Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
                      the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

    Filed by the Registrant /X/
    Filed by a party other than the Registrant / /

    Check the appropriate box:
    / /  Preliminary Proxy Statement
    / /  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
    /X/  Definitive Proxy Statement
    / /  Definitive Additional Materials
    / /  Soliciting  Material  Pursuant to 240.14a-11(c) or 240.14a-12

                              Synergx Systems Inc.
                            (f/k/a Firetector Inc.)
                               (File No. 0-17580)
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/X/  No fee required

/ /  Fee  computed  on   table  below   per  Exchange   Act  Rules  14a-6(i)(1)
         and 0-11

    (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

    (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

    (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

    (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

    (5) Total fee paid:

/ / Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

/ / Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

    (1) Amount Previously Paid:

    (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

    (3) Filing Party:

    (4) Date Filed:

                                                               January 30, 2004

Dear Stockholder:

         You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the
Stockholders of Synergx Systems Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Synergx" or the
"Company") to be held at the offices of Dolgenos Newman & Cronin LLP, 96 Spring
Street, 8th Floor, New York, New York 10012, on March 10, 2004 at 11:00 a.m.

         At the meeting you will be asked to consider and vote upon (a) the
election of seven (7) Directors to Synergx's Board of Directors; (b) the
appointment of Marcum & Kliegman LLP as Synergx's Auditors for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2004; (c) the adoption of the 2004 Non-Qualified Stock
Option Plan; and (d) any other business that properly comes