes.  Registered  stockholders  may
instead  choose  to vote by  telephone  (from  U.S.  and  Canada  locations)  or
electronically  through  the  internet,  using the  toll-free  number or website
listed on the proxy card,  or in person at the Meeting.  If you are a beneficial
owner of Unocal stock held by a bank,  broker or other  nominee (with your stock
held in "street  name"),  please read your voting card to determine  whether you
may vote by telephone or  electronically  through the  internet,  following  the
instructions on the card. A "street name"  stockholder who wishes to vote at the
Meeting will need to obtain a proxy from the record holder.


     A registered stockholder who has provided a proxy may revoke it at any time
before the shares are voted at the Meeting by executing a later-dated  proxy, by
providing new  instructions  using the proxy  telephone or internet  system,  by
voting by ballot at the Meeting,  or by filing an instrument of revocation  with
the  Inspector  of  Elections.  The proxy  tallying  agent will record your vote
according to the  instructions  which it receives  last,  regardless of when you
transmitted the instructions.

     Unocal's Board of Directors wishes to encourage  stockholder  participation
in  corporate  governance  by its  policy of  ensuring  the  confidentiality  of
stockholder votes. The Company retains  independent third parties to receive and
tabulate  stockholder  votes.  The manner in which any stockholder  votes on any
particular  issue shall,  subject to any federal or state law  requirements,  be
strictly confidential.

     The Board of Directors considers that some registered stockholders may want
the Company to know how they have voted and the  Company,  where  possible,  may
wish to inquire as to how  stockholders  have voted.  If you want the Company to
have access to your proxy card,  you may check the box marked  "OPEN  BALLOT" on
the proxy card and your proxy will be made  available to the Company.  Your vote
will remain confidential if you do not check the "OPEN BALLOT" box.

     Registered  stockholders  who have computer access to the World Wide Web on
the internet and agree to receive future annual reports and proxy  statements by
accessing the Company's web site should check the  "Electronic  Delivery" box on
the proxy card.  If you check this box, we will inform you of the web address to
access  these  documents  electronically,  and we will not mail paper  copies of
future  annual  reports and proxy  statements  to you unless you  request  paper

                                     ITEM 1.
                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The Board of  Directors is divided  into three  classes.  Directors in each
class are normally  elected for three-year  terms or until their  successors are
duly  elected  and  qualified.  There are four  nominees  for  three-year  terms
expiring  at the annual  meeting in 2004.  The terms of the other six  Directors
will continue as indicated below.

     If any nominee becomes  unavailable or disqualified to serve as a director,
and if the Board  designates a substitute  nominee,  the proxy holders will vote
for the substitute nominee designated by the Board.

     Information about the persons nominated for election as directors,  as well
as those Directors continuing in office, is set forth on the following pages.

     Directors are elected by a plurality of the votes of the shares entitled to
vote on the election and present, in person or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.

     The proxy  holders  will  vote the  proxies  received  by them FOR the four
nominees,  unless authorization to vote for the election of any nominee has been



Frank C. Herringer

Transamerica Corporation
Age: 58
Director since 1989

     Mr. Herringer has been Chairman of Transamerica Corporation since 1996, and
     a director since 1986. He also served as Transamerica's President from 1986
     and its Chief Executive Officer from 1991 until the company was acquired by
     AEGON N.V. in 1999.  He served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the
     combined  AEGON  -  Transamerica  operations,  and he was a  member  of the
     Executive Board of AEGON N.V. with  responsibilities for activities in Asia
     and for the non-insurance operations of Transamerica, until May 2000. He is
     also a director of Charles  Schwab & Company,  Inc.,  and  Mirapoint,  Inc.

Charles R. Larson

Former Commander-in-Chief,
U.S. Pacific Command,
U.S. Navy
Age: 64
Nominee for director

     Adm.  Larson served as  Superintendent  of the U.S. Naval Academy from 1994
     until he retired in 1998 with more than 40 years of naval  service.  He was
     Commander-in-Chief  of the U.S.  Pacific  Command from 1991 to 1994.  He is
     also a director of Northrop Grumman  Corporation and  Constellation  Energy
     Group Inc.

Marina v.N. Whitman

Professor of Business Administration and Public Policy,
University of Michigan
Age:  66
Director since 1993

     Dr.  Whitman has been a Professor at the University of Michigan since 1992.
     She is also a  director  of Alcoa,  Inc.,  Procter & Gamble  Company,  J.P.
     Morgan Chase & Co., and  Intelliseek.  Dr. Whitman also serves as a member,
     director, or trustee of several educational and professional organizations.

Charles R. Williamson

Chief Executive Officer,
Unocal Corporation
Age:   52
Director since 2000

         Mr.  Williamson has been Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company since
         January 1, 2001. He was Executive Vice President,  International Energy
         Operations,  from March 1999 through  December 2000. He served as Group
         Vice President,  Asia Operations,  in 1998 and 1999,  having previously
         served as Group Vice President,  International Operations,  since 1996.
         Mr. Williamson was Vice President, Planning and Economics, from 1995 to



James W. Crownover

Former Director,
McKinsey & Company, Inc.
Age: 57
Director since 1998

     Mr. Crownover completed a 30-year career with McKinsey & Company,  Inc., at
     the end of 1998. He headed that firm's  regional  practice in the Southwest
     between 1984 and 1994. He also  co-headed  the energy  practice for several
     years and  served  on  McKinsey's  Shareholders  Committee  (its  20-person
     elected board of directors) between 1990 and 1998. Currently, Mr. Crownover
     serves as a director  of Great Lakes  Chemical  Corporation,  Altra  Energy
     Technologies, and Xpedior Inc.

Timothy H. Ling

President and Chief Operating Officer,
Unocal Corporation
Age 43
Director since 2000

     Mr. Ling has been  President and Chief  Operating  Officer since January 1,
     2001. He was Executive Vice  President,  North American  Energy  Operations
     from March 1999  through  December  2000 and Chief  Financial  Officer from
     October  1997 to May 2000.  He was a partner of  McKinsey & Company,  Inc.,
     from 1994 to October 1997.  Mr. Ling is also a director of Pure  Resources,

Donald B. Rice

President and Chief Executive Officer,
UroGenesys, Inc. (biotechnology)
Age: 61
Director since 1998

     Dr. Rice has been President and Chief Executive Officer of UroGenesys, Inc.
     since its founding in 1996. From 1993 until 1996 Dr. Rice was President and
     Chief  Operating  Officer  and a director  of  Teledyne,  Inc. He is also a
     director of Wells Fargo & Company,  Vulcan Materials  Company,  Amgen Inc.,
     and Scios Inc., where he also serves as Chairman of the Board.


John W. Amerman

Former Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer,
Mattel, Inc. (children's toys)
Age: 69
Director since 1991

     Mr. Amerman served as the Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer of Mattel,
     Inc.  from 1987 through  1996.  He  continued to serve as Chairman  through
     October 1997 and stepped down as director of Mattel in 1998. Mr. Amerman is
     also a director of Aegis Group plc.


John W. Creighton, Jr.

Chairman of the Board of Directors,
Unocal Corporation
Age:  68
Director since 1995

     Mr. Creighton was elected Chairman of the Board of Unocal effective January
     1,  2001.  He was  Weyerhaeuser  Company's  President  and Chief  Executive
     Officer  from 1991  through  1997 and a director of that  company from 1988
     through 1998. Mr.  Creighton is also a Director of UAL Corporation  (United

Kevin W. Sharer

Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
Amgen, Inc. (biotechnology)
Age:  53
Director since 1997

     Mr. Sharer became Chairman of the Board of Amgen, Inc. in January, 2001. He
     has been Amgen's Chief Executive Officer since May 2000, and its President,
     Chief Operating Officer and a director since 1992.


     The Board of Directors held 13 meetings in 2000.


     The following table shows the standing committees of the Board of Directors
and their  members,  the number of committee  meetings  held during 2000 and the
functions performed by the committees.

         Committee                                        Committee Functions

  ACCOUNTING & AUDITING*                                  Assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight
  Meetings: 9                                             responsibilities for the reliability of the Company's
                                                          financial reporting, including: disclosures that
  James W. Crownover**                                    reasonably portray its financial condition, results of
  John W. Creighton, Jr.                                  operations and plans and long term commitments,
  Marina v.N. Whitman                                     the adequacy of internal operating policies and
                                                          controls,   and  quality  and   performance   of  the
                                                          Internal  Audit Department, Comptroller group and
                                                          independent accountants.

                                                                                      (Table continued on next page)


  BOARD GOVERNANCE*                                       Recommends to the Board the composition, role,
  Meetings: 7                                             structure and procedures of the Board and its
  John W. Amerman**
  Frank C. Herringer                                      Makes recommendations to improve the functionality and
  Donald B. Rice                                          effectiveness of the Board and its committees.
  Kevin W. Sharer
                                                          Identifies and presents candidates for election as directors
                                                          of the Company. Considers qualified candidates for directors
                                                          recommended by stockholders, who may recommend candidates by
                                                          writing to the Corporate Secretary of the Company.
  EXECUTIVE                                               Has the powers and authority of the Board during
  Meetings: 1                                             the periods between Board meetings, except for
                                                          those powers specifically reserved to the full Board
  John W. Creighton, Jr.**                                by the Delaware General Corporation Law or the
  John W. Amerman                                         Company's Bylaws.
  Frank C. Herringer
  Donald B. Rice
  Charles R. Williamson
  CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY*                               Reviews the implementation of the Company's
  Meetings: 7                                             Vision and Values Statement as it relates to
                                                          corporate responsibility.
  Marina v.N. Whitman**
  John W. Creighton, Jr.                                  Reviews significant legal or other matters involving
  James W. Crownover                                      health, environment, safety, human resources,
                                                          community affairs and development, or ethical
  MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT                                  Establishes the base salaries of senior officers.
  Meetings: 9                                             Administers all management incentive compensation
  Frank C. Herringer**
  John W. Amerman                                         Reviews the performance of the Chief Executive
  Donald B. Rice                                          Officer and succession plans for senior
  Kevin W. Sharer                                         management.

                                                          Reviews  the  responsibilities  and  performance  of
                                                          senior officers.

                                                          (Retains an outside consultant to advise it
                                                          on these matters).
RETIREMENT  PLAN*                                         Oversees  the  management  of the assets of the
Meetings:  4                                              Company's  Retirement  Plan,  which  includes  setting
                                                          investment   objectives, establishing asset allocation
James W. Crownover**                                      strategy and supervising the selection  and
John W.  Creighton,  Jr.                                  replacement  of  investment  managers, consultants
John W. Amerman                                           and trustees.

  *   Composed entirely of non-employee directors
  **  Serves as Chair of the Committee



Cash Compensation and Expenses

     The annual retainer for each non-employee Director is $25,000. The Chairman
also receives an annual  retainer of $200,000.  Non-employee  Directors  receive
$3,000 for each one-day Board meeting attended,  $1,000 for each Board committee
meeting attended, and an annual retainer fee of $6,000 for chairing a committee.
All directors are reimbursed for  out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred in attending
meetings and Company  business.  The Chairman  receives a monthly office expense
allowance of $3,000.  Directors who are also employees of the Company receive no
additional compensation for services as Directors.

Stock Compensation

     The Directors' Restricted Stock Units Plan (the "1991 Directors' Plan") for
non-employee  Directors was approved by the Company's stockholders in 1991 for a
term of 10 years and  authorizes  the  issuance of up to an aggregate of 300,000
shares  of  common  stock.  The  1991  Directors'  Plan is  administered  by the
Management Committee.  The 1991 Directors' Plan was amended such that, beginning
with the annual  grant for 1996 and for  elective  deferred  compensation  after
August 31, 1996, restricted stock units replaced restricted shares.

     Under the 1991  Directors'  Plan each  non-employee  Director  receives  an
annual  grant of  restricted  stock  units  equal in value to 20  percent of the
Directors' fees earned during the prior year.

     The 1991  Directors'  Plan also has allowed each  non-employee  director to
make an annual election to defer all or a portion of cash fees for the following
year into  restricted  stock units which are ultimately to be paid out in shares
of common stock. This provided the non-employee directors with an opportunity to
increase  their  stockholdings,  which  further  aligns  the  interests  of  the
non-employee  directors with those of other  stockholders.  In consideration for
foregoing the current cash compensation, the value of the restricted stock units
is equal to 120 percent of the fees deferred. Six of the seven outside directors
elected  to defer  some or all of their  2000 cash fees  into  restricted  stock

     The  restriction  period for the  restricted  stock units is generally five
years,  subject to the provisions of the 1991 Directors' Plan. Each director may
elect to defer the  receipt of his or her  compensation  for a longer  period of
time. The restricted  stock units  accumulate in each  Director's  account,  and
dividend  equivalent amounts are credited as additional  restricted stock units.
At the end of the later of the  restriction  or deferral  period for each annual
grant or annual  elective  deferral,  shares of common stock are issued equal to
the number of accumulated restricted stock units.

     Restricted  stock units cannot be sold,  transferred,  or pledged,  and are
subject to certain  risks of  forfeiture  during  the  restricted  period if the
director is dismissed for cause,  refuses to stand for reelection or resigns for
a reason other than "Good Cause," as broadly defined in the 1991 Plan.

     Except for dividend equivalents,  no additional restricted stock units will
be credited  under the 1991  Directors'  Plan after April 30,  2001,  the plan's
expiration   date   (see,   however,   the   paragraph   captioned   "Accounting
Considerations"  under Item 3 on page 28 of this proxy statement).  Stockholders
will be voting on a new directors' plan at the Annual  Meeting.  The new plan is
described in Item 3, starting on page 25 of this proxy  statement,  and the full
text of the plan is  attached  as Exhibit B.  Directors  will have the choice of
rolling over their restricted stock units  outstanding under the 1991 Directors'
Plan into  restricted  stock units under the new plan,  subject to the terms and
conditions  of the  new  plan.  If the  new  plan is  approved,  the  directors'
compensation  will be increased  as described in Item 3 to include,  among other
benefits, stock options.



     The  following  table  shows  the  beneficial  ownership  of  shares of the
Company's  common  stock as of February  28, 2001,  by all  directors,  director
nominees,  named executive officers, and all directors and executive officers as
a group.

                                         Sole            Shared
                                       Voting or       Voting or      Acquirable       Total         Restricted
                                      Investment       Investment     Within 60      Beneficial         Stock
                Name                     Power           Power         Days(A)       Ownership        Units(B)

John W. Amerman                                          7,574                          7,574          11,913
Roger C. Beach                        196,003          105,136        326,894         628,033
Dennis P.R. Codon                     121,123                          42,872         163,995
John W. Creighton, Jr.                  1,000                                           1,000          16,310
James W. Crownover                      5,000                                           5,000           5,939
Terry G. Dallas                                                         16,250         16,250
Charles R. Larson
Frank C. Herringer                       400(C)         51,332                         51,732          13,828
Timothy H. Ling                      209,969                            55,000        264,969
Donald B. Rice                                           7,200                          7,200             555
Lucius E. Scott, Jr.                  30,028                            54,454         84,482
Kevin W. Sharer                        1,000                                            1,000          8,556
Marina v.N. Whitman                    3,890                                            3,890          6,674
Charles R. Williamson                 195,010           12,339          44,270        251,619
All directors and executive           803,136          176,381         589,257      1,568,774         63,775
officers as a group
(15 persons, including
those listed above)(D)


(A)  Reflects  the  number of shares  that could be  purchased  by  exercise  of
     options  exercisable on or within 60 days from February 28, 2001.  Excludes
     shares  underlying  performance stock options that were forfeited March 30,
     2001, because the vesting conditions were not met.

(B)  Represents  restricted stock units granted under the Directors'  Restricted
     Stock Units Plan.  The units are  evidenced  by  bookkeeping  entries,  and
     participants  have no voting or  investment  power.  Each unit is converted
     into one share of common  stock at the end of the later of the  restriction
     or deferral period. For this disclosure, the units have been rounded to the
     nearest whole number.

(C)  Held by Mr. Herringer as custodian for his daughter.

(D)  The 1,568,774 shares beneficially owned by all directors, director nominees
     and  executive  officers as a group were less than one percent  (1%) of the
     common stock outstanding.  No 6 1/4% Trust Convertible Preferred Securities
     of Unocal Capital Trust were owned by directors or executive officers.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

         Report of the Management Development and Compensation Committee

     This report of the Management Development and Compensation Committee of the
Board of  Directors  (the  "Committee")  describes  the  executive  compensation
programs and policies of the Company,  including  its  short-term  and long-term
incentive compensation plans. Key elements of the compensation program are:

     o Compensation Committee members are non-employees

     o Salaries are based on  comparisons  with  petroleum  and energy  industry

     o Long-term incentives are based on stock performance

     o Short-term  incentives use a combination of stock performance,  financial
       performance and operational results

     o The peer group of  companies  was changed for 2001 to reflect the current
       business mix of the Company and changes in the petroleum industry

     o Committee  retains and is  assisted by an outside  consultant,  Strategic
       Compensation Associates

     The Committee,  composed entirely of non-employee directors, is responsible
for setting and  administering the annual and long-term  compensation  programs.
The Committee  reviews and determines  executive  officer salaries and incentive
awards under the Management  Incentive  Program.  The Committee also administers
the Executive  Stock Purchase  Program.  The Committee is assisted by an outside
consultant,  and has  delegated  certain  administrative  responsibilities  with
respect to salaries and incentive awards for non-executive officers to the Chief
Executive  Officer ("CEO").  The consultant and the CEO are present at Committee
meetings but cannot vote. The Committee meets outside the presence of the CEO on
certain matters,  including CEO compensation and certain  succession issues. The
Committee met nine times in 2000.

     The 1998 Management Incentive Program,  consisting of the Revised Incentive
Compensation Plan, the Performance Stock Option Plan and the Long-Term Incentive
Plan of 1998,  was  developed  to reinforce  the goal of creating  value for the
stockholders. The Program, approved by the stockholders in 1998 and subsequently
amended with  stockholder  approval in 2000,  explicitly  links  short-term  and
long-term  incentive  compensation  to the Company's  share price plus dividends
(Total  Shareholder Return or "TSR") compared to that of a group of companies in
energy and energy-related businesses (the "Peer Group").

     The Peer Group is designed to have a composite business mix that is similar
to that of the Company as of the  beginning of an award period.  Therefore,  the
effects of commodity  prices and other external events should be similar for the
Company and the Peer Group. The companies comprising the Peer Group are reviewed
periodically  and changed as the lines of business  of these  companies,  and of
Unocal, change. Once the Peer Group is established for a particular award, it is
not  altered  for the award  period.  The Peer Group for 2000  Awards  under the
Management  Incentive  Program  consisted  of 15  companies  that,  as a  group,
reflected Unocal's current lines of business.  For 2001 Awards,  three companies

added and two companies were deleted, resulting in a Peer Group of 16 companies.
These changes,  in part,  reflected  continuing  restructuring  in the petroleum

     It is the  Committee's  belief  and  intention  that  applicable  executive
compensation paid or accrued in 2000 under the Management Incentive Program will
be fully deductible as performance-based  compensation under the requirements of
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.


     The base salaries of the CEO and the other executive  officers are reviewed
annually   and  when  there  is  a   significant   change  in  the   executive's
responsibilities.  The Committee considers the responsibilities,  experience and
performance of the executive  officers and survey data on the compensation  paid
by energy and  petroleum-related  companies for similar positions.  In 2000, the
Committee  selected a group of 11 companies  to use to compare  salary and other
compensation  ("Compensation Peer Group"). All of these companies were also part
of the Peer Group used for  comparative  stockholder  returns.  Following such a
review in 2000,  the salary of the former  CEO,  Mr.  Beach,  was  increased  to
$950,004.  For 2001, the  Compensation  Peer Group remains at 11 companies,  but
four of the companies were changed,  as a result of acquisitions in the industry
and in order to utilize companies of similar asset size to Unocal's.

     The objective of the Committee is to establish  base salaries that are near
the  median  paid  by  the  companies  in  the  Compensation  Peer  Group,  with
adjustments for reporting  relationships,  responsibilities and job scope. After
increases to the base salary of the executive officers for 2000, the salaries of
those  officers  as a  group  and  that of the CEO  were  at  approximately  the
estimated median of comparative salaries of the surveyed companies.

Revised Incentive Compensation Plan

     The Revised Incentive  Compensation Plan is the Company's annual bonus plan
for senior and middle management.  Each award period under the Plan is one year.
The annual bonus pool for a calendar year equals 2% of the  Company's  "Net Cash
Provided by Operating  Activities,"  which is the maximum  amount of annual cash
bonuses which could be granted in a calendar year.

     The  Committee  establishes  a percentage of this bonus pool as the maximum
target award for the CEO and certain  other  executive  officers.  The Committee
also establishes  individual target awards for the remaining  participants based
on salary grade.

     For calendar  year 2000 the  Committee  approved a bonus award payout based
one-half on Comparative  Return to Shareholders and one-half on a combination of
financial  performance  (Return on Capital  Employed  and Free Cash Flow) and an
evaluation of activities affecting future performance. While the Company met the
financial and future  performance  measures,  the Company's TSR of 10% was below
the 30th percentile established for any payment under that criteria.  Therefore,
awards were reduced to 50% of target amounts.

     The Plan  provides  for  deferral  of awards  into  restricted  stock.  The
Committee  determined in early 2000 that to better align senior  management with
stockholders,  a minimum of 50% of awards  for  calendar  year 2000  performance
would be paid in the form of  restricted  stock.  This  portion of the award was
increased by 50% to compensate for foregoing cash  compensation and for the risk
of forfeiture. A recipient could elect to receive up to an additional 50% of the
award  in the  form of  restricted  stock,  which  was  increased  by  25%.  The
restriction  period  varies  between  four  and  five  years,  depending  on the
percentage  of the award  deferred.  The  award is  forfeited  if the  recipient
resigns or is terminated for cause prior to the end of the  restriction  period,
unless the  participant  retires at or after age 65. Mr.  Beach was not eligible
for deferrals since he retired prior to payment of his 2000 award. The Company's
other seven  executive  officers had an average of 70% of their awards  deferred
into restricted stock.


Performance Stock Option Plan

     The Performance Stock Option Plan ("PSOP") was approved by the stockholders
in 1998 as part of the 1998  Management  Incentive  Program.  Initial  awards of
3,000,000  shares  under the PSOP were made in 1998,  including  750,000  to Mr.
Beach. These grants were made in lieu of market price options for the years 1998
through  2000.  In order for the  options to have become  exercisable  after the
three year  performance  period that ended March 30,  2001,  either (i) the fair
market  value of the shares had to be greater  than  $51.012 for 10 trading days
(during a 20 consecutive  trading day period) or (ii) the Company's  Comparative
Return to  Stockholders  had to be in the top quartile of the Peer Group for the
performance  period.  Since  neither  condition  was met during  the  three-year
performance period, the options were forfeited.

Executive Stock Purchase Program

     The Executive  Stock Purchase  program was approved by  stockholders at the
2000  Annual  Meeting.  Mr.  Beach  and nine  other  participants  (including  3
executive officers) received  interest-bearing,  full recourse loans to purchase
shares of Unocal common stock (see page 22 of this proxy  statement).  By having
the  executive  invest  in the  shares of the  Company,  the  Program  links the
participant's  interests with other stockholders by having his assets subject to
the risks and rewards of Unocal stock ownership.

     The program  resulted in the  participants  acquiring  1,150,310  shares of
stock,  which they continue to hold, thus aligning their interests with those of
other  stockholders.  A total of  599,690  shares  remain  available  under  the

Long-Term Incentive Plan

     The Long-Term  Incentive Plan of 1998 (the "1998 Plan") is  administered by
the  Committee.  Awards  may be in the  form  of  non-qualified  stock  options,
performance shares,  performance bonus awards and restricted stock. The previous
plan, The Long-Term  Incentive Plan of 1991 (the "1991 Plan"), also provided for
grants of non-qualified stock options, performance shares and restricted stock.

     In 1997, the Committee  awarded a target number of performance  share units
to the CEO and certain other of the executive officers for the 1997 through 2000
performance period under the 1991 Plan. Each unit is the equivalent of one share
of the Company's common stock. The awards are dependent on the executive's level
of responsibility and base compensation. Mr. Beach's award was 15,000 units.

     The actual payout of awards at the end of the four-year  performance period
is  determined  by how the  Company's  return  to  stockholders  for the  period
compares  to that of the Peer Group.  The  maximum  number of shares that can be
paid out is 200% of the performance shares granted, and the maximum value of the
payout  cannot  exceed  400% of the Fair Market  Value of the  initial  award of
performance  shares.  During the 1997 to 2000 performance  period, the Company's
average annual return to stockholders was slightly below the average of the Peer
Group.  Therefore,  for that performance period, 84.6% of the performance shares
awarded was paid out to the  participants,  including Mr.  Beach.  These payouts
were made in cash.

     Option grants are normally made in February or March of each calendar year.
Prior option grants are not  considered in making these awards.  Currently,  the
only numerical  restrictions on grants are the total number of shares  available
under the 1998 Plan and the limitation  that no person may be granted during any
12-month period options to acquire more then 100,000 shares. The option exercise
price  under  the 1998  Plan is the  fair  market  value  on the date of  grant.
Exercise of the option results in  compensation to the employee only if the fair
market value on the date of exercise exceeds the price on the date granted.  Mr.
Beach and other  recipients  of initial  PSOP grants were not eligible for stock
option  grants in 1998,  1999 and 2000  except in the event of a  promotion.  In
connection with Mr.  Williamson's  promotion to Chief Executive  Officer and Mr.
Ling's promotion to President and Chief Operating Officer, each received 100,000
options in December, 2000.


     The number of options  granted to the  executive  officers is determined by
reviewing  option grants for similar  positions by the surveyed  companies.  The
compensation  value of the option grants to the executive officers as a group is
also compared to option grants and  compensation  data  available from the proxy
statements  of other large  public  companies.  Since the total number of shares
available  under the 1998 Plan and the PSOP is less  than  five  percent  of the
outstanding shares,  individual grants during the term of the 1998 Plan were not
of such  magnitude  as to warrant  review of  possible  dilutive  effects on the
Company's stock.

         In 2000 the stockholders  approved  Performance  Bonus Awards under the
1998 Plan.  Performance  Bonuses are payable based on the Company's  comparative
TSR and absolute share price. The payment matrix for the CEO and other executive
officers is  indicated  on page 18 of this proxy  statement.  Performance  Bonus
Awards were made only to participants in the Executive Stock Purchase Program.

         As described above, Unocal aligns management and stockholder  interests
by linking  executive  incentive  compensation  programs  to share price and the
creation  of  stockholder  value.  The  Long-Term  Incentive  Plan of 1998  also
provides for grants of restricted  stock to  executives,  managers and technical
employees whose performance and potential is exceptional. During the restriction
period,  the award is forfeited if the recipient resigns or is removed for cause
prior  to the end of the  restriction  period.  In  addition,  the  Company  has
incentive  programs  for other  employees  that  focus on  contributions  to the
success of the Company and its stockholders, including an Annual Incentive Plan,
Chairman's Awards and Special Recognition Awards.

                                 Management Development
                                 and Compensation Committee
                                 of the Board of Directors

                                 Frank C. Herringer, Chair
                                 John W. Amerman
                                 Donald B. Rice
                                 Kevin W. Sharer


                                Performance Graph

Cumulative Return To Stockholders*
December 31, 1995 to December 31, 2000


                        [PERFORMANCE GRAPH APPEARS HERE]

Measurement Period                      EXPLORATION
(Fiscal Year Covered)   UNOCAL          & PRODUCTION    S&P 500
---------------------   ------          ------------    -------
Measurement Pt - 1995   $100            $100            $100
FYE     1996            $144            $134            $122
FYE     1997            $139            $123            $164
FYE     1998            $107            $84             $210
FYE     1999            $125            $100            $254
FYE     2000            $125            $157            $229

* Share price changes plus reinvested dividends.

NOTE:      The S&P Oil & Gas  Exploration & Production  Index consists of Unocal
           and six other companies, which are also included in the Peer Group of
           companies used to compare Unocal's  stockholder  return for incentive
           compensation  purposes,  as explained in the Report of the Management
           Development and Compensation Committee beginning on page 9.

     The  preceding  Report  of  the  Management  Development  and  Compensation
Committee and  Performance  Graph shall not be deemed  incorporated by reference
into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities  Exchange Act
of 1934,  notwithstanding  any general  incorporation by reference of this Proxy
Statement into any other document or its inclusion as an exhibit thereto.


                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                              Annual Compensation                       Long Term Compensation
                                       -----------------------------------    ----------------------------------------
                                                                                    Awards                  Payouts
                                                                              -------------------------   -----------
                                                                  Other       Restricted    Securities
                                                                  Annual        Stock       Underlying      LTIP          All Other
        Name and                       Salary     Bonus        Compensation     Awards      Options/SARs   Payouts      Compensation
   Principal Position          Year   (Dollars) (Dollars)       (Dollars)(A)  (Dollars)(B)   (Number)     (Dollars)(C)    (Dollars)

Roger C. Beach                 2000   $915,386  $593,753(E)   $ 6,011         None          None          $461,789     $ 57,715(F)
  Former Chief                 1999    873,336   413,269(G)   191,591(H)      None          None           616,366       61,288(I)
  Executive Officer(D)         1998    848,339   237,450(E)    11,696         $263,513(J)    750,000(K)    564,171       57,974(L)
Charles R. Williamson          2000    436,931   186,761(N)     5,247         155,640(O)     100,000       113,908       26,321(P)
  Chief Executive Officer(M)   1999    348,336   137,756(G)     5,465         None           None          104,782       22,127(Q)
                               1998    291,668    55,000(E)     4,943         61,697(J)      300,000 (K)    87,446       18,170(R)
Timothy H. Ling                2000    492,310   186,761(N)     5,644         155,640(O)     100,000          None       26,469(T)
  President and                1999    452,500   165,308(G)     5,264         522,813(O)     None             None       39,464(U)
  Chief Operating Officer(S)   1998    396,668    95,000(E)     5,937         106,573(J)     350,000 (K)      None       20,847(V)
Terry G. Dallas                2000    213,464   121,861(X)      None         None            65,000          None        2,608(Y)
  Executive Vice President and
  Chief Financial Officer(W)
Dennis P.R. Codon              2000    335,004   146,219(Z)     5,247         None            None           98,515       20,250(AA)
  Senior Vice President,       1999    296,672    64,049(G)     7,077         None            161,717(BB)   141,764       17,951(CC)
  Chief Legal Officer and      1998    283,336    40,000(E)     5,661         58,214(J)       11,761        126,938        8,865(DD)
  General Counsel
Lucius E. Scott, Jr.           2000    320,004    57,468(EE)    4,665         47,919(O)       None          113,908    1,098,804(FF)
  Former Group Vice President, 1999    313,340    66,123(G)       549         None            None          154,092       20,134(GG)
  Diversified Business Group   1998    306,672    45,000(E)       750         50,493(J)       300,000(K)    126,938       19,186(HH)


(A)  Except  for  compensation  reported  for Mr.  Beach for 1999,  this  column
     excludes  perquisites  because  their  value  did not  meet  the  reporting
     threshold of the lesser of $50,000 or 10 percent of salary plus bonus.

(B)  Aggregate restricted stockholdings at year-end 2000 and value (based on the
     closing  price of Unocal  common  stock as  reported  on the New York Stock
     Exchange  Composite  Transactions  on December 29, 2000):  Mr. Beach 49,705
     shares, $1,922,962; Mr. Williamson 10,087 shares, $390,241; Mr. Ling 27,606
     shares,  $1,068,007; Mr. Codon 14,592 shares, $564,528; and Mr. Scott 8,667
     shares,  $335,305.  Mr.  Beach's  restricted  stock became  vested upon his
     termination  of  employment  on December  31, 2000.  Dividends  are paid on
     restricted stock.

(C)  Represents  payout  at the  end  of the  four-year  performance  period  of
     performance share units awarded under the Long-Term Incentive Plan of 1991.
     The dollar  values  listed for 1999 and 1998 were paid one-half in cash and
     one-half in shares of Unocal common stock.

(D)  Mr. Beach was Chief Executive Officer through December 31, 2000.

(E)  Amount paid in cash under the Revised Incentive Compensation Plan.

(F)  Amount  consisted  of Company  contributions  of $10,200  allocated  to the
     Unocal  Savings  Plan and  $45,229  allocated  to the  Unocal  Supplemental
     Savings Plan; and $2,286 reportable  accumulated  interest on deferred cash

(G)  Amount shown is the value of  restricted  stock awarded under the Long-Term
     Incentive  Plan of 1998 in lieu of an annual bonus.  Valuation for purposes
     of this  disclosure  was based on the closing market price of Unocal common
     stock on January 24, 2000, the date of the award.


(H)  Includes  $150,837 for  relocation  assistance  and payment of taxes on the
     assistance amount.

(I)  Amount consisted of Company contributions of $9,600 allocated to the Unocal
     Savings Plan and $49,798 allocated to the Unocal Supplemental Savings Plan;
     and $1,890 reportable accumulated interest on deferred cash bonuses.

(J)  Represents  the value of a  restricted  stock  award  elected  in lieu of a
     portion of a cash bonus  payment under the Revised  Incentive  Compensation
     Plan. The amount deferred into  restricted  stock was augmented by 20%. The
     number of restricted  shares was  determined  by using the average  closing
     price of Unocal  common  stock during the last 30 trading days of the year.
     Valuation for purposes of this  disclosure  is based on the closing  market
     price on January 26, 1999, the date of the award.

(K)  Performance  stock options granted at the option price of $51.012 in tandem
     with limited stock appreciation  rights ("TLSARs").  The options and TLSARs
     were forfeited on March 30, 2001,  because the vesting  conditions were not

(L)  Amount consisted of Company contributions of $9,600 allocated to the Unocal
     Savings Plan and $45,788 allocated to the Unocal Supplemental Savings Plan;
     and $2,586 reportable accumulated interest on deferred cash bonuses.

(M)  Mr. Williamson became Chief Executive Officer January 1, 2001. During 2000,
     Mr.  Williamson  served as Executive Vice President,  International  Energy

(N)  Represents the value of 5,359 shares of restricted  stock awarded under the
     Revised  Incentive  Compensation  Plan. The number of restricted shares was
     determined by using the average closing price of Unocal common stock during
     the last 30  trading  days of the  year.  Valuation  for  purposes  of this
     disclosure  was based on the closing  market price on February 5, 2001, the
     date of the award.

(O)  Represents the value of a restricted  stock award elected in lieu of all or
     a portion of a cash bonus payment under the Revised Incentive  Compensation
     Plan.  The amount  deferred into  restricted  stock was augmented by 25% to
     compensate  for the risk of  forfeiture  and to  promote  management  stock
     ownership.  The number of  restricted  shares was  determined  by using the
     average  closing  price of Unocal  common  stock during the last 30 trading
     days of the year.  Valuation for purposes of this  disclosure  was based on
     the closing market price on the date of the award.

(P)  Amount  consisted  of Company  contributions  of $10,200  allocated  to the
     Unocal  Savings  Plan and  $16,121  allocated  to the  Unocal  Supplemental
     Savings Plan.

(Q)  Amount consisted of Company contributions of $9,600 allocated to the Unocal
     Savings Plan and $12,527 allocated to the Unocal Supplemental Savings Plan.

(R)  Amount  consisted of $9,600 Company  contributions  allocated to the Unocal
     Savings Plan and $8,570 allocated to the Unocal Supplemental Savings Plan.

(S)  Mr. Ling became  President and Chief Operating  Officer on January 1, 2001.
     During 2000,  Mr. Ling served as Executive Vice  President,  North American
     Energy  Operations.  He also served as Chief  Financial  Officer until May,

(T)  Amount consisted of Company contributions of $6,646 allocated to the Unocal
     Savings Plan and $19,470 allocated to the Unocal Supplemental Savings Plan;
     and $353 reportable accumulated interest on deferred cash bonuses.

                                              (Footnotes continued on next page)


(U)  Amount  consisted of $6,075 Company  contributions  allocated to the Unocal
     Savings Plan and $33,139 allocated to the Unocal Supplemental Savings Plan;
     and $250 reportable accumulated interest on deferred cash bonuses.

(V)  Amount  consisted of $6,200 Company  contributions  allocated to the Unocal
     Savings Plan and $14,552 allocated to the Unocal Supplemental Savings Plan;
     and $95 reportable accumulated interest on a deferred cash bonus.

(W)  Mr. Dallas became  Executive Vice President in February,  2001. He has been
     Chief Financial Officer since joining the Company in May, 2000.

(X)  Paid in a combination of $50,000 cash and 2,062 shares of restricted  stock
     under the Revised  Incentive  Compensation  Plan.  The number of restricted
     shares was  determined by using the average  closing price of Unocal common
     stock during the last 30 trading days of the year.  Valuation  for purposes
     of this  disclosure  is based on the  closing  market  price on February 5,
     2001, the date of the award.

(Y)  Amount  of  Company  contributions  allocated  to the  Unocal  Supplemental
     Savings Plan.

(Z)  Paid in a combination of $60,000 cash and 2,474 shares of restricted  stock
     under the Revised  Incentive  Compensation  Plan.  The number of restricted
     shares was  determined by using the average  closing price of Unocal common
     stock during the last 30 trading days of the year.  Valuation  for purposes
     of this  disclosure  is based on the  closing  market  price on February 5,
     2001, the date of the award.

(AA) Amount  consisted  of Company  contributions  of $10,200  allocated  to the
     Unocal Savings Plan and $9,987 allocated to the Unocal Supplemental Savings
     Plan; and $63 reportable accumulated interest on deferred cash bonuses.

(BB) Number shown  includes  150,000  performance  stock options  granted at the
     option  price of $51.012 with TSLARs.  The  performance  options and TSLARs
     were forfeited on March 30, 2001,  because the vesting  conditions were not

(CC) Amount consisted of Company contributions of $9,600 allocated to the Unocal
     Savings Plan and $8,249 allocated to the Unocal Supplemental  Savings Plan;
     and $102 reportable accumulated interest on deferred cash bonuses.

(DD) Amount consisted of Company contributions of $1,300 allocated to the Unocal
     Savings Plan and $7,444 allocated to the Unocal Supplemental  Savings Plan;
     and $121 reportable accumulated interest on deferred cash bonuses.

(EE) Represents the value of 1,649 shares of restricted  stock awarded under the
     Revised  Incentive  Compensation  Plan. The number of restricted shares was
     determined by using the average closing price of Unocal common stock during
     the last 30  trading  days of the  year.  Valuation  for  purposes  of this
     disclosure  is based on the closing  market price on February 5, 2001,  the
     date of the award.

(FF) Amount consisted of $10,200 Company  contributions  allocated to the Unocal
     Savings Plan and $9,099 allocated to the Unocal Supplemental  Savings Plan;
     $56,093 paid in lieu of accrued vacation; and $1,023,412 for payments under
     a termination agreement.  The termination agreement is described on page 20
     under the caption  "Employment  Contracts,  Termination  of Employment  and
     Change of Control Arrangements."

(GG) Amount  consisted of $9,600 Company  contributions  allocated to the Unocal
     Savings Plan and $10,534 allocated to the Unocal Supplemental Savings Plan.

(HH) Amount  consisted of $9,600 Company  contributions  allocated to the Unocal
     Savings Plan and $9,586 allocated to the Unocal Supplemental Savings Plan.


                            OPTION/SAR GRANTS IN 2000

------------------- ---------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -----------------------------
                          Number of        % of Total                                       Potential Realizable
                         Securities          Options                                      Value at Assumed Annual
                     Underlying Options     Granted to       Exercise                      Rates of Stock Price
                         Granted (A)       Employees in       Price        Expiration     Appreciation for Option
    Name                     (#)             2000 (B)        ($/Sh)          Date                 Term (C)
------------------- ---------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -----------------------------
                                                                                            5%            10%
                                                                                           ($)            ($)
------------------- ---------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------
------------------- ---------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------
Mr. Williamson             100,000              3.7%         $35.2500      12/04/2010   $2,216,854    $5,617,942
------------------- ---------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------
------------------- ---------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------
Mr. Ling                   100,000              3.7           35.2500      12/04/2010    2,216,854     5,617,942
------------------- ---------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------
------------------- ---------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------
Mr. Dallas                  65,000              2.4           37.0625      06/12/2010    1,515,046     3,839,425
------------------- ---------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------


(A)  The options were granted pursuant to the Long-Term  Incentive Plan of 1998.
     The exercise  price of the options is the average of the highest and lowest
     trading  prices of  transactions  in Unocal common stock as reported in the
     New York Stock Exchange Composite  Transactions  quotations for the date of
     grant. The maximum option exercise period is ten years from the date of the
     grant. The optionees may pay for option stock with cash,  Unocal stock they
     already own, or with proceeds  from the sale of stock  acquired by exercise
     of the option (a cashless exercise). The options become exercisable in four
     equal  installments 6 months,  1 year, 2 years and 3 years from the date of
     grant.  Vesting of options ceases upon  termination  of employment.  Upon a
     change of control (as defined in the Long-Term Incentive Plan of 1998), any
     unvested  options  would vest.  The options  cease to be  exercisable  upon
     termination of employment, with the following exceptions: a participant who
     retires at or after age 65 or under conditions determined by the Management
     Development  and  Compensation  Committee to be for the  convenience of the
     Company is granted three years in which to exercise vested options.

(B)  The number of  securities  underlying  all options  granted to employees in
     2000: 2,705,057.

(C)  Use of the assumed stock price appreciation of 5% and 10% each year for the
     option period is specified in Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation
     S-K. No  valuation  method can  accurately  predict  future  stock price or
     option  values  because  there are too many unknown  factors.  If the stock
     price does not increase, the options will have no value.

                     AGGREGATED OPTION/SAR EXERCISES IN 2000
                     AND DECEMBER 31, 2000 OPTION/SAR VALUES

------------------- ------------- ------------ ------------------------------------ --------------------------------
                       Shares                         Number of Securities               Value of Unexercised
                    Acquired on      Value           Underlying Unexercised          in-the-Money Options/SARs at
                      Exercise     Realized         Options/SARs at 12/31/00            12/31/00 (Dollars) (A)
       Name           (Number)     (Dollars)   ------------------------------------ --------------------------------
                                                Exercisable    Unexercisable(B)      Exercisable    Unexercisable
------------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- -------------------- -------------- -----------------
------------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- -------------------- -------------- -----------------
Mr. Beach               None           $0         326,894            750,000          $2,737,736        $    0
------------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- -------------------- -------------- -----------------
------------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- -------------------- -------------- -----------------
Mr. Williamson          None            0          44,270            400,000             338,744       343,750
------------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- -------------------- -------------- -----------------
------------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- -------------------- -------------- -----------------
Mr. Ling                None            0          55,000            450,000                   0       343,750
------------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- -------------------- -------------- -----------------
------------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- -------------------- -------------- -----------------
Mr. Dallas              None            0          16,250             48,750              26,406        79,219
------------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- -------------------- -------------- -----------------
------------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- -------------------- -------------- -----------------
Mr. Codon               None            0          36,996            158,812              81,405         9,725
------------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- -------------------- -------------- -----------------
------------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- -------------------- -------------- -----------------
Mr. Scott               None            0          54,454            300,000             391,336             0
------------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- -------------------- -------------- -----------------


(A)  The price of $38.6875,  which was the closing  price of Unocal common stock
     as  reported  in  the  new  York  Stock  Exchange  composite   Transactions
     quotations for December 29, 2000, was used to value options.

(B)  Amounts include securities underlying performance stock options: Mr. Beach,
     750,000; Mr. Williamson,  300,000;  Mr. Ling, 350,000; Mr. Codon,  150,000.
     The performance stock options and tandem limited stock appreciation  rights
     were forfeited on March 31, 2001,  because the vesting  conditions were not


                   LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLANS - AWARDS IN 2000

                             Performance Share Units

-------------------- -------------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
                                                                            Estimated Future Payouts
       Name                                                    Threshold           Target             Maximum
                         Performance          Period           Number of         Number of           Number of
                       Share Units (A)    Until Maturation       Shares            Shares            Shares (A)
                             (#)             or Payout            (#)               (#)                 (#)

-------------------- -------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------------
Mr. Beach                   6,263 (B)        12/31/2003            0               6,263 (B)           12,526 (B)
-------------------- -------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------------
Mr. Williamson              8,500            12/31/2003            0               8,500               17,000
-------------------- -------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------------
Mr. Ling                    8,500            12/31/2003            0               8,500               17,000
-------------------- -------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------------
Mr. Dallas                  6,000            12/31/2003            0               6,000               12,000
-------------------- -------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------------
Mr. Scott                   1,869 (C)        12/31/2003            0               1,869 (C)            3,378 (C)
-------------------- -------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------------
Mr. Codon                   4,800            12/31/2003            0               4,800                9,600
-------------------- -------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------------

                                              Performance Bonus Awards

-------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------
                                                                            Estimated Future Payouts (E)
                                                                ---------------- --------------- --------------------
                           Performance              Until          Threshold         Target            Maximum
                         Bonus Awards (D)        Maturation         Amount         Amount (E)          Amount
Name                           ($)                or Payout           ($)              ($)               ($)
-------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------------
-------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------------
Mr. Beach                  $ 5,000,000           03/16/2004           $ 0             $ 0          $  6,100,000
-------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------------
-------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------------
Mr. Williamson               5,000,000           03/16/2004             0               0             6,100,000
-------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------------
-------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------------
Mr. Ling                     5,000,000           03/16/2004             0               0             6,100,000
-------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------------
-------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------------
Mr. Codon                    2,500,000           03/16/2004             0               0             3,050,000
-------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------------

                   Performance Bonus Awards Payout Matrix (E)

------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                             Ending Stock Price
                         -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------
 Relative Stock Price       $15.91          $15.92-        $19.01-         $20.84-        $22.90-         $33.82
      Performance           or less         $19.00         $20.83          $22.89         $33.81         or more
                              (#)            (#)             (#)            (#)             (#)            (#)
------------------------ -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------
------------------------ -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------
<35th Percentile              0              0               0              0               0              0
------------------------ -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------
------------------------ -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------
  35th Percentile             0.310         0.310           0.310          0.310           0.310          0.310
------------------------ -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------
------------------------ -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------
  50th Percentile             0.610         0.610           0.610          0.610           0.375          0.610
------------------------ -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------
------------------------ -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------
  60th Percentile             1.210         1.000           0.880          0.735           0.375          0.920
------------------------ -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------
------------------------ -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------
>75th Percentile              1.210         1.000           0.880          0.735           0.375          1.220
------------------------ -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------


(A)  The actual number of performance  shares paid out is based on the Company's
     return to  stockholders  for the four-year  performance  period compared to
     that of a group of peer companies  selected by the  Management  Development
     and  Compensation  Committee.  Return to  stockholders  is defined as share
     price appreciation plus reinvested  dividends  expressed as a percentage of
     the beginning  share price.  The maximum  number of shares that can be paid
     out is 200% of the performance shares granted, and the maximum value of the
     payout  cannot exceed 400% of the Fair Market Value of the initial award of
     performance shares. The Management  Development and Compensation  Committee
     may reduce the  payment  based on other  factors at the  discretion  of the
     Committee.  If Unocal's return to stockholders is 30% or less than the peer
     group's  average  return to  stockholders,  there is no payout.  The payout
     percentage  may not exceed  50% if  Unocal's  return is 35% of the  average
     return,  the payout may not exceed  100% if  Unocal's  return is 60% of the
     average return,  and the payout  percentage may not exceed 200% if Unocal's
     return  is at  least  equal to the  average  return.  A matrix  is used for
     determining  the specific payout  percentages  that may not be exceeded for
     specific average return to stockholders levels between 30% and 100%. Awards
     can be paid out partly in cash and partly in shares,  as  determined by the
     Management Development and Compensation Committee.


(B)  Mr. Beach's 2000 performance share award was prorated on December 31, 2000,
     for  length  of  service  during  the  performance  period.  The  number of
     performance shares initially granted was 25,000.

(C)  Mr. Scott's 2000 performance share award will be prorated to 1,869 units on
     July 31,  2001 for length of service  during the  performance  period.  The
     number of performance shares initially granted was 4,724.

(D)  Performance  Bonus  Awards are  payable  in cash if and to the extent  that
     Unocal's stock price and stock price  performance  relative to a peer group
     of  companies  reach the goals  detailed in the  "Performance  Bonus Awards
     Payout Matrix (the "Matrix")" table. If a participant terminates employment
     prior to  payout,  for any  reason  other  than  voluntary  termination  or
     termination  for  cause,   the  award  will  remain   outstanding  and  the
     participant  will  receive the same payout as if he had  remained  employed
     until payout. Mr. Beach's award remains outstanding.

(E)  Based upon  Unocal's  stock price  performance  in the calendar  year 2000,
     there  would be no payout.  For Messrs.  Beach,  Williamson  and Ling,  the
     payout for the  Performance  Bonus Awards is the factor shown in the matrix
     times the dollar amount of the Performance Bonus Awards granted, determined
     by reference to the closing  market price of the Company's  common stock on
     March 16, 2004, and Unocal's return to stockholders  relative to the return
     by a peer group of  companies  during the 4-year  performance  period  then
     ending. For Mr. Codon, the payout is determined by a substantially  similar
     matrix.  Return to stockholders is defined as stock price appreciation plus
     reinvested dividends.

                               PENSION PLAN TABLE


                                                                 Years of Service
   Compensation (A)

                            10              20             25              30             35              40
        $ 200,000        $ 32,000         $64,000         $80,000       $96,000        $112,000       $ 128,000
          400,000          64,000         128,000         160,000       192,000         224,000         256,000
          600,000          96,000         192,000         240,000       288,000         336,000         384,000
          800,000         128,000         256,000         320,000       384,000         448,000         512,000
        1,000,000         160,000         320,000         400,000       480,000         560,000         640,000
        1,200,000         192,000         384,000         480,000       576,000         672,000         768,000
        1,400,000         224,000         448,000         560,000       672,000         784,000         896,000
        1,600,000         256,000         512,000         640,000       768,000         896,000       1,024,000
        1,800,000         288,000         576,000         720,000       864,000       1,008,000       1,152,000

(A)  Covered  compensation  is the  annual  average  compensation  in the  three
     highest-paid years out of the last ten years preceding retirement.  For the
     named  executive  officers  in the Summary  Compensation  Table on page 14,
     covered  compensation  equals the  amounts in the Salary and Bonus  columns
     (except amounts shown as bonus for 1999) of the Summary  Compensation Table
     and the amount of bonus that the participant elected to defer in restricted

     The Company has a noncontributory  defined benefit retirement plan covering
substantially all U.S. employees. The plan provides participants with retirement
benefits based on a formula  relating such benefits to compensation and years of
service,  less up to half of the  estimated  old  age  Social  Security  benefit
payable.  The amount of these  benefits  is limited by the  Employee  Retirement
Income  Security Act of 1974 and the Internal  Revenue Code.  Where that occurs,
the Company has a retirement  supplement  designed to maintain total  retirement
benefits at the retirement  plan formula level.  This Pension Plan Table,  which
covers all persons named in the Summary  Compensation Table, shows the estimated
annual benefits from the these plans,  before the deduction for a portion of the
estimated old age Social  Security  benefit,  as described  above.  The benefits
shown are payable in the form of a straight life annuity.


     Covered   compensation  and  credited  full  years  of  service  under  the
retirement  plan as of year-end  2000 for the  executive  officers  named in the
Summary  Compensation  Table  are as  follows:  $1,534,320  and 39 years for Mr.
Beach;  $473,978 and 23 years for Mr.  Williamson;  $530,493 and 3 years for Mr.
Ling;  $213,464  and 0.5 years  for Mr.  Dallas;  $416,671  and 26 years for Mr.
Codon; and $433,339 and 36 years for Mr. Scott.

                         CHANGE OF CONTROL ARRANGEMENTS

     The  Company has a  consulting  and  settlement  agreement  with Mr.  Beach
effective January 1, 2001, whereby the Board of Directors has retained Mr. Beach
as a consultant for the period  beginning  January 1, 2001, and ending  December
31, 2001,  for a fee of $350,000.  The agreement  specifies that Mr. Beach shall
not be entitled to any payments  under his employment  agreement  dated July 28,
1998, or any other  severance-type  benefits.  The  agreement  provides that Mr.
Beach's termination of employment shall be treated as "at the convenience of the
Company" and that the termination shall not be deemed a "voluntary  termination"
or a "termination for cause" under the Company's  long-term  incentive plans and
the 2000  Executive  Stock  Purchase  Program.  Accordingly,  Mr. Beach does not
forfeit his  restricted  stock,  has three years from January 1, 2001 (or normal
expiration,  whichever  is sooner) to  exercise  his vested  stock  options,  is
entitled to payment of his  performance  shares  prorated for his actual service
period and his performance  bonus award to the extent of the amounts  determined
at the end of their award periods, and retains the original payment schedule for
amounts due under his March 16, 2000, loan to purchase shares of common stock of
the  Company.  The  agreement  was filed as an exhibit to the  Company's  Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000.

     The Company has employment  agreements  with Messrs.  Williamson and Dallas
that are effective for three years, and one with Mr. Codon that is effective for
two years,  from the date that the Company gives notice that it does not wish to
further  extend the term,  but in no event later than the date of the  Company's
annual meeting  following the employee's 65th birthday.  The agreements  provide
for certain  benefits  following  an  employment  termination  without  cause or
following an alteration of the employee's  employment  situation,  as defined in
the  agreements  (collectively,  a  "Termination  Without  Cause").  For each of
Messrs. Williamson and Dallas, these benefits include payments of 3.18 times his
annual  salary plus three times his target bonus  applicable as of the beginning
of the calendar year in which such Termination  Without Cause occurs, as well as
continuation  of medical,  dental,  life and disability  insurance  coverage for
three years following the Termination  Without Cause. For Mr. Dallas, in lieu of
the foregoing  continued  medical,  dental,  life and disability  benefits,  the
Company may elect to pay Mr.  Dallas the sum of $25,000.  For Mr.  Codon,  these
benefits  include  payments  of 2.12 times his annual  salary plus two times his
target bonus  applicable  as of the beginning of the calendar year in which such
Termination  Without Cause occurs,  as well as continuation of medical,  dental,
life and disability  insurance  coverage for two years following the Termination
Without Cause.  The employment  agreements with Messrs.  Williamson,  Dallas and
Codon  provide that if the  Termination  Without  Cause occurs  within 24 months
after a change of control,  the amounts  payable  under the  agreements  will be
subject to a present value reduction and a reduction to offset any  compensation
earned by them  during the three years  immediately  following  the  Termination
Without  Cause.  In each case,  if any  payment or  distribution  by the Company
("Payment")  would be subject to the excise tax  imposed by Section  4999 of the
Internal Revenue Code, or any interest or penalties are incurred with respect to
such  excise  tax  (such  excise  tax  and  any  such  interest  and  penalties,
collectively,  the "Excise Tax"), then the employee is entitled to an additional
payment (a  "Gross-Up  Payment")  in an amount  such that  after  payment by the
employee of all taxes  (including any interest or penalties  imposed) and Excise
Tax imposed upon the  Gross-Up  Payment,  the employee  retains an amount of the
Gross-Up  Payment  equal  to the  Excise  Tax  imposed  upon  the  Payments.  If
distributions  and  payments to be made by the Company do not exceed 110% of the
greatest amount (the "Reduced Amount") that could be paid to Messrs. Williamson,
Dallas or Codon,  such that the receipt of  payments  would not give rise to any
Excise tax, then no Gross-Up Payment will be made to Messrs. Williamson,  Dallas
or Codon,  as the case may be, and the  payments  will be reduced to the Reduced
Amount.  Mr.  Williamson's  agreement  was filed as an exhibit to the  Company's
Current  Report on Form 8-K dated March 16, 2000.  The  agreement for Mr. Dallas
was filed as an exhibit to the


Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2000. The
agreement  for Mr.  Codon was filed as an  exhibit  to the  Company's  Quarterly
Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended June 30, 1998 and an amendment to Mr.
Codon's agreement was filed as an exhibit to the Company's Annual Report on Form
10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000.

     The  Company  has a change  in  control  agreement  with Mr.  Ling  that is
effective  for three years from the date that the Company  gives  notice that it
does not wish to further  extend the term. The agreement was amended on February
28, 2000, to provide that in the event of a Termination  Without Cause within 36
months following a Change of Control (as defined in the agreement) that occurred
during the term of the agreement, Mr. Ling will be entitled to the same benefits
as provided in the  employment  agreement for Mr.  Williamson  described  above,
except that payments under Mr. Ling's agreement are not subject to reduction for
compensation  earned by him during the three  years  immediately  following  his
Termination  Without Cause.  The agreement and the February 28, 2000,  amendment
thereto were filed as exhibits to the  Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the year ended December 31, 1999.

      The Company has a termination agreement and general release with Mr. Scott
executed  on May 30,  2000,  that  settles  payments  due under  his  employment
agreement  dated  July  28,  1998.  Under  the  agreement,  Mr.  Scott  was paid
$1,023,412  as a  full  settlement  of  all  rights  due  under  his  employment
agreement.  The agreement provides that he shall be a consulting employee of the
Company  beginning  August 1, 2000,  and ending  July 31,  2001,  at his current
salary of $26,667 per month and remains  eligible  during the consulting  period
for benefits generally applicable to employees in his employment  category.  Not
later than September 1, 2001, Mr. Scott will receive a lump sum cash  settlement
account  (estimated to be $155,353),  determined in accordance with the terms of
the Unocal  Retirement  Plan,  equal to the  difference  between  (1) the Unocal
retirement  benefits  that would be payable to him as of August 1, 2001,  if two
years were  added to his age and  benefit  service  and (2) the amount of Unocal
retirement  benefits actually payable to him as of that date. The termination of
employment,  pursuant to the agreement, is considered "at the convenience of the
Company" under the Company's long-term incentive plans and the revised incentive
compensation plan. Accordingly, Mr. Scott does not forfeit his restricted stock,
has three years from July 31, 2001 (or normal expiration,  whichever is sooner),
to exercise his vested stock options, and is entitled to payment of his prorated
performance  shares.  Mr.  Scott also  remained  eligible to receive his Revised
Incentive  Compensation  Plan  Award for the  entire  2000  calendar  year.  The
agreement was filed as an exhibit to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
for the quarter ended June 30, 2000.

     In the  event  of a  "change  in  control",  as  defined  in the  Company's
incentive plans and agreements issued  thereunder,  restricted stock will become
vested, unvested options will become vested, and performance shares will be paid

     In December, 2000, the Boards of Directors of the Company and its Union Oil
Company of  California  subsidiary  approved an enhanced  severance  program for
U.S.-payroll  employees not represented by collective  bargaining  agents in the
event they lose their jobs  through a change of control of the  Company.  In the
event of such a "change  of  control",  as defined  in the  Company's  Long-term
Incentive  Plan of 1998,  the  program  provides  for the  immediate  vesting of
accrued  benefits and/or  accounts of all covered  employees under the Company's
retirement and savings plans and the immediate payment to such employees in cash
of bonuses under its annual incentive compensation plans.

     The following additional  provisions of the program become operative in the
event of an employee's involuntary termination (other than for death, disability
or misconduct) or "constructive  discharge"  within two years following a change
of control.  "Constructive  discharge" includes an employee's resignation within
60 days following certain reductions in pay, benefits and/or perquisites,  or as
a result of certain work location changes.

     The program  provides  four months of base pay for all eligible  employees,
regardless  of years of service.  Employees  with at least five years of service
also would  receive  credit for an  additional  three years of service and three
years  of  age  under  the  Company's  retirement  plans  plus  the  incremental
difference in value,  if any, of  three-fourths  of a month of base pay for each
completed  year  of  actual  service,  to a  maximum  of 20  months,  above  the
discounted present value of the enhancement to the


retirement benefit. Employees with less than five years of service would receive
the  three-fourths  of a month of base pay for each  completed  year of service.
Executive officers holding employment or change of control agreements, including
Messrs.  Williamson,  Ling, Dallas and Codon,  would be entitled to the enhanced
benefit if they  agree to its  offset  against  the  change-of-control  benefits
already provided under such agreements, as discussed above.

     The program permits an eligible employee to elect an immediate distribution
or rollover  of his or her total  retirement  plan  benefits,  as enhanced  (the
amount  of which  would  be  based  on the  highest  consecutive  12  months  of
pensionable pay during the most recent 120 months of service).  The program also
provides for subsidized  "COBRA"  medical and dental  coverage for 18 months,  a
"three plus three"  enhancement  to criteria  for  determining  eligibility  and
contributions  under the  Company's  retiree  and special  continuation  medical
coverages and  eligibility  under its retiree life and AD&D insurance  plans, as
well as certain other benefits.

     The program includes a "tax gross-up"  arrangement for employees subject to
the excise  tax  provided  for by Section  280G of the  Internal  Revenue  Code,
including Messrs. Williamson, Ling, Dallas and Codon. Under this section, excise
taxes are imposed on employees receiving change-of-control payments (as defined)
that exceed 2.99 times the employee's average annual  compensation (as defined).
Under the  arrangement,  an  employee  who is  subject  to the  excise tax would
receive a gross-up payment, in addition to the amounts deemed  change-of-control
payments,  to eliminate the effect of the excise tax. This gross-up  arrangement
would apply only if the employee's  change-of-control payments exceed the excise
tax threshold  amount of Section 280G by more than 10 percent.  Otherwise,  such
payments would be reduced below the threshold.

                           INDEBTEDNESS OF MANAGEMENT

         The Company made loans to four  executive  officers for the purchase of
Unocal common stock under the 2000 Executive Stock Purchase Program, approved by
stockholders  at the 2000 Annual  Meeting.  The loans  accrue  interest at 6.8%,
compounded  annually.  The loans were made on March 16, 2000, and they mature on
March 16, 2008. The minimum interest payable each March 16 during the years 2001
through  2005 is  limited to the amount of  dividends  paid  during the prior 12
month  period on the number of shares  purchased  with the loan.  Any  remaining
unpaid  accrued  interest  is  added  to  the  principal  and  accrues  interest
thereafter.  Starting March 16, 2006, principal is payable in three equal annual
payments along with the full amount of interest accrued over the past 12 months.
The loans are  full-recourse,  with exceptions for death or disability,  and are
not secured by the shares of common stock purchased or by any other collateral.

         The loan agreements and related promissory notes were filed as exhibits
to the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated March 16, 2000.

                      2000 EXECUTIVE STOCK PURCHASE PROGRAM

--------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------
                                                                 Largest Outstanding
                                                                    Amount Since           Amount Outstanding at
Name                               Principal Position              January 1, 2000            March 17, 2001
--------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------
--------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------
Roger C. Beach              Former Chief Executive Officer            $5,271,040                $5,196,183
--------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------
--------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------
Charles R. Williamson       Chief Executive Officer                    5,271,040                  5,159,972
--------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------
--------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------
Timothy H. Ling             President and Chief Operating              5,271,040                  5,196,183
--------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------
--------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------
Dennis P.R. Codon           Senior Vice President, General             2,635,520                  2,598,091
                            Counsel and Chief Legal Officer
--------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------



         As of December  31,  2000,  the  following  entities  were known by the
Company  to own  beneficially  more than five  percent of the  Company's  common

-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------
                                                               Amount and Nature of
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner                           Beneficial Ownership            Percent of Class
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------
Capital Research and Management Company                           20,075,650 (A)                   8.20%
333 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, California  90071
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------
Wellington Management Company, LLP                                17,762,224 (B)                   7.31
75 State Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02109
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------


(A)  Based on a Schedule  13G dated  February  9,  2001,  Capital  Research  and
     Management Company beneficially owned all the 20,075,650 shares as a result
     of acting as  investment  advisor to  various  investment  companies.  This
     number included  1,750,450 shares resulting from the assumed  conversion of
     1,490,000 6 1/4% Trust Convertible  Preferred  Securities of Unocal Capital
     Trust.  Capital  Research  and  Management  Company  had the sole  power to
     dispose of or direct the disposition of all these shares.  Capital Research
     and  Management  Company did not have voting  power over any of the shares,
     which was held by the investment companies.

(B)  Based on a Schedule  13G dated  February 14,  2001,  Wellington  Management
     Company,  LLP,  beneficially owned all 17,762,224 shares in its capacity as
     investment  advisor to clients,  who were the record  owners of the shares.
     Wellington  Management Company,  LLP had shared power to vote or direct the
     voting of 10,334,537  shares,  and shared power to dispose of or direct the
     disposition of all 17,762,224 shares.

                                     ITEM 2.
                         RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT OF

     The  stockholders  will be asked to ratify the  appointment  of the firm of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent accountants for 2001. This appointment
was made by the Board of Directors  on the  recommendation  of its  Accounting &
Auditing Committee.

     PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP, one of the nation's largest public  accounting
firms,  or one of its  predecessors  has  served  as the  Company's  independent
accountants for the past 56 years.  Representatives  of the firm are expected to
be present at the Annual Meeting,  will have the opportunity to make a statement
if so desired and will be available to respond to questions.

                  Report of the Accounting & Auditing Committee

     The  Accounting  &  Auditing  Committee  reviews  the  Company's  financial
reporting process on behalf of the Board of Directors. The Committee is composed
of three independent directors,  each of whom meets the independence standard of
the New York Stock  Exchange.  The Committee  operates  under a written  charter
recommended by the Committee and adopted by the Board of Directors.  The Charter
is attached to this proxy  statement  as Exhibit A.  Management  has the primary
responsibility  for the  financial  statements  and the reporting  process.  The
Company's independent accountants,  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP, are responsible
for expressing an opinion on the conformity of the Company's  audited  financial
statements to accounting  principles  generally accepted in the United States of


     In this context,  the Committee  reviewed and discussed with management and
the independent  accountants the audited financial  statements to be included in
the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31, 2000.
The Committee discussed with the independent accountants the matters required to
be  discussed by Statement on Auditing  Standards  No. 61,  "Communication  with
Audit  Committees,"  as amended.  In addition,  the Committee  received from the
independent   accountants  the  written  disclosures  required  by  Independence
Standards   Board  Standard  No.  1,   "Independence   Discussions   with  Audit
Committees," and discussed with them their independence from the Company and its

     In reliance on the reviews and discussions referred to above, the Committee
recommended to the Board of Directors,  and the Board approved, that the audited
financial statements be included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the year ended  December 31, 2000,  for filing with the  Securities and Exchange

                                Accounting & Auditing Committee
                                of the Board of Directors

                                James W. Crownover, Chair
                                John W. Creighton, Jr.
                                Marina v.N. Whitman

     The preceding  Report of the Accounting & Auditing  Committee  shall not be
deemed  incorporated  by reference  into any filing under the  Securities Act of
1933  or the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  notwithstanding  any  general
incorporation  by reference of this Proxy  Statement  into any other document or
its inclusion as an exhibit thereto.

Audit fees

     The    aggregate    fees   for    professional    services    rendered   by
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP for the audit of the Company's consolidated financial
statements  included  in its  Annual  Report  on Form  10-K for the  year  ended
December 31, 2000, and reviews of the Company's financial statements included in
its Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q during 2000 were $1.7 million.

All other fees

     The  aggregate  fees for services  rendered by  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP
during 2000, other than those set forth above, were $2.4 million. These services

     o  Regulatory  and  compliance  audits
     o  General  research  and  accounting assistance
     o  Income  tax  advice
     o  Mergers  and  acquisitions advice
     o  Litigation support services

     The Accounting & Auditing Committee has considered whether the provision by
the independent  accountants of non-audit  services to the Company is compatible
with the accountants' independence.

     The Board of Directors  unanimously  recommends a vote FOR  ratification of
the  appointment of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as independent  accountants for
2001. The proxy holders will vote all proxies received FOR  ratification  unless
instructed otherwise.

     The affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the shares present in
person  or by  proxy at the  Meeting,  and  entitled  to vote on this  item,  is
required for ratification of the appointment.


                                ITEM 3.


     On March 27, 2001, the Board of Directors,  upon the  recommendation of the
Board Governance  Committee,  adopted the 2001 Directors' Deferred  Compensation
and Stock Award Plan (the "2001 Plan"),  subject to stockholder  approval at the
Annual  Meeting.  The  purpose  of  the  2001  Plan  is  to  continue  to  align
non-employee  director  interests with those of  stockholders,  encourage  these
directors to take  compensation  in the form of stock and offer them certain tax
deferral opportunities.

     In 1991, the  stockholders  approved the Directors'  Restricted Stock Units
Plan (the "Former Plan") for  non-employee  directors for a term of 10 years. As
of April 30, 2001,  no  additional  awards beyond  dividend  equivalents  may be
granted  under the Former Plan.  The 2001 Plan is intended to replace the Former
Plan  and  create  a  more  simplified  deferred  compensation  arrangement  for
non-employee directors and to add option grants to their benefits. The 2001 Plan
modifies  the  principal  terms of the Former Plan by including  provisions  and
awards  that  vest  deferred   compensation   and  benefits  for  past  services
immediately.  The Company believes that these  provisions are commensurate  with
the current compensation practices of other public companies. William M. Mercer,
Inc., a  compensation  consultant  retained for such  purpose,  has reviewed the
directors'   compensation   and  has  determined   that  the  directors'   stock
compensation under the 2001 Plan,  together with the cash compensation  outlined
under "Directors Compensation - Cash Compensation and Expenses" on Page 7, falls
within the mid-range of competitive industry practices.  The 2001 Plan also will
be easier to administer than the Former Plan.

Summary Description of the 2001 Plan

     The following is a summary of the principal terms of the 2001 Plan. Because
it is not a complete  description of all of the terms and conditions of the 2001
Plan, the summary is qualified in its entirety by the full text of the 2001 Plan
attached as Exhibit B to this proxy statement.

     Purpose.  The purpose of the 2001 Plan is to attract,  motivate  and retain
experienced and knowledgeable non-employee directors by offering them additional
stock-based  compensation and incentives to defer and potentially  enhance their
compensation and increase their stock ownership in the Company.

     Eligibility.  Only the  Company's  non-employee  directors  are eligible to
participate  in  the  2001  Plan.  As of May  21,  2001,  there  will  be  eight
non-employee directors on the Board of Directors.

     Administration. The Board has appointed its Board Governance Committee (the
"Committee")  to  administer  the 2001  Plan.  The  Committee  will  have  broad
authority under the 2001 Plan, including, for example, the authority:

     o    to establish  the valuation  methodology  that will  determine  option
          grant amounts within 2001 Plan limits;

     o    to   determine   adjustments   to  2001  Plan  terms   responsive   to
          extraordinary transactions;

     o    to establish,  adopt and revise rules and regulations  relating to the
          2001 Plan;

     o    to adopt the  schedules,  forms and  agreements  for use in connection
          with the 2001 Plan and elections under the 2001 Plan; and


     o    to  delegate  ministerial,   day-to-day   administrative  details  and
          non-discretionary  duties and functions to the Company's  officers and

         Shares  authorized.  The Board of Directors has authorized an aggregate
number of shares of common stock that may be issued or delivered  under the 2001
Plan of 500,000 shares,  subject to certain  antidilution and other  adjustments
referenced  in Section 9 of the 2001 Plan.  If shares  that are  reserved  to be
issued on the  exercise  of stock  options or in payment of stock  units are not
issued because the award  terminates or expires without  payment in shares,  the
shares will remain available for future grants or accretions.

         If grants  contemplated would exceed 2001 Plan limits, the Company will
prorate  any new grants of stock  options  and  credits of stock units among the
participants,  giving  priority to stock  options.  If no additional  shares are
available  for  issuance,  participants  will not be  granted  additional  stock
options and dividend equivalents on stock units will be paid in cash.

         Types of awards.  The 2001 Plan  authorizes  the grant of stock options
and stock units and opportunities to defer all or a portion of cash compensation
into stock units. Stock units,  subject to very limited  exception,  are payable
solely in shares of the Company's common stock.

         Stock  options.  The stock options  granted under the 2001 Plan will be
10-year nonqualified stock options. The exercise price of the stock options will
be 100% of the fair  market  value of the  shares  on the  date of  grant.  Full
payment for the shares  purchased  on the exercise of any option must be made at
the time of  exercise in a manner  authorized  by the 2001 Plan.  Stock  options
granted under the 2001 Plan will vest and become  exercisable and will terminate
to varying degrees when the director's  services terminate (see Section 5 of the
2001 Plan).

         The 2001  Plan  provides  for an  initial  grant of  stock  options  to
eligible  directors  in  office  immediately  after  the  2001  Annual  Meeting,
contingent  on  stockholder  approval.  The  initial  grant will be an option to
purchase  a number of shares  of the  Company's  common  stock  with a  notional
present value of $82,500.  The Committee will determine the number of shares for
this initial  grant and other grants using a stock option  pricing model that it
selects from time to time. The stock option  pricing model will not  necessarily
track Black-Scholes or other valuation  methodologies.  The stock option pricing
formula that the  Committee  has selected for the initial  grant will divide the
notional  present value of the grant by 38.77% and further  divide the result by
the fair  market  value of a share of common  stock on the date of the  Meeting.
Thus, if the fair market value of a share of common stock on the Meeting date is
$36.05 (which was the fair market value on March 14, 2001), the number of shares
subject to each initial option will be 5,902.

         After the 2001 Annual Meeting,  any person who subsequently  becomes an
eligible  director will be granted a stock option to purchase a number of shares
of the  Company's  common stock with a notional  present  value of $82,500.  The
Committee  will  determine  the number of shares using the stock option  pricing
model then applicable.

         Beginning  in 2002,  on each May 1st  during  the term of the 2001 Plan
each  eligible  director  then in office will be  automatically  granted a stock
option to  purchase  a number of shares of the  Company's  common  stock  with a
notional present value equal to $27,500. The Committee will determine the number
of shares using the stock option pricing model then applicable.

     The  initial  stock  options  granted  to  eligible   directors  in  office
immediately after the 2001 Annual Meeting, contingent upon stockholder approval,
will vest and become  exercisable  over three years with 33 1/3%  vesting on the
day before the annual meeting of  stockholders  on each of the first three years
after the date of grant.  Initial  options  granted  to  individuals  who become
directors  after the 2001 Annual Meeting will vest and become  exercisable  over
three years with 33 1/3% vesting on each of the first three


anniversaries  of the date of grant.  The  annual  option  grants  will vest and
become  exercisable  over two years  with 50%  vesting  on each of the first two
anniversaries of the date of grant.  Unvested stock options will vest and become
exercisable  early if the  director's  services are terminated due to his or her
death or disability,  upon a change in control (defined in Section 2 of the 2001
Plan),  or,  provided  that the  option has been  outstanding  for at least nine
months,  if the  director  retires  from  service  at the end of his or her then
current term and after completing 5 full years of service but is not eligible to
stand for reelection under the Company's director retirement policy.

         To the extent that an eligible director's stock options are vested upon
a termination of service as a director for any reason other than for cause,  the
director  will have three years to exercise  his or her vested  options,  if the
director served on the Board for at least three years, and two years to exercise
his or her vested stock  options if the  director  served on the Board less than
three years.  If the  director's  service is  terminated  for cause,  his or her
options will terminate on the date the director's services are terminated.

         In general, the current federal income tax consequences of nonqualified
stock options are as follows:  The Company is generally  entitled to deduct, and
the  participant  will  recognize  taxable  income  in, an  amount  equal to the
difference  between the option  exercise  price and the fair market value of the
shares at the time of exercise.  Once exercised,  the  participant  will receive
capital treatment on any further gain or loss.

         Stock Units.  A stock unit  represents  an unfunded  bookkeeping  entry
which serves as a unit of measurement  relative to one share of common stock for
purposes of determining the payment in shares of a deferred benefit or right.

         Commencing  on July 1, 2002,  each  participant  will receive an annual
grant of stock units in an amount  determined by dividing 20% of the  director's
fees earned during the prior year (or 14 months, in the case of the first grant)
by the average of the fair market  value of the common stock over the 30 trading
days prior to the date of grant. The 2001 Plan also allows  participants to make
an annual  election to defer all or a portion of cash fees into stock units.  In
consideration  for and to  encourage  deferrals,  the amount of the stock  units
(determined  in the same manner as annual  grants)  will be based on 120% of the
fees  deferred.  All  stock  units  will  ultimately  be paid in  shares  of the
Company's common stock.

         Each  participant  may  elect  to  defer  the  receipt  of  his  or her
compensation  until a chosen  date,  or  following a  termination  of  services,
whichever  is  earlier  or later.  In  addition,  the  participant  may elect to
accelerate the pay out of his or her compensation upon a change in control.  The
stock units will accumulate in the participant's stock unit account and dividend
equivalent  amounts will be credited as additional  stock units,  subject to the
same  deferral  elections.  Participants  may elect to  accelerate  the deferred
payment of their stock units early upon certain  hardships or by  requesting  an
early  distribution  subject to a withdrawal  penalty.  The 2001 Plan  currently
contemplates only a lump sum payout as to any deferral period.

         Notwithstanding any deferral  elections,  a participant will receive an
automatic  crediting and distribution of stock units if, and to the extent that,
as a result of the participant's  acceptance of government or community service,
he or she is required to divest all interests in the Company and would otherwise
forfeit his or her benefits.

         Participants  in the 2001  Plan will have the  choice of  rolling  over
their outstanding  restricted stock units under the Former Plan into stock units
under the 2001 Plan,  subject to the ongoing  terms and  conditions  of the 2001
Plan. In theory,  this election will  accelerate  vesting of certain  restricted
stock  units but will not (except  possibly  in a change in control)  accelerate
payout.  In practice,  the previously  accrued  restricted stock units under the
Former Plan have rarely if ever failed to vest.


         Restrictions  on  transfer.  Subject  to  customary  exceptions,  stock
options and stock units are  generally  non-transferable,  except by will or the
laws of descent and  distribution  or  beneficiary  designation.  The Committee,
however,  may  permit  certain  transfers  of stock  options  if the  transferor
presents  satisfactory  evidence  that the  transfer  is for  estate  and/or tax
planning   purposes  to  certain   related   persons  or  entities  and  without
consideration (other than nominal  consideration or in an exchange for interests
in authorized transferees).

         Adjustment.  The number and kind of shares  available  for  issuance or
transfer under the 2001 Plan and  outstanding  stock options and stock units, as
well as the exercises  price of stock options,  are subject to adjustment and in
some cases,  termination upon certain  reorganizations,  mergers,  combinations,
consolidations,   recapitalizations,   reclassifications,  stock  splits,  stock
dividends,  asset sales or other similar events,  or extraordinary  dividends or
distributions of property to the Company's stockholders.

         Change in Control.  Upon the occurrence of a change in control (defined
in Section 2 of the 2001 Plan),  stock  options,  to the extent  unvested,  will
immediately  vest and become  exercisable.  If participants  have so elected,  a
change in control  may also  accelerate  the  deferred  payment of both types of
their stock units.

         Termination of or Changes to the 2001 Plan or Awards. The Board may not
amend the 2001 Plan or an outstanding stock option to reduce the exercise price.
Otherwise,  the  Board of  Directors  may  amend  or  terminate  the  2001  Plan
(including  outstanding  awards) and does not  contemplate  seeking  stockholder
approval for amendments (including,  for example,  changes in the notional value
of the annual option grants,  future initial option grants, or exercise features
or the  valuation  of deferred  stock  features of the 2001 Plan)  except to the
extent  required  by  applicable  law.  (See  Section 10 of the 2001 Plan.) Such
amendments  may  increase the benefits to eligible  directors  within  aggregate
share  limits.  No amendment  or  termination  may cancel or adversely  affect a
participant's  rights with respect to amounts or stock units  credited to his or
her stock unit account or options granted, without his or her consent, except as
otherwise provided in the 2001 Plan.

         Accounting  Considerations.  The Board of Directors may rescind  awards
and/or  may  terminate  the 2001  Plan if the Board  determines  that any of the
features of the 2001 Plan would  jeopardize a prospective  "pooling of interest"
accounting.  If the rescission  would adversely  affect the  compensation of the
participants,  which  would be likely  in such  circumstances,  the Board  would
likely  reinstate and extend the termination  date of the Former Plan. The Board
would also likely  grant and adjust  restricted  stock units as necessary to put
the participants in the same position that they would have been in if the Former
Plan had not expired and the 2001 Plan had not been adopted.  (See Section 12 of
the 2001 Plan). The future of "pooling of interest"  accounting for transactions
is uncertain.  Nevertheless,  approval of the 2001 Plan constitutes  approval of
the  extension  of the Former Plan to this  extent.  (The Former Plan awards are
described on page 7 under "Directors' Compensation - Stock Compensation".)

         Grants of stock units  result in charges to earnings as a  compensation
expense.  Shares  underlying  stock  options  and stock  units are  included  in
calculations of fully diluted shares.

         Securities  underlying  Stock Options and Stock Units. The market value
of a share of common  stock as of March 14,  2001,  was $36.05  per share.  Upon
receipt of stockholder  approval,  the Company plans to register  500,000 shares
available under the 2001 Plan under the Securities Act of 1933.


New Plan Benefits.

         The following chart presents the benefits or amounts under options that
will be  allocated  under  the  2001  Plan,  subject  to any  future  2001  Plan

           2001 Directors' Deferred Compensation and Stock Award Plan
                       (Initial and Annual Option Awards)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
Name and Principal Position                                                          Notional Dollar Value of
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
Roger C. Beach, Former Chief Executive Office                                        N/A
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
Charles R. Williamson, Chief Executive Officer                                       N/A
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
Timothy H. Ling, Chief Operating Officer                                             N/A
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
Terry G. Dallas, Chief Financial Officer                                             N/A
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
Dennis P.R. Codon, Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and General Counsel    N/A
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
Executive Officers as a Group                                                        N/A
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
Non-Executive Director Group (8 persons)                                             $660,000 (1)

                                                                                     $220,000/year after
                                                                                     2001 (2)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
Non-Executive Officer Employee Group                                                 N/A
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------


(1)  Represents the notional  present value of initial  one-time grants of stock
     options to eight eligible  directors as described  above. The actual number
     of shares  subject to options  will  depend on the fair  market  value of a
     share of common  stock on May 21,  2001 as  included  in the  stock  option
     pricing  model  described  above.  Does not  include  the value of  initial
     options to eligible directors first elected after the 2001 Annual Meeting.

(2)  Represents the notional present value of each annual grant of stock options
     under the 2001 Plan as described above,  assuming eight eligible directors.
     The actual number of shares subject to options is not determinable  because
     the number of shares  depends on the stock option  pricing model used,  the
     per share fair  market  value at future  dates,  and the number of eligible
     directors then seated.

         The amount or number of stock units awards  authorized by the 2001 Plan
are not  currently  determinable  because the number of stock  units  depends on
future  variables  such as stock  prices,  aggregate  compensation  amounts  and
deferral elections.

Vote Required.

         The Board of Directors has approved the 2001 Plan and believes it to be
in the best  interests  of the Company and the  stockholders.  All  non-employee
directors  are  eligible to receive  awards  under the 2001 Plan and thus have a
personal interest in its approval.

         The Board of Directors  unanimously  recommends a vote FOR the approval
of the 2001 Directors' Deferred Compensation and Stock Award Plan.

         The  affirmative  vote  of the  holders  of a  majority  of the  shares
represented  in  person  or by  proxy  and  entitled  to vote on this  Item 3 is
required for approval of the 2001 Plan.


                                     ITEM 4
                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL

         A  stockholder  has given notice that the  following  proposal  will be
presented at the Meeting:

         "RESOLVED:  The  shareholders of Unocal  Corporation  urge the Board of
Directors  to  adopt,  implement  and  enforce  a code of  conduct  based on the
International Labor Organization's ("ILO") Conventions on Workplace Human Rights
that includes the following elements:

     o    All  workers  have the  right to form and  join  trade  unions  and to
          bargain   collectively.    (Conventions   87   and   98)
     o    Workers representatives shall not be the subject of discrimination and
          shall have access to all workplaces  necessary to enable them to carry
          out their representation functions. (Convention 135)
     o    There shall be no discrimination or intimidation in employment. Unocal
          shall provide  equality of  opportunity  and  treatment  regardless of
          race, color,  sex,  religion,  political  opinion,  age,  nationality,
          social origin or other  distinguishing  characteristics.  (Conventions
          100 and 111)
     o    Employment  shall be freely  chosen.  There  shall be no use of force,
          including bonded or voluntary prison labor. (Conventions 29 and 105)
     o    There shall be no use of child labor. (Conventions 138 and 182).

                           Supporting Statement

         "As a global  corporation,  Unocal  faces many  regulatory  regimes and
public  pressures  that  expose  it  to  various  risks.   Managing   operations
effectively  and  increasing  shareholder  value depend,  in part, on public and
governmental  support.  A company's  record of good  corporate  citizenship is a
valuable asset, and positive workplace  relations improve a company's ability to
reliably supply products to its customers.

         "This proposal addresses Unocal's risk of being a party to or appearing
to benefit from workplace  human rights  violations.  Neither  Unocal's  Guiding
Principles nor the Global Sullivan  Principles  endorsed by Unocal  incorporates
standards of the ILO, a United-Nations-affiliated organization.

         "Unocal does business in Burma,  which has been ruled for over a decade
by a military  dictatorship  widely  condemned for human rights  abuses.  Unocal
partnered  with the Burmese  government  in a gas field  project  that hired the
Burmese  military  to  provide  security  and other  services.  In doing so, the
military committed numerous human rights violations, including forced labor.

         "In Doe v. Unocal,  a federal judge stated:  'The evidence does suggest
that  Unocal  knew  that  forced  labor was  being  utilized  and that the Joint
Venturers [including Unocal] benefited from the practice.' A Wall Street Journal
article quoted a Texaco  consultant's report as noting the 'harsh conditions' of
unpaid laborers on the Burma pipelines, 'including young children.'

         "The Doe lawsuit was dismissed for failure to meet the  requirements of
the Alien Tort Claims Act.  Unocal's  reputation may nonetheless be harmed by an
appearance  that the Company knew about and benefited  from serious human rights
violations.   That   perception   may  also  make  Unocal  less   attractive  to
institutional   investors  --  such  as  those  that  have  adopted  responsible
contractor  and workplace  practice  guidelines  -- that are concerned  with the
impact of workplace practices on shareholder value.

         "We  therefore  believe  that  adoption  of  this  code,  coupled  with
effective enforcement and monitoring by independent organizations,  and with the
results of these efforts communicated to shareholders, are necessary to maintain
confidence in Unocal's commitment to human rights.

         "We urge shareholders to vote FOR this resolution."


                            Directors' Recommendation

The Board of Directors  recommends a vote AGAINST the adoption of this  proposal
for the following reasons:

         Unocal's update to the Company Code of Conduct last year reaffirmed our
strong  commitment  to  workplace  values and human  rights.  Under our "Guiding
Principles for Doing  Business" - which is included in the Code - Unocal commits
to conducting  business openly,  with honesty,  integrity and trust,  respecting
human rights in all our  activities,  complying with the law in all respects and
operating  in  accordance  with the  highest  ethical  standards.  Our  "Guiding
Principles"  also affirm our  commitment to providing a safe and secure  working
environment,  seeking a diverse base of employees, ensuring equal opportunity to
all qualified individuals in recruiting, compensation, professional development,
promotion,  and other employment  practices,  and providing a supportive working
environment in which all employees may freely contribute.

         The Company's  Equal  Employment  Opportunity  and Harassment  policies
explicitly prohibit any discrimination or harassment, in word or action, against
any  employee  or  applicant  on the  basis of race,  gender,  national  origin,
religion, age, disability, sexual preference, or veteran's status.

         Our Code of Conduct,  Guiding Principles,  and explicit support for the
Global  Sullivan  Principles  further  affirm  our  commitment  to  being a good
corporate  citizen and  operating  under the highest  ethical  standards  in all
countries and regions where we work.

         The  proponent's  statements  may mislead  stockholders  about Unocal's
investment in Myanmar and the federal Judge's order granting Unocal's motion for
summary  judgment  in the Doe v.  Unocal  case.  Based  only on the  proponent's
characterization  of the  lawsuit,  it might not be clear  that even  though the
judge was  required  by the rules to view all the  evidence  and any  inferences
based on the underlying facts in the light most favorable to the plaintiffs, the
court  still  found  that the  evidence  did not  justify a trial.  In his order
dismissing the action, the judge specifically stated that:

     o    "Plaintiffs  present  no  evidence  that  Unocal  'participated  in or
          influenced' the military's unlawful conduct; nor do plaintiffs present
          evidence  that  Unocal  `conspired'  with the  military  to commit the
          challenged conduct."
     o    "In this case,  there are no facts  suggesting  that Unocal  sought to
          employ forced or slave labor."

Our Position

         Unocal is  committed  to meeting the highest  ethical  standards in all
countries and regions where the Company does  business.  This includes  treating
everyone  fairly and with respect,  maintaining a safe and healthful  workplace,
and advancing economic  prosperity and social progress wherever we work. In view
of our existing  workplace  practices  and  policies,  this  proposal is neither
necessary or warranted.

         Therefore, the Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote AGAINST
this  proposal.  The proxy holders will vote all proxies  received  AGAINST this
proposal unless instructed otherwise.

         The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares present
in person or by proxy at the Annual Meeting,  and entitled to vote on this Item,
is required of this proposal.


                                     ITEM 5
                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL

         A  stockholder  has given notice that the  following  proposal  will be
presented at the Meeting:

         "WHEREAS:  We believe Unocal has violated its Guiding Principles by its
association  with the  repressive  government  of  Burma.  Foreign  governments,
international  organizations  and  human  rights  groups  have  criticized  that
Government for committing  such human rights abuses as torture,  abuse of women,
summary and arbitrary executions,  forced labor, forced relocation and arbitrary
arrests and detentions.

         "WHEREAS:  Judge Ronald W. Lew,  U.S.  District  Judge  confirmed  that
Unocal  executives were aware of these  violations in stating that 'The evidence
does suggest that Unocal knew that forced labor was being  utilized and that the
Joint Venturers [Unocal, Total, MOGE and PTT] benefited from the practice.'

         "WHEREAS:   Unocal  has  had  historic   and   on-going   environmental
violations,  especially at a number of  California's  pristine  locations  (e.g.
Guadalupe spill, the largest in California,  costing $43.8M),  Avila Beach spill
(killing a town  economically -- costing up to $200 million),  San Francisco Bay
spill  (costing  $83 million  with a possible  $50 million  more),  and Molycorp
Mountain  Pass Mine  (failed  to  report  toxic  discharges).  We  believe  this
indicates a lack of concern for  communities  and the  environment,  has damaged
Unocal's image and caused financial loss;

         "WHEREAS:  We  believe  that  Unocal  has  failed  to obey its  Guiding
Principles  which  requires  the  Company  to:  'Conduct  business in a way that
engenders    pride   in   our    employees    and   respect   from   the   world
community...communicate openly and honestly...improve the quality of life in the
communities where we do business...protect the environment...be a good corporate
citizen and a good friend of the people of our host country.'

         "WHEREAS:  We also  believe  that  Unocal  has failed to conform to the
Global  Sullivan  Principles,  recently  endorsed  by Unocal,  which  explicitly
commits endorsing  companies to eight basic principles  including the following:
'We will express our support for universal human rights and  particularly  those
of our employees, the communities within which we operate, and parties with whom
we do business.'

         "WHEREAS: One important way to insure that any company is serious about
its own Code, or pursuing principles like the Global Sullivan Principles,  is to
provide  incentives to executives  through  their  compensation  formula to meet
those goals.

         "BE IT  RESOLVED:  That  the  Board  of  Directors  appoint  a  special
committee of the Board consisting  solely of independent Board Members to review
ways to link  executive  compensation  with the  Company's  ethical  and  social
performance, and in particular with Unocal's Guiding Principles and to report to
the shareholders the results of this review.  This report may omit  confidential
information and be prepared at a reasonable cost.

                              Supporting Statement

         "We believe  linking the  compensation  and bonus  packages of Unocal's
executives  to our  Company's  ethical  and  social  performance  is timely  and
necessary.  It sends a message  that Unocal is as serious  about  excellence  in
these areas as in meeting financial and business goals.

         "Many other companies,  including Kodak,  Bristol Myers Squibb, IBM and
Proctor & Gamble, has social  responsibility goals and performance  reflected in
their compensation formula."


                            Directors' Recommendation

The Board of Directors  recommends a vote AGAINST the adoption of this  proposal
for the following reasons:

         We  believe  that this  proposal  is  unnecessary.  Unocal's  executive
compensation  is  already  determined  by a  committee  of the  Board  comprised
exclusively  of   independent   directors  (the   Management   Development   and
Compensation  Committee),  assisted by Strategic  Compensation  Associates,  the
Company's outside consultant.  Many aspects of executive performance,  including
ethical  behavior  and  social  responsibility,   are  utilized  in  determining
compensation.  The Management  Development and Compensation  Committee's  report
explaining the criteria for executive  officer  compensation is already provided
to all  stockholders,  as required by law,  and is found  beginning on page 9 of
this proxy statement.

         Unocal also has a Corporate Responsibility Committee, composed entirely
of  independent  Directors  to review  the  Company's  policies,  practices  and
programs related to health,  environment,  safety,  human  resources,  community
affairs,  and ethical  conduct.  This committee of outside  directors  regularly
shares information about the company's corporate responsibility efforts with the
full  Board.  A  report  on  corporate  responsibility  was  made  available  to
stockholders  in 1999 and shared with the public through the company's  internet
site.  Later this year,  Unocal  will issue a progress  report on our  corporate
responsibility  program, our expanded community initiatives,  and our efforts to
participate in the global dialogue on human rights and the  responsibilities  of
international energy companies.

         The  proponent's  statements  may mislead  stockholders  about Unocal's
investment in Myanmar and the federal judge's order granting Unocal's motion for
summary judgment in the Doe v. Unocal case. For example,  based on the statement
regarding  the Doe v. Unocal case,  the reader may believe that the judgment was
rendered  against the Company.  In fact,  the court ruled in Unocal's  favor and
stated  that there is no  evidence  that  Unocal  sought to use forced  labor or
participated in or influenced the military's unlawful conduct.

         Unocal  is  firmly  committed  to  being a good  corporate  citizen  by
operating in a way that is socially responsible and that contributes to economic
prosperity.   Our  efforts  focus  on  operating  efficiently  and  effectively,
preventing pollution and producing clean energy. This is true in Southeast Asia,
the United States and anywhere else Unocal has business interests.

Our Position

         We believe this proposal is  unnecessary  because  Unocal already has a
committee  made  up  exclusively  of  independent  non-employee  directors  that
regularly  conducts the review requested by the proposal and provides a detailed
report on this review to all stockholders in the annual proxy statement.

         The Board of  Directors  unanimously  recommends  a vote  AGAINST  this
proposal. The proxy holders will vote all proxies received AGAINST this proposal
unless instructed otherwise.

         The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares present
in person or by proxy at the Annual Meeting,  and entitled to vote on this Item,
is required for approval of this proposal.


                                     ITEM 6
                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL

A stockholder has given notice that the following  proposal will be presented at
the Meeting:

         "WHEREAS:  Employees,  customers,  and  stockholders  make up a greater
diversity of backgrounds than ever before. We believe that the board composition
of major  corporations  should  reflect the  workforce  and  marketplace  of the
twenty-first century if our company is going to remain competitive.

         "The Department of Labor's 1995 Glass Ceiling Commission  reported that
diversity and  inclusiveness in the workplace  positively impact the bottom line
('Good for Business: Making Full Use of the Nation's Human Capital'). A Covenant
Fund report of S&P 500 companies revealed that "firms that succeed in shattering
their own glass  ceiling  racked up  stock-market  records  that were nearly 2.5
times better than otherwise-comparable companies."

         "The Investor  Responsibility  Research  Center (IRRC) reported in 1996
that  inclusiveness at senior  management  levels was at only 12 percent for the
over 39,000  companies  required to submit the EEO-1  Report.  The Glass Ceiling
Commission reported that companies select from only half of the available talent
within the U.S. workforce.

         "If we are to be prepared  for the 21st  century,  we must learn how to
compete in an increasingly diverse global marketplace by promoting and selecting
the best qualified people regardless of race, gender or physical challenge.  Sun
Oil's CEO Robert  Campbell  stated,  'often what a woman or minority  person can
bring to the board is some  perspective  a company  has not had before -- adding
some modern-day reality to the deliberation  process.  Those perspectives are of
great value, and often missing from an all-white,  male gathering. They can also
be  inspirational  to the company's  diverse  workforce'  (Wall Street  Journal,

         "We believe that the judgement and perspectives of a diverse board will
improve  the  quality of  corporate  decision-making.  A growing  proportion  of
stockholders  is  attaching  value to board  inclusiveness,  since  the board is
responsible for representing  shareholder  interests in corporate meetings.  The
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association and College Retirement Equities Fund,
the largest American institutional investor,  recently issued a set of corporate
governance  guidelines  which  included a call for  'diversity  of  directors by
experience, sex, age, and race.'

         "We  therefore,  urge our company to enlarge  its search for  qualified
board members.

         "RESOLVED:  The Shareholders request that

          1.   The  company  make  available  to  shareholders,   at  reasonable
               expense,  a  report  four  months  from  the  date of the  annual
               meeting, which includes a description of:

               a)   Efforts  to  encourage  diversified  representation  on  the
               b)   Criteria  for  board   qualification;
               c)   The process of selecting  board nominees and board committee

          2.   The Board  Nominating  Committee  make a greater effort to locate
               qualified women and persons of color as candidates for nomination
               to the board."


                            Directors' Recommendation

         The Board of  Directors  recommends a vote AGAINST the adoption of this
proposal for the following reasons:

         This  stockholder  proposal would require the Board to provide a report
four months from the date of the Annual Meeting describing its efforts, criteria
and process of achieving Board  inclusiveness.  The Board of Directors  believes
that this report is unnecessary and recommends a vote against this proposal.

         Our  Board  Governance   Committee  is  charged  with  identifying  new
candidates for the Board.  It seeks the best  qualified  individuals to serve as
directors  of the Company  based on  relevant  business  experience,  expertise,
abilities,  and the  willingness to commit time to a dynamic  Board.  One of the
explicit  criteria it considers in  identifying  new  directors is the potential
impact of a candidate on the diversity of the Board as a whole. In addition, the
Committee solicits recommendations of qualified candidates from our stockholders
in our proxy  statement.  We are proud of the success we have had in  increasing
the diversity of our Board. Our nine current directors include Timothy Ling, our
president and chief operating  officer,  who is  Asian-American,  and Dr. Marina
v.N. Whitman, a Unocal director since 1993.

         As a global  energy  Company  with  employees  based  around the world,
Unocal  employs and strongly  benefits from a diverse  workforce.  As of January
2001, more than half of the Company's  total  workforce of 6,800,  were non-U.S.
citizens.  Unocal is  committed  to  offering  equal  employment  to all persons
without regard to race, creed, color,  gender,  age, religion,  national origin,
sexual  orientation  or  physical  limitations.   The  Company  makes  the  same
commitment when seeking new candidates for the Board.

Our Position

         The Board of  Directors  believes  that this  stockholder  proposal  is
unnecessary  because we already are careful to consider the potential  impact of
new directors on the diversity of the Board,  and the  preparation  of a special
report would not be of additional benefit to stockholders.

         The Board of  Directors  unanimously  recommends  a vote  AGAINST  this
proposal. The proxy holders will vote all proxies received AGAINST this proposal
unless instructed otherwise.

         The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares present
in person or by proxy at the Annual Meeting,  and entitled to vote on this Item,
is required for approval of this proposal.

         The Company will provide  stockholders  with the names and addresses of
the proponents of the three  stockholder  proposals and information  about their
ownership  of Unocal  common stock  promptly  upon receipt of an oral or written
request to the Secretary of the Company.

                                     ITEM 7.
                                  OTHER MATTERS

     Only  such  business  shall  be  conducted  at an  annual  meeting  of  the
stockholders as shall have been properly  brought before the meeting pursuant to
the notice of meeting (or any  supplement  thereto) given by or at the direction
of the Board of  Directors,  or by a  stockholder  or a beneficial  owner of the
Company's stock in compliance with the provisions of Section 7 of Article III of
the Company's Bylaws.

     The Board of Directors has no knowledge at the time of the printing of this
Proxy  Statement  of other  business  to be  presented  for action at the Annual
Meeting of Stockholders or any adjournment  thereof.  If other business properly
comes up for action at the Meeting,  the proxy  holders will vote the proxies in
their discretion.



     Proposals  submitted for inclusion in the Company's proxy statement for the
2002 Annual Meeting of Stockholders pursuant to Rule 14a-8 of the Securities and
Exchange  Commission under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 must be received
by the Corporate  Secretary at 2141  Rosecrans  Avenue,  Suite 4000, El Segundo,
California  90245, on or before December 10, 2001.  Under the Company's  Bylaws,
stockholder  proposals for consideration at the 2002 Annual Meeting, but not for
inclusion in the proxy statement, must be received by the Corporate Secretary no
later than February 19, 2002. If the Company's  Bylaws are amended to change the
date of the 2002 Annual  Meeting,  the deadline for  submitting  such  proposals
shall be the later of 90 days before the meeting date or the 10th day  following
the day on which public  announcement of the meeting date is first made.  Notice
of such  proposals  must also comply with the provisions of Section 7 of Article
III of the Company's Bylaws.

                                By Order of the Board of Directors

                                /s/ Brigitte M. Dewez

                                Brigitte M. Dewez
                                Corporate Secretary

April 9, 2001
El Segundo, California


                                    EXHIBIT A

                               UNOCAL CORPORATION
                         ACCOUNTING & AUDITING COMMITTEE


The Accounting & Auditing  Committee (the Committee) is a committee  established
by the Board of Directors  (the Board) to assist it in fulfilling  its oversight
responsibilities  for the reliability of the Company's  financial  reporting and
the adequacy of its internal  operating  policies and controls,  and the quality
and performance of Unocal's  internal audit department,  comptroller  group, and
independent accountants.


The  Committee  authority is derived from this Charter as approved by the Board.
The Committee is empowered to  investigate  any matter  brought to its attention
and shall have  unrestricted  access to all Company  personnel  and  facilities,
books and records,  and will be given the  resources  necessary to discharge its


The  Committee's   responsibilities  are  to  assist  the  Board  in  monitoring
significant  business risks,  the internal  control systems and the integrity of
the  financial  reporting  process of the  Company.  Oversight  activities  will

     o    Review  monitoring of compliance  with Company's  Conflict of Interest

     o    Review the adequacy of the Company's  system of internal  controls for
          financial reporting accuracy, and safeguarding of assets.

     o    Review   accounting   policies  and  policy   changes   including  the
          appropriateness of principles and practices to be followed.

     o    Review,  with the Company's  General  Counsel,  any legal matters that
          could have a significant impact on the Company's financial statements.

     o    Review  significant   reporting  or  operating  issues  affecting  the
          financial  statements  that were  discussed  and  resolved  during the
          accounting period.

     o    Review disputes between management and the independent  accountants in
          connection with the preparation of the Company's financial statements.

     o    Review annually with management and the independent accountants:

               -    The  financial  statements  to be included in the  Company's
                    Annual Report on Form 10-K including  their  judgement about
                    the  quality  of   accounting   principles   employed,   the
                    reasonableness of significant judgements, and the clarity of
                    the financial statement disclosures;

               -    Results of the annual  financial  statement  audit including
                    significant  related  recommendations to management;  and,

               -    Any  other  matters  required  to  be  communicated  to  the
                    Committee by the  independent  accountants  under  generally
                    accepted auditing standards.


     o    Review with  management and the  independent  accountants  the interim
          financial results prior to filing of the Company's Quarterly Report on
          Form 10-Q and  discuss  the  results of the  quarterly  review and any
          other  matters   required  to  be   communicated  by  the  independent
          accountants   under  generally   accepted  auditing   standards.   The
          Chairperson  of the  Committee or a designee may  represent the entire
          Committee for the purpose of this review.

     o    Review the independent accountants' proposed audit scope and approach.

     o    Evaluate  together with the Board the  performance of the  independent
          accountants and if so determined by this Committee, recommend that the
          Board replace the independent accountants.

     o    Review the  independent  accountants'  fee  arrangement  for audit and
          non-audit services.

     o    Recommend  to  the  Board  the  selection  and   appointment   of  the
          independent accountants,  which firm is ultimately accountable to this
          Committee and the Board as representatives of the shareholders.

     o    Receive  periodic  written  reports from the  independent  accountants
          regarding   their   independence,   discuss   such  reports  with  the
          independent  accountants,  and if so  determined  by  this  Committee,
          recommend that the Board take appropriate  action to satisfy itself of
          the independence of the accountants.

     o    Review  internal  audit  plans  and  budgets  to ensure  they  provide
          adequate support for the Committee's goals and objectives.

     o    Approve the Internal Audit Department Charter.

     o    Review the quality and activities of the internal audit function.

     o    Review management's appointment of the General Auditor.

     o    Prepare the  Accounting & Auditing  Committee  report  required by the
          rules of the Securities and Exchange  Commission to be included in the
          Company's annual proxy statement.

     o    Obtain from the independent  accountants assurance that Section 10A of
          the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform  Act of 1995 has not been
          violated and copies of any reports the  independent  accountants  have
          filed  under  this  Act  in  relation  to  the  Company  or any of its

The  Committee  is also  responsible  to provide  assurance  that the Company is
conducting its affairs ethically and is maintaining  effective  controls against
employee conflict of interest. Oversight activities will include:

     o    Review  Company   policies   relating  to  business  conduct  and  the
          investigation of misconduct.

     o    Review  management's  monitoring of compliance with the Company's Code
          of  Conduct  and with the  Foreign  Corrupt  Practices  Act.

     o    Review significant cases of misconduct.

     o    Review  Company  policies  and  procedures  for  reviewing   officers'
          expenses, perquisites and use of Company assets.

     o    Meet  privately  at  least  annually  with  senior  management  of the
          Company,   with  the  internal   auditors  and  with  the  independent
          accountants to discuss the quality of accounting and internal controls
          and to  determine  if any  restrictions  have  been  placed  on  their
          examinations by management or if there are any other items that should
          be discussed.

This  Committee  shall also  review and  reassess  the  adequacy  of the Charter
annually and recommend any proposed changes to the Board for approval.



The Committee shall maintain lines of communication with Company management, the
independent  accountants and the internal auditors.  Meetings shall be scheduled
and reports requested as deemed necessary by the Committee.

The Committee shall report committee activities to the Board regularly.


The Committee  shall  consist of at least three  outside  directors who meet the
independence and experience requirements of the New York Stock Exchange.

The Committee should meet not less than once per Quarter.

The Board shall appoint the Chairperson and Committee members.

Two members shall constitute a quorum.


While  this  Committee  has the  responsibilities  and  powers set forth in this
Charter,  it is not the duty of this  Committee to plan or conduct  audits or to
determine that the Company's financial  statements are complete and accurate and
are in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  This is the
responsibility of management and the independent accountants. Nor is it the duty
of this Committee to resolve  disagreements,  if any, between management and the
independent  accountants or to assure  compliance  with laws and regulations and
provisions of the Company's Code of Conduct.


                                    EXHIBIT B

                               UNOCAL CORPORATION


                                Table of Contents


1.       General Description..............................................................................  B-1

2.       Definitions......................................................................................  B-1

3.       Effective Date, Duration.........................................................................  B-4

4.       Administration...................................................................................  B-4

5.       Stock Options....................................................................................  B-4

         (a)      Time of Initial Award...................................................................  B-4

         (b)      Subsequent Annual Awards................................................................  B-4

         (c)      Maximum Number of Shares; Individual Award Limits.......................................  B-4

         (d)      Option Price............................................................................  B-5

         (e)      Option Period and Exercisability........................................................  B-5

         (f)      Termination of Directorship.............................................................  B-5

         (g)      Acceleration of Vesting.................................................................  B-6

6.       Stock Units......................................................................................  B-6

         (a)      Annual Stock Units Award................................................................  B-6

         (b)      Deferral of Regular Cash Compensation Into Deferral Units...............................  B-6

         (c)      Vesting of Units........................................................................  B-7

         (d)      Dividend Equivalent Units...............................................................  B-7

         (e)      Deferral Elections......................................................................  B-7

         (f)      Restrictions, Distributions and Changes to Distributions................................  B-7

         (g)      Payment of Units........................................................................  B-8

7.       Shares Subject To The Plan; Share Limits.........................................................  B-9

         (a)      Shares Available for Issuance...........................................................  B-9

         (b)      Share Limits; Cut Backs.................................................................  B-9

         (c)      Fractional Shares; Minimum Issue........................................................  B-9


8.       General..........................................................................................  B-9

         (a)      Government and other regulations........................................................  B-9

         (b)      Tax withholding.........................................................................  B-9

         (c)      Beneficiaries...........................................................................  B-9

         (d)      Non-transferability.....................................................................  B-10

         (e)      Expenses................................................................................  B-10

         (f)      Titles and headings.....................................................................  B-10

         (g)      Governing Law...........................................................................  B-10

         (h)      Limitation on Participants' Rights......................................................  B-11

         (i)      Rights with respect to Stock Units......................................................  B-11

         (j)      Option Agreements.......................................................................  B-11

         (k)      Plan Construction.......................................................................  B-11

9.       Changes in Capital Structure.....................................................................  B-11

10.      Amendments and Termination.......................................................................  B-12

11.      Stockholder Approval.............................................................................  B-12

12.      Pooling Limitations..............................................................................  B-12

13.      Roll-over of Accounts from Former Plan...........................................................  B-12


                               UNOCAL CORPORATION

1.       General Description

     The  Plan  provides  for  grants  of  stock  units  and  stock  options  to
non-employee directors.  Non-employee directors may also elect to defer all or a
portion of their annual cash  compensation  into stock units  subject to certain

     The purpose of the Plan is to attract,  motivate and retain experienced and
knowledgeable  directors by offering  additional  stock based  compensation  and
incentives to defer and potentially  enhance their compensation and to encourage
stock ownership in the Company.

2.       Definitions

     The following definitions shall be applicable throughout the Plan:

         "Award Units" means Stock Units  credited  pursuant to Section 6(a) and
         any  dividend  equivalent  Stock  Units  credited  thereon  pursuant to
         Section 6(d).

         "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

         "Cause" shall have the same meaning as determined under Delaware law.

         "Change in Control" means the occurrence of any of the following:

                  (a) The acquisition by any individual, entity or group (within
                  the meaning of Section  13(d)(3)  or 14(d)(2) of the  Exchange
                  Act (a "Person") of beneficial  ownership  (within the meaning
                  of Rule 13d-3  promulgated  under the Exchange  Act) of 20% or
                  more of either (i) the then outstanding shares of common stock
                  of the Company (the  "Outstanding  Company  Common  Stock") or
                  (ii) the combined voting power of the then outstanding  voting
                  securities  of the Company  entitled to vote  generally in the
                  election  of  directors  (the   "Outstanding   Company  Voting
                  Securities");  provided,  however,  that for  purposes of this
                  subsection   (a),  the   following   acquisitions   shall  not
                  constitute a Change in Control:  (i) any acquisition  directly
                  from the Company,  (ii) any acquisition by the Company,  (iii)
                  any acquisition by an employee benefit plan (or related trust)
                  sponsored  or   maintained   by  the  Company  or  any  entity
                  controlled  by the  Company  or (iv)  any  acquisition  by any
                  entity pursuant to a transaction  which  satisfied  conditions
                  (i), (ii) and (iii) of clause (c) below.

                  (b)  Individuals  who, as of the date hereof,  constitute  the
                  Board  (the  "Incumbent   Board")  cease  for  any  reason  to
                  constitute  at  least  a  majority  of  the  Board;  provided,
                  however, that any individual becoming a director subsequent to
                  the date hereof whose election,  or nomination for election by
                  the Company's stockholders, was approved by a vote of at least
                  a majority of the  directors  then  comprising  the  Incumbent
                  Board shall be  considered  as though such  individual  were a
                  member  of  the  Incumbent  Board,  but  excluding,  for  this
                  purpose,  any such  individual  whose  initial  assumption  of
                  office occurs as a result of an actual or threatened  election
                  contest  with  respect to the election or removal of directors
                  or other  actual or  threatened  solicitation  of  proxies  or
                  consents by or on behalf of a Person other than the Board; or


               (c)  The  approval  by  the  stockholders  of  the  Company  of a
               reorganization,   merger  or   consolidation  or  sale  or  other
               disposition  of all or  substantially  all of the  assets  of the
               Company  or the  acquisition  of  assets  of  another  entity  (a
               "Business Combination"), or, if the consummation of such Business
               Combination  is  subject,   at  the  time  of  such  approval  by
               stockholders,  to the  consent of any  governmental  agency , the
               obtaining of such consent  either  explicitly  or  implicitly  by
               consummation  of the Business  Combination in each case,  unless,
               following such Business Combination, (i) all or substantially all
               of the individuals  and entities who were the beneficial  owners,
               respectively,   of  the  Outstanding  Company  Common  Stock  and
               Outstanding  Company Voting Securities  immediately prior to such
               Business   Combination  will   beneficially   own,   directly  or
               indirectly, more than 50% of, respectively,  the then outstanding
               shares  of  common  stock and the  combined  voting  power of the
               outstanding  voting securities  entitled to vote generally in the
               election  of  directors,  as the  case  may  be,  of  the  entity
               resulting  from such  Business  Combination,  including,  without
               limitation,  an entity which as a result of such transaction owns
               the Company or all or  substantially  all of the Company's assets
               either  directly  or  through  one  or  more   subsidiaries  (the
               "Resulting  Entity") in  substantially  the same  proportions  as
               their ownership,  immediately prior to such Business  Combination
               of the Outstanding  Company Common Stock and Outstanding  Company
               Voting Securities,  as the case may be, (ii) no Person (excluding
               any  Resulting  Entity  from  such  Business  Combination  or any
               employee  benefit plan (or related  trust) of the Company or such
               Resulting   Entity   from   such   Business   Combination)   will
               beneficially  own,  directly  or  indirectly,  20%  or  more  of,
               respectively,  the then outstanding shares of common stock of the
               corporation  resulting  from  such  Business  Combination  or the
               combined voting power of the then outstanding  voting  securities
               of such  corporation  except to the  extent  that such  ownership
               existed  prior to the Business  Combination  and (iii) at least a
               majority  of  the  members  of  the  board  of  directors  of the
               Resulting  Entity from such Business  Combination  will have been
               members of the  Incumbent  Board at the time of the  execution of
               the initial agreement,  or of the action of the Board,  providing
               for such Business Combination; or

               (d)  Approval  by the  stockholders  of the Company of a complete
               liquidation  or  dissolution  of the  Company,  other than in the
               context of a Business Combination.

          "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

          "Committee"  means  the  Board  Governance   Committee  or  any  other
          committee  appointed  by the  Board  to  administer  the  Plan,  which
          committee  shall be  comprised  only of two or more  directors or such
          greater number of directors as may be required under applicable law.

          "Company" means Unocal Corporation and, if it should cease to exist as
          a public company, thereafter (on prospective basis) its successors.

          "Deferral  Units" means Stock Units credited  pursuant to Section 6(b)
          with  respect to the actual  amount of  compensation  deferred  by the
          Eligible Director  increased by 20% and any dividend  equivalent Stock
          Units credited thereon pursuant to Section 6(d).

          "Disability"  means a "total  and  permanent  disability"  within  the
          meaning of Section  22(e)(3) of the Code and such other  disabilities,
          infirmities,  afflictions or mental or physical conditions that render
          materially  more  burdensome or impossible  the  director's  continued
          service as the Committee by resolution may recognize.

          "Distribution Subaccount" means a subaccount of an Eligible Director's
          Stock Unit Account  established to separately  account for Stock Units
          that are subject to different  distribution  elections or  established
          for different deferral periods.


          "Effective Date" means March 27, 2001.

          "Eligible  Director"  means  any  member  of the  Board  who is not an
          employee of the Company or a Subsidiary.

          "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

          "Former Plan" means the Company's  Directors'  Restricted  Stock Units
          Plan, as amended.

          "Fair Market Value" means (1) with respect to Options,  the average of
          the high and the low prices of the Stock and (2) with respect to Stock
          Units, the closing price of the Stock, in each case as reported on the
          New York  Stock  Exchange  -  Composite  Transactions  Summary  or any
          successor principal market for the Stock.

          "Option" or "Nonqualified  Stock Option" means an option to purchase a
          certain  number of  shares  of Stock  granted  to  Eligible  Directors
          pursuant to Section 5.

          "Participant"  means a person who has been  granted an Option or Award
          Units  or who  has  deferred  all  or a  portion  of  his or her  cash
          compensation into Deferral Units.

          "Plan"  means  the  Unocal   Corporation   2001  Directors'   Deferred
          Compensation  and Stock Award Plan,  as set forth herein and as it may
          be amended from time to time.

          "Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

          "Stock"  means shares of common stock,  par value $1.00 per share,  of
          the Company,  including any rights attendant  thereto upon issuance of
          the shares, together with any restrictions,  limitations or conditions
          of and to such rights,  under the Rights Agreement dated as of January
          5, 2000 between the Company and Mellon Investor  Services,  L.L.C. (as
          Rights  Agent) as it may be  amended  from time to time and such other
          stock or other  securities  or property  into which the Stock (or such
          rights) may be converted or for which it is exchanged or  substituted,
          and any credits thereon, pursuant to Section 9.

          "Stock Unit" means a non-voting  unit of  measurement  which is deemed
          for bookkeeping  purposes to be equivalent to one outstanding share of
          Stock  solely for  purposes of  determining  benefits  under the Plan,
          established  pursuant to the grant of Award Units under  Section 6(a),
          an election  to defer cash  compensation  under  Section  6(b),  or in
          respect of dividend equivalents under Section 6(d), and payable solely
          in a share of Stock, on a one-for-one basis.

          "Stock Unit Account" means the bookkeeping  account  maintained by the
          Company for each  Eligible  Director that is credited with Stock Units
          in accordance with the Plan, and includes,  to the extent  applicable,
          any Distribution Subaccount.

          "Subsidiary"  means any entity of which a majority of the  outstanding
          voting  stock  or  voting  power is  beneficially  owned  directly  or
          indirectly by the Company.

          "Unforeseeable  Emergency"  means a severe  financial  hardship to the
          Eligible  Director  resulting from a sudden and unexpected  illness or
          accident  of the  Eligible  Director or a  dependent  of the  Eligible
          Director, loss to the Eligible Director's property due to casualty, or
          other similar extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances arising as
          a result of events  beyond the control of the Eligible  Director.  The
          circumstances  that will  constitute an  Unforeseeable  Emergency will
          depend upon the facts of each case.


3.       Effective Date, Duration

     The effective  date of the Plan is March 27, 2001,  subject to  stockholder
approval.  No awards may be granted under the Plan after July 1, 2006.  The Plan
shall continue in effect until all matters relating to Options,  Stock Units and
the accrual and distribution in respect of compensation  deferred on or prior to
that  date  and the  administration  of the Plan  have  been  completed  and all
payments of such compensation have been made.

4.       Administration

     The Plan shall be administered by the Committee.  The acts of a majority of
the  members  present at any  meeting at which a quorum is present  and the acts
unanimously approved in writing by the Committee shall be deemed the acts of the

     The Committee  shall have the  authority,  subject to the provisions of the
Plan,  to  establish,  adopt and revise  such rules,  regulations  and forms and
agreements  and to make all such  determinations  relating to the Plan as it may
deem  necessary or advisable in the  administration  of the Plan.  The Committee
shall  also have the  authority,  subject  to the  provisions  of the  Plan,  to
delegate ministerial,  day-to-day  administrative  details and non-discretionary
duties and functions to officers and employees of the Company.  The  Committee's
interpretation  of the  Plan or any  awards  granted  pursuant  thereto  and all
decisions and  determinations by the Committee with respect to the Plan shall be
final, binding, and conclusive on all parties.

5.       Stock Options

     (a) Time of Initial  Award.  Persons who are  Eligible  Directors in office
immediately  after the first annual meeting of  stockholders  following the date
that the Plan is approved by the Board shall be granted  without  further action
by  the  Committee  (except  to  ascertain  the  appropriate  pricing  model)  a
Nonqualified  Stock  Option to  purchase  the  number of shares of Stock  with a
notional  present value of $82,500,  as  determined by the Committee  based on a
stock option pricing model that it selects.

     After  such  annual  meeting,  if any  person who is not then an officer or
employee of the Company  shall  become a director  of the  Company,  such person
shall be granted  without  further action by the Committee  (except to ascertain
the appropriate pricing model) a Nonqualified Stock Option (the date of grant of
which will be the date the person takes office) to purchase the number of shares
of  Stock  with a  notional  present  value of  $82,500,  as  determined  by the
Committee  from  time to time  based on a stock  option  pricing  model  that it

     (b) Subsequent  Annual  Awards.  On each May 1 during the term of the Plan,
commencing  in 2002,  each  Eligible  Director  then in office  shall be granted
without  further  action by the Committee  (except to ascertain the  appropriate
pricing model) a  Nonqualified  Stock Option to purchase the number of shares of
Stock with a notional  present  value equal to  $27,500,  as  determined  by the
Committee  from  time to time  based on a stock  option  pricing  model  that it

     (c) Maximum Number of Shares;  Individual Award Limits.  Annual grants that
would otherwise  exceed the maximum number of shares allotted for issuance under
the Plan  contained  in Section  7(a) shall be prorated  within such  limitation
pursuant to Section 7(b). An Eligible  Director  shall not receive more than one
Nonqualified  Stock  Option  under this  Section 5 in any  calendar  year.  If a
director is first  eligible for an Option under the Plan on May 1 of a year, the
number of shares subject to an Option will be determined under clause (a) above.


     (d) Option Price. The exercise price per share of the Stock covered by each
Option  granted  pursuant  to Section  5(a) and 5(b) shall be 100 percent of the
Fair Market Value of the Stock on the date of grant.  The exercise  price of any
Option  granted  under  this  Section  shall be paid in full at the time of each
purchase  in cash or by check or in shares of Stock  valued at their Fair Market
Value on the date the Participant exercises the Option, or partly in such shares
and partly in cash,  provided  that any such  shares  used in payment  that were
previously  acquired by the  Participant  from the Company  upon  exercise of an
Option or otherwise shall have been owned by the Participant at least six months
prior to the date of  exercise.  In addition to the  payment  methods  described
above, unless otherwise determined by the Committee, the Option may be exercised
and payment made by delivering a properly executed exercise notice together with
irrevocable  instructions  to a broker to  promptly  deliver to the  Company the
amount of sale proceeds  necessary to pay the exercise  price and any applicable
tax  withholding  under  Section  8(b).  The Company  shall not be  obligated to
deliver  shares  of Stock  unless  and until it  receives  full  payment  of the
exercise price therefor and any related  withholding  obligations and conditions
of the Option have been satisfied.

     (e) Option Period and Exercisability

          (1) Each  Option  granted  under  this  Section  5 and all  rights  or
     obligations  thereunder  shall expire ten years after the date of grant and
     shall be subject to earlier termination as provided in Section 5(f) below.

          (2) Each Option  shall vest and become  exercisable  according  to the
     following schedules:

               (A) Initial options  granted to persons  pursuant to Section 5(a)
          who are Eligible Directors  remaining in office after the first annual
          meeting of  stockholders  immediately  following  the date the Plan is
          approved by the Board shall vest and become exercisable 33 1/3% on the
          day before the annual meeting of  stockholders  on each of the first 3
          years after the date of grant;

               (B) Initial options  granted to persons  pursuant to Section 5(a)
          who become Eligible Directors after the annual meeting of stockholders
          at which the Plan was approved  shall vest and become  exercisable  33
          1/3% on each of the first 3 anniversaries of the date of grant; and

               (C) Annual  options  granted to persons  pursuant to Section 5(b)
          shall  vest  and  become  exercisable  50%  on  each  of the  first  2
          anniversaries of the date of grant.

     (f) Termination of Directorship

               (1) If an  Eligible  Director  has  served on the Board for three
          years or more, and his or her services  terminate for any reason other
          than for Cause,  then the Participant will have until the date that is
          three years after the date of such termination or until the expiration
          of the stated term  (whichever  first  occurs) to exercise  his or her
          Option (or portion  thereof) to the extent that it was both vested and
          exercisable on the date of termination of service.

               (2) If an Eligible Director has served on the Board for less than
          three years,  and his or her services  terminate  for any reason other
          than for Cause,  then the Participant will have until the date that is
          two years after the date of such  termination  or until the expiration
          of the stated term  (whichever  first  occurs) to exercise  his or her
          Option (or portion  thereof) to the extent that it was both vested and
          exercisable on the date of termination of services.

               (3) If an Eligible  Director's services are terminated for Cause,
          all unexercised Options,  vested and unvested,  shall terminate on the
          date of termination of services.


               (4) If an Eligible  Director's  services terminate for any reason
          other  than  for  Cause,  to the  extent  not  vested  on the  date of
          termination of service, the Option shall terminate. Options vesting by
          acceleration as of such date are deemed vested.

     (g) Acceleration of Vesting.  If (1) a Participant's  service as a director
is terminated due to death or Disability, (2) a Change in Control occurs, or (3)
with respect to Options that have been  outstanding for at least nine months,  a
Participant  retires from service at the end of the  Participant's  then current
term and after  completing five full years of service but is ineligible to stand
for  reelection  under the Company's  director  retirement  policy,  each Option
granted under this Section 5 shall become  immediately vested and exercisable in

6.       Stock Units

     (a) Annual Stock Units Award.  As of July 1 of each year during the term of
the Plan  commencing  in 2002,  each  Eligible  Director then in office shall be
granted  Award  Units with a total  value equal to 20 percent of his or her cash
compensation  payable by the Company,  whether or not paid in cash, for services
rendered as a director  (determined  before any deferral  election under Section
6(b)) during the prior 14 month period (from May 1, 2001, through June 30, 2002)
as to the July 1, 2002 award, and during the prior 12 month period for each year
thereafter. The number of Award Units included in each such award shall be based
on the Fair Market Value of the Stock for the 30 consecutive  trading days prior
to the date of grant. The Company shall credit to the Eligible  Director's Stock
Unit  Account the number of Award Units so  determined.  The Award Units will be
distributed pursuant to the applicable deferral election made by the Participant
in accordance with the deferral election  procedures  described in Section 6(e).
If the Participant does not timely elect otherwise,  Award Units will be paid in
a lump sum as soon as administratively practicable after the earlier of the date
that the  Participant no longer serves as a member of the Board or upon a Change
in Control.

     If an Eligible  Director  terminates his or her service as a director prior
to July 1 of any year after July 1, 2001, he or she shall be granted Award Units
with a total  value  equal to 20% of the cash  compensation  so  payable  by the
Company for services rendered to the Company as a director from the start of the
applicable  14 or 12 month period in which the  termination  occurs  through the
service  termination date. The number of Award Units included in each such award
shall be based on the Fair  Market  Value of the  Stock  for the 30  consecutive
trading  days prior to the service  termination  date.  The Award Units shall be
credited  to his or her Stock  Unit  Account  within  30 days  after the date of
termination and will be distributed pursuant to the applicable deferral election
made by the Participant.

          (b) Deferral of Regular Cash Compensation Into Deferral Units

     Each Eligible  Director may also elect annually to defer all or part of his
or her cash  compensation,  in  increments  of no less  than  10%,  payable  for
services  rendered as a director into  Deferral  Units.  An Eligible  Director's
election to defer cash  compensation  shall be irrevocable,  except as expressly
provided  in the Plan,  and  shall be  effective  for  compensation  earned  for
services  as a director of the Company  for the  calendar  year with  respect to
which the deferral  election is made; except with respect to the period from May
1, 2001,  through  December 31, 2001,  for which the deferral  election  will be
effective only for  compensation  earned from May 1, 2001,  through December 31,
2001. The amount of compensation  earned by an Eligible  Director under the Plan
in any month shall be increased by 20% (as so increased,  the "Adjusted Deferral
Amount") for purposes of determining the number of Deferral Units to be credited
to such  director.  An  Eligible  Director's  deferral  election  shall  be made
pursuant to the election procedures in Section 6(e).

     At the end of each quarter,  the number of Deferral Units to be credited to
an Eligible  Director's  Stock Unit Account with respect to deferrals under this
Section 6(b) shall be the director's  Adjusted  Deferral Amount for that quarter
divided by the Fair Market Value of the Stock over the quarter.


     (c) Vesting of Units.  Deferral Units and Award Units shall be fully vested
and non-forfeitable at all times..

     (d) Dividend Equivalent Units

          (1) At the end of each  quarter in which a dividend  is paid on Stock,
     additional  Stock  Units (or  portions  thereof)  will be  credited  to the
     Eligible  Director's  Stock  Unit  Account.  The  number of Stock  Units so
     credited  shall equal the cash  dividend  (or  declared  value of any other
     dividend) per share multiplied by the number of Stock Units in the Eligible
     Director's  Stock  Unit  Account  as of the  end of the  preceding  quarter
     divided by the Fair  Market  Value of a share of Stock  over the  preceding

          (2) If a  distribution  event  occurs after a record date but before a
     dividend  payment date,  the dividend  equivalent  rights,  with respect to
     distributed  shares,  will be settled in cash, in lieu of additional  Stock
     Units, on the payment date based on the total number of shares distributed.

          (3) Stock Units credited in respect of dividend  equivalents  shall be
     paid in Stock (except as provided in Section 7(b)) at the same time and the
     same manner as the Stock Units to which they relate.

     (e) Deferral Elections. Subject to Section 6(f):

          (1) Initial Elections.  Participants may make an irrevocable  election
     to defer all or a portion of Award Units awarded under Section 6(a) and all
     or a portion of cash  compensation  into Deferral Units under Section 6(b).
     For a deferral election to be effective, any such election must be received
     by the  Company no later  than the  applicable  deadline  for the period to
     which the deferral  relates (but, in any event, no later than 30 days after
     the Plan is  adopted  by the  Board as to  compensation  earned in 2001 and
     immediately  preceding  December  31 for each  subsequent  calendar  year).
     Notwithstanding  the  preceding  sentence,  a person  who first  becomes an
     Eligible  Director during a calendar year may make a deferral election with
     respect to the compensation  payable through the end of that calendar year,
     provided that (a) the election is received by the Company within the 30-day
     period  following  the date  that the  person  first  becomes  an  Eligible
     Director,  and (b) the  election  applies only to  compensation  earned for
     services as a Board  member  after the date the election is received by the

          (2) Subsequent  Elections.  An Eligible Director shall be permitted to
     make a different  election with respect to each annual deferral period and,
     with respect to Award Units and Deferral Units, as to the time in which his
     or her benefits shall be distributed.  For each Eligible Director who makes
     one or more distribution elections,  his or her Stock Unit Account shall be
     divided into two or more Distribution Subaccounts as necessary or advisable
     to separately account for deferrals which are payable at different times.

     (f) Restrictions, Distributions and Changes to Distributions

          (1) Time and Manner of Distribution. Participants shall be entitled to
     receive a distribution of his or her Stock Unit Account at such time as may
     be elected by the  Participant  at the time of a  deferral  election  under
     Section 6(e) and as set forth in writing on forms  provided by the Company.
     The earliest  distribution  date that may be elected for Deferral  Units is
     three years after the commencement of the applicable  deferral period,  and
     for Award  Units,  three years after the date of award,  except,  in either
     case, upon a Change in Control or the Participant's termination of services
     as a director if the director has elected  such  earlier  time.  The latest
     distribution  date for Stock Units will be, in the aggregate,  the later of
     15 years from the  commencement  of the applicable  deferral  period or the
     Participant's termination of service.


          Notwithstanding  any contrary  elections or other terms of the Plan, a
     Participant shall receive an immediate  crediting and distribution of Stock
     Units  under  the Plan  if,  and to the  extent  that,  as a result  of the
     Participant  accepting  government or community service, the Participant is
     required to divest all interests in the Company and would otherwise forfeit
     such benefits.

          (2) Change in Time of Distribution.  An Eligible Director may elect to
     further defer the  commencement of any distribution to be made with respect
     to Stock  Units  benefits  payable  under the Plan by filing a new  written
     election in a form and manner approved by the Committee; provided, however,
     that (A) no such new election shall be effective until 12 months after such
     election is filed, (B) no such new election shall be effective with respect
     to any Stock Units after the  distribution  of benefits with respect to the
     applicable  Stock Units  subaccount  shall have commenced,  and (C) no more
     than two new elections with respect to any annual  deferral period shall be
     recognized as to any Participant.

          (3) Early  Distributions.  Participant  shall be permitted to elect to
     withdraw (subject to Committee approval to the extent required to avoid any
     matchable  event under Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act) not less than 50%
     of his  or her  Stock  Unit  Account,  reduced  by the  withdrawal  penalty
     described   below,   prior  to  the  applicable   payment  date(s)  ("Early
     Distributions"), subject to the following restrictions:

          (A) The  election  to  take an  Early  Distribution  shall  be made in
     writing on a form provided by and filed with the Committee;

          (B) The amount of the Early Distribution shall equal 90% of the amount
     the Eligible Director has elected to withdraw; and

          (B) The remaining 10% of the amount the Eligible  Director has elected
     to withdraw shall be permanently surrendered,  and the Eligible Director or
     his  or  her  Beneficiary  shall  have  no  rights  with  respect  to  such
     surrendered amounts.

     The  Eligible  Director's  remaining  Stock Units in the Stock Unit Account
     shall continue to be credited with Dividend  Equivalents in accordance with
     Section 6(d).

          (4)  Distributions for  Unforeseeable  Emergencies.  A Participant may
     request  a   distribution   of  the   Participant's   Stock  Units  for  an
     Unforeseeable  Emergency  (without  penalty or  surrender  of rights).  Any
     distribution for an Unforeseeable Emergency shall be subject to approval by
     the  Committee  in its sole  discretion  and may be made only to the extent
     necessary to satisfy the hardship.

          The   Committee  may  treat  a   distribution   as  necessary  for  an
     Unforeseeable  Emergency  if it relies on the Eligible  Director's  written
     representation, without actual knowledge to the contrary, that the hardship
     cannot reasonably be relieved through timely  reimbursement or compensation
     by insurance or otherwise,  or by  liquidation  of the Eligible  Director's
     assets, to the extent the liquidation of such assets would not itself cause
     severe financial hardship.

     (g) Payment of Units. Upon a distribution event, the Company shall, subject
to  Section  8(b)  hereunder,  deliver a number of shares of Stock  equal to the
number of Stock Units (as adjusted pursuant to Section 6(f)(3) if applicable) to
which the Participant is then entitled  (whether by expiration of the applicable
deferral  period,   determination   of  Unforeseeable   Emergency  or  voluntary
withdrawal under Section 6(f)(3)) under the terms of the Plan.


7.       Shares Subject To The Plan; Share Limits

     (a) Shares  Available for Issuance.  Subject to adjustment under Section 9,
the  aggregate  number of shares of Stock that may be issued or delivered  under
the Plan shall not exceed 500,000  shares.  Stock delivered by the Company under
the Plan  shall be shares of  authorized  and  unissued  shares of Stock  and/or
previously  issued  Stock  held as  treasury  shares and shall be fully paid and
non-assessable when issued. Shares issuable on exercise of Options or payment of
Stock Units shall be reserved for issue, and to the extent that awards terminate
or expire without payment in shares, the shares will be available for subsequent
grants or accretions.

     (b)  Share  Limits;  Cut  Backs.  If any grant of an Option or the award or
crediting  of Stock Units would cause the sum of the shares of Stock  previously
issued and shares issuable under outstanding awards under the Plan to exceed the
maximum  number of shares  authorized  under the Plan, the Company shall prorate
among the  Eligible  Directors  the grant of new Options or award of Stock Units
and allocate the number of remaining  shares available for issuance first to the
grant of  Options,  second  toward  the  award of Award  Units  and third to the
crediting  of  Deferral  Units.  If  and  for  so  long  as no  available  share
authorization  remains,  no  additional  Options shall be granted or Stock Units
credited,  cash shall be paid in lieu of dividend equivalents under Section 6(d)
for such  duration and any contrary or  inconsistent  elections  shall be deemed
revised or rescinded accordingly.

     (c) Fractional  Shares;  Minimum Issue.  Fractional  share interests may be
accumulated but shall not be issued. Cash will be paid or transferred in lieu of
any fractional share interests that remain upon a final  distribution  under the
Plan.  No fewer than 100 shares may be purchased on exercise of an Option at any
one time unless the number  purchased is the total number at the time  available
for purchase under the Option.

8.       General

     (a) Government and other regulations. The obligation of the Company to book
Stock Units,  issue or deliver stock or Options or otherwise make payments under
the Plan  are  subject  to  compliance  with all  applicable  laws,  rules,  and
regulations (including,  without limitation, federal and state securities laws),
and to such  approvals by any listing,  agency,  or regulatory  or  governmental
authorities  as may, in the opinion of counsel for the Company,  be necessary or
advisable in connection  therewith.  The Company shall be under no obligation to
register  under the  Securities  Act any of the  securities  issued or delivered
under the Plan.  Any  securities  issued or  delivered  under the Plan  shall be
subject to such restrictions, and the person acquiring such securities shall, if
requested by the Company,  provide such  assurances and  representations  to the
Company,  as the Company may deem  necessary or  advisable to assure  compliance
with all applicable legal requirements.

     (b) Tax  withholding.  The Company  shall have the right to deduct from all
cash  payments  any  federal,  state or local  taxes as  required  by laws to be
withheld with respect to such cash payments and, with respect to the delivery of
Stock,  the Company has the right to require the person  receiving such Stock to
pay to the Company the amount of any such taxes which the Company is required to
withhold.  The Company may, in lieu of requiring cash payment of any such taxes,
elect to withhold  from Stock  payments a number of whole  shares of Stock whose
value is at least equal to the amount of such taxes.  Valuation for this purpose
shall be the Fair Market Value on the date of distribution.

     (c) Beneficiaries

          (1) Beneficiary  Designation.  Upon forms provided by the Company each
     Eligible Director may designate in writing the Beneficiary or Beneficiaries
     (as defined in Section  8(c)(2))  whom such  Eligible  Director  desires to
     receive  any  amounts  payable  under  the  Plan  after  his or her  death.
     Beneficiary  designation forms shall be effective on the date that the form
     is received


     by the  Corporate  Secretary.  An Eligible  Director  may from time to time
     change his or her  designated  Beneficiary  or  Beneficiaries  without  the
     consent of such Beneficiary or Beneficiaries by filing a new designation in
     writing  with the  Corporate  Secretary.  However,  if a  married  Eligible
     Director  wishes to  designate  a person  other  than his or her  spouse as
     Beneficiary,  such  designation  shall be  consented  to in  writing by the
     spouse.  The  Eligible  Director  may change  any  election  designating  a
     Beneficiary or  Beneficiaries  without any  requirement of further  spousal
     consent if the spouse's consent so provides. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
     spousal  consent  shall  not be  necessary  if it is  established  that the
     required consent cannot be obtained because the spouse cannot be located or
     because of other circumstances prescribed by the Committee. The Company and
     the  Committee  may  rely  on  the  Eligible  Director's  designation  of a
     Beneficiary or Beneficiaries last filed in accordance with the terms of the

          (2) Definition of Beneficiary. An Eligible Director's "Beneficiary" or
     "Beneficiaries" shall be the person, persons, trust or trusts so designated
     by the Eligible Director or, in the absence of such  designation,  entitled
     by will or the laws of descent and  distribution  to receive  the  Eligible
     Director's  benefits under the Plan in the event of the Eligible Director's
     death, and shall mean the Eligible  Director's executor or administrator if
     no other Beneficiary is identified and able to act under the circumstances.

     (d)  Non-transferability.  A  Participant's  rights and interests under the
Plan in respect of Options and Stock Units,  including  amounts payable or Stock
deliverable  under or in  respect  thereof,  may not be  assigned,  pledged,  or
transferred except:

          (1) in the event of a Participant's death, to a designated beneficiary
     as  provided  in  Section  8(c) above the Plan,  or in the  absence of such
     designation, by will or the laws of descent and distribution; or

          (2)  in the  case  of  Options,  with  the  consent  of the  Committee
     evidenced in writing or by duly adopted  resolution,  to certain persons or
     entities related to the  Participant,  including but not limited to members
     of the Participant's immediate family,  charitable institutions,  or trusts
     or other entities whose  beneficiaries or beneficial  owners are members of
     the Participant's immediate family and/or charitable institutions, pursuant
     to such  conditions  and  procedures as the Committee  may  establish.  Any
     permitted  transfer  shall be subject to the  condition  that the Committee
     receive  evidence  satisfactory  to it that the  transfer is being made for
     essentially estate and/or tax planning purposes on a gratuitous or donative
     basis and without  consideration  (other than nominal  consideration  or in
     exchange  for an  interest  in a  qualified  transferee)  and  only if such
     transfer would not adversely  affect the Company's  eligibility to use Form
     S-8 to register under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  the offering
     of shares issuable under the Plan by the Company.

The above exercise and transfer restrictions shall not apply to transfers to the
Company,  transfers  pursuant  to a court order or to the  authorization  by the
Committee of "cashless exercise" procedures for Options granted under the Plan.

     (e) Expenses.  The expenses of administering the Plan shall be borne by the

     (f) Titles and  headings.  The titles and  headings of the  sections in the
Plan are for  convenience  of reference  only, and in the event of any conflict,
the text of the Plan, rather than such titles or headings, shall control.

     (g) Governing  Law. The validity of the Plan or any of its  provisions  and
any agreements entered into under the Plan shall be construed,  administered and
governed  in all  respects  under  the  laws of the  State of  Delaware.  If any
provisions of the Plan shall be held by a court of competent  jurisdiction to be
invalid or unenforceable,  the remaining  provisions hereof shall continue to be
fully effective.


     (h) Limitation on Participants' Rights. Participation in the Plan shall not
give any person the right to  continue  to serve as a member of the Board or any
rights or interests  other than as expressly  provided  herein.  No  Participant
shall have any right to any  payment or benefit  hereunder  except to the extent
provided herein. The Plan shall create only a contractual obligation on the part
of the Company as to such amounts and shall not be construed as creating a trust
or fiduciary relationship between the Company, the Board, the Committee, and any
Participant  or  other  person.  The  Plan,  in and of  itself,  has no  assets.
Participants  shall  have  rights no greater  than those of a general  unsecured
creditor of the Company with respect to amounts or benefits  payable or credited
under the Plan.

     (i) Rights with respect to Stock Units. A Participant's  Stock Unit Account
shall be a  memorandum  account  on the books of the  Company.  The Stock  Units
credited  to such  account  shall be used  solely as a device to  determine  the
number of shares of Stock to be eventually  distributed  to the  Participant  in
accordance with the Plan. The Stock Units shall not be treated as property or as
a trust fund of any kind.  No  Participant  shall be  entitled  to any voting or
other stockholder rights with respect to Stock Units credited under the Plan.

     (j) Option  Agreements.  Each Option granted to an Eligible  Director under
the Plan shall be evidenced by an agreement in a form  approved by the Committee
and will contain the terms and conditions  consistent  with the Plan as approved
by the Committee relating to the Option.

     (k) Plan Construction.  By its approval of the Plan, the Board intends that
the transactions contemplated by the Plan satisfy and be interpreted in a manner
that satisfies the applicable  requirements of Rule 16b-3  promulgated under the
Exchange Act so that,  among other  transactions,  the elective  deferrals,  the
crediting  of Stock Units and payment in Stock,  and other  elections in respect
thereof as well as grants of Options  will be entitled  to the  benefits of Rule
16b-3 or other exemptive rules under Section 16 of the Exchange Act.

9.       Changes in Capital Structure

     Upon or in contemplation of any reclassification,  recapitalization,  stock
split (including a stock split in the form of a stock dividend) or reverse stock
split;  any merger,  combination,  consolidation  or other  reorganization;  any
split-up; spin-off, or similar extraordinary dividend distribution in respect of
the Stock (whether in the form of securities or property); any exchange of Stock
or other  securities of the Company,  or any similar,  unusual or  extraordinary
corporate  transaction in respect of the Stock; or a sale of  substantially  all
the assets of the Company as an entirety;  then the Board shall, in such manner,
to such extent (if any) and at such time as it deems  appropriate  and equitable
in the  circumstances  proportionately  adjust  any or all of (a) the number and
type of shares of Stock (or other securities or property) that thereafter may be
made the subject of Options,  Stock Units and Stock Unit Accounts (including the
specific maxima and numbers of shares set forth elsewhere in the Plan),  (b) the
number,  amount and type of shares of Stock (or other  securities  or  property)
subject to any or all outstanding Options and payable in respect of Stock Units,
(c) the grant,  purchase,  or exercise price of any or all outstanding  Options,
and the number and type of Stock Units  (both  credited  and  vested)  under the

     To the  extent  that any  vested  Option  is not  exercised  prior to (i) a
dissolution  of the Company or (ii) a merger or other  corporate  event,  and no
provision is made for the  assumption,  conversion,  substitution or exchange of
the Option, the Option shall terminate upon the occurrence of such event.

     Any  rights in respect  of cash or any  equivalent  into which the Stock or
rights to receive  stock may be or have been  converted  as a result of an event
contemplated  by this  Section  9 shall  include a right to  quarterly  interest
credits  based  upon the rate  (quoted  as an annual  rate)  that is 120% of the
federal  rate for  compounding  for the  applicable  period of time to  payment,
determined  and published by the  Secretary of the United  States  Department of
Treasury  under Section  1274(d) of the Code, for the month in which interest is


10.     Amendments and Termination

     Subject  to Section  11,  the Board  shall have the right to amend the Plan
(including  outstanding  awards) in whole or in part from time to time or may at
any time suspend or terminate the Plan; provided,  however, that no amendment or
termination  shall cancel or otherwise  adversely affect in any way, without his
or her written  consent,  any  Participant's  rights with respect to Stock Units
credited to his or her Stock Unit Account which are then vested (assuming solely
for such  purposes a  voluntary  termination  of services as of the date of such
amendment or termination) or Options granted,  and provided further that neither
Section 5 nor any other  provision  of the Plan or an award  shall be amended to
permit the reduction (by amendment,  substitution,  cancellation  and regrant or
other  means) of the  exercise  price of any Option  without  prior  stockholder
approval.  Any amendments  authorized hereby shall be stated in an instrument in
writing,  and all Participants  (subject to any applicable  consent  requirement
above)  shall  be  bound  thereby  upon  receipt  of  notice  thereof.   Changes
contemplated  by  Section  9  shall  not be  deemed  to  constitute  changes  or
amendments for purposes of this Section 10.

11.      Stockholder Approval

     The Plan,  any grant,  election,  action,  crediting  or  vesting  prior to
stockholder  approval,  shall  be  subject  to  approval  of  the  Plan  by  the
stockholders  of the Company and, to the extent  required under  applicable law,
required by the  provisions  of Section 10, or deemed  necessary or advisable by
the Board, any amendment to the Plan shall be subject to stockholder approval.

12.      Pooling Limitations

     If the Board, in its sole discretion,  determines that the existence of the
Plan, or the grant of any Options or award or crediting of any Stock Units under
the Plan would cause any  transaction  (whether or not  contemplated at the time
the Plan was adopted) that is or likely would be intended to be accounted for as
a pooling of interests  transaction  to fail to qualify for pooling of interests
accounting,  the Board may rescind any grant of any Option or crediting or award
of Stock Units and any  acceleration  of vesting or delivery of Stock in respect
of the rollover of stock units to the extent (if any) required by the applicable
accounting  rules to qualify such  transaction or remain eligible for pooling of
interest accounting. To the extent that such Board action would adversely affect
the  compensation  of  the  Participants,   the  Former  Plan  shall  be  deemed
reinstated,  the  termination  date under  Section 3 of the Former Plan shall be
extended through June 30, 2003 and the number of shares authorized by the Former
Plan  shall  be  increased  to the  extent  (if  any)  as may  be  necessary  to
accommodate the adjustments  contemplated  below. The restrictions  upon and the
number of Stock  Units  then  credited  shall be subject  to  adjustment  and/or
forfeiture  to the extent  necessary  to  reflect  the terms and number of stock
units that would have been  credited  under the Former  Plan had the Former Plan
been in effect without  interruption and the Plan not adopted, all to the extent
that such  adjustment is necessary to preserve the Company's  ability to qualify
for  pooling of interest  accounting.  If so  reinstated,  the Former Plan shall
continue in effect until all matters relating to stock units,  including accrual
and distributions in respect of compensation  deferred,  the  administration and
payout of stock units, have been completed.

13.      Roll-over of Accounts from Former Plan

     A Participant may make a one time election to roll over 100% of stock units
awarded to the Participant  under the Former Plan into the  Participant's  Stock
Unit Account.  Unless the Participant  otherwise elects as permitted hereby, the
stock units shall remain  subject to the deferral  elections then in effect with
regard to the stock units. The Participant  shall be entitled to make a one time
modification  to such  election  to provide for a  distribution  upon an earlier
termination  of  service  or upon a Change in  Control;  provided  that any such
modification  shall not be effective until 12 months after the election is made.
Any  stock  units so rolled  over  into the Plan  shall  become  subject  to and
governed by the terms and  conditions of the Plan;  provided  however,  that the
provisions of Sections  6(f)(1) and 6(f)(2) shall not apply and the  Participant
shall not be entitled to make any additional  changes  permitted by Section 6(e)
to his or her original distribution election under the Plan.


                                           UNOCAL CORPORATION
                                           C/O MELLON INVESTOR SERVICES LLC
                                           P.O. Box 1474, Church Street Station
                                           New York, NY 10277-1474

                                 UNOCAL [LOGO]

                                           Board of Directors Proxy
                                           2001 ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS




                            -FOLD AND DETACH HERE-

                             -FOLD AND DETACH HERE-




                          MAIL IN YOUR VOTE USING THE
                         ENCLOSED POSTAGE-PAID ENVELOPE



Please mark your votes as indicated in this example [X]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        The Board of Directors recommends votes for Items 1, 2, and 3

Item 1:  Election of the following nominees as     FOR ALL         WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
         directors for three-year terms to         Nominees [_]    to vote for all nominees [_]
         expire in 2004:

         (01) Frank C. Herringer
         (02) Charles R. Larson                    WITHHOLD AUTHORITY TO VOTE FOR THE FOLLOWING NOMINEE(S):
         (03) Marina v.N. Whitman
         (04) Charles R. Williamson                --------------------------------------------------------

Item 2:  Ratification of appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP                   FOR           AGAINST          ABSTAIN
         as independent accountants                                                  [_]             [_]              [_]

Item 3:  Approval of 2001 Directors' Deferred Compensation                           FOR           AGAINST          ABSTAIN
         and Stock Award Plan                                                        [_]             [_]              [_]

The Board of Directors recommends votes AGAINST Items 4,5, and 6

Item 4:  Stockholder Proposal: Workplace code of conduct                             FOR           AGAINST          ABSTAIN
         based on ILO conventions                                                    [_]             [_]              [_]

Item 5:  Stockholder Proposal: Executive Compensation review and report              FOR           AGAINST          ABSTAIN
                                                                                     [_]             [_]              [_]

Item 6:  Stockholder Proposal: Selection of Board of Directors                       FOR           AGAINST          ABSTAIN
         candidates                                                                  [_]             [_]              [_]

                                                                                       CHECK THIS BOX FOR OPEN BALLOT [_]
                                                                                       (If you check this box, the Company will
                                                                                       be given access to your proxy)

                                                                                       MEETING ATTENDANCE             [_]
                                                                                       Check this box if you plan to
                                                                                       attend the 2001 Annual Meeting

                                                                                       CHECK THIS BOX FOR
                                                                                       ELECTRONIC DELIVERY            [_]
                                                                                       (If you check this box, you agree to
                                                                                       receive future annual reports and proxy
                                                                                       statements by using a computer to access
                                                                                       Unocal's site on the internet, and we
                                                                                       will not mail paper copies of future
                                                                                       annual reports and proxy statements to you
                                                                                       unless you request them.)

SIGNATURE                              SIGNATURE                             DATE
         ----------------------------            ---------------------------      ----------------

Please mark, date and sign as your name appears above and return in the enclosed
envelope. If acting as executor, administrator,  trustee or guardian, you should
so indicate when signing.  If the signer is a corporation,  please sign the full
corporate name, by duly  authorized  officer.  If shares are held jointly,  each
stockholder  should  sign.  - SEE  OTHER  SIDE  FOR  IMPORTANT  INFORMATION  - -

                            - FOLD AND DETACH HERE -

                                                                   UNOCAL [LOGO]

                                                                ADMISSION TICKET


Meeting Time/date:      10:00 a.m., Monday, May 21, 2001
Meeting Location:       Unocal Hartley Center Auditorium,
                        376 S. Valencia Avenue, Brea, CA 92823

***Bring this admission ticket and a photo I.D. with you to the meeting on
May 21.  Do not mail.***

                            - FOLD AND DETACH HERE -

                      Vote by Internet or Telephone or Mail
                         24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week
Your telephone or Internet vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares
in the same manner as if you marked, signed and returned your proxy card.

------------------------------                  ------------------------                --------------------------
         Internet                                  Telephone                                    Mail
http://www.proxyvoting.com/ucl                  1-800-840-1208
------------------------------                  ------------------------                --------------------------

Use the Internet to vote your                   Use any touch-tone                      Mark, sign and date your
proxy.  Have your proxy card                    telephone to vote                       proxy card and return
in hand when you access the                     your proxy.  Have                       it in the enclosed
web site.  You will be               OR         your proxy card in            OR        postage-paid envelope.
prompted to enter your control                  hand when you call.
number, located in the box                      You will be prompted
below, to create and submit                     to enter your control
an electronic ballot.                           number, located in the
                                                box below, and then
                                                follow the directions

------------------------------                  ------------------------                --------------------------


ANNUAL REPORT: http://www.unocal.com/annualreport

Proxy Statement: http://www.unocal.com/proxy

                             FOLD AND DETACH HERE





Putnam Fiduciary Trust Company, Trustee      Unocal Corporation, Administrator
Unocal Savings Plan                          Management Incentive Programs
Investors Way                                2141 Rosecrans Ave, Suite 4000
Norwood, MA  02062                           El Segundo CA  90245



Please mark your votes as indicated in this example [X]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        The Board of Directors recommends votes for Items 1, 2, and 3

Item 1:  Election of the following nominees as     FOR ALL         WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
         directors for three-year terms to         Nominees [_]    to vote for all nominees [_]
         expire in 2004:

         (01) Frank C. Herringer
         (02) Charles R. Larson                    WITHHOLD AUTHORITY TO VOTE FOR THE FOLLOWING NOMINEE(S):
         (03) Marina v.N. Whitman
         (04) Charles R. Williamson                --------------------------------------------------------

Item 2:  Ratification of appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP                   FOR           AGAINST          ABSTAIN
         as independent accountants                                                  [_]             [_]              [_]

Item 3:  Approval of 2001 Directors' Deferred Compensation                           FOR           AGAINST          ABSTAIN
         and Stock Award Plan                                                        [_]             [_]              [_]

The Board of Directors recommends votes AGAINST Items 4,5, and 6

Item 4:  Stockholder Proposal: Workplace code of conduct                             FOR           AGAINST          ABSTAIN
         based on ILO conventions                                                    [_]             [_]              [_]

Item 5:  Stockholder Proposal: Executive Compensation review and report              FOR           AGAINST          ABSTAIN
                                                                                     [_]             [_]              [_]

Item 6:  Stockholder Proposal: Selection of Board of Directors                       FOR           AGAINST          ABSTAIN
         candidates                                                                  [_]             [_]              [_]

SIGNATURE                       SIGNATURE                   DATE
         -----------------------         -------------------    ----------------

Please mark, date and sign as your name appears above and return in the enclosed
envelope.  If acting as executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, you should
so indicate when signing.  If the signer is a corporation, please sign the full
corporate name, by duly authorized officer.  If shares are held jointly, each
stockholder should sign.

                                    - See other side for important information -

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             FOLD AND DETACH HERE

                          VOTE BY TELEPHONE OR INTERNET
                          24 hours a day/7 days a week

Your telephone or Internet vote  authorizes the named proxy holders to vote your
shares in the same manner as if you marked,  signed,  and  returned  your voting


1) Read the accompanying Proxy Statement.
2) With your proxy card in hand, dial 1-800-840-1208 using a touch-tone
3) When prompted, enter your Control Number, located in the lower right-hand
                             --------------                 ----------------
   corner of this form.
4) Follow the simple instructions to vote.



1) Read the accompanying Proxy Statement.
2) With this card in hand, access http://www.proxyvoting.com/ucl
3) When prompted, enter your Control Number, located in the lower right-hand
                             --------------                 ----------------
   corner of this form.
4) Follow the simple instructions to vote.

View Unocal's Annual Report and Proxy Statement on the World Wide Web!

Annual Report: http://www.unocal.com/annualreport

Proxy Statement: http://www.unocal.com/proxy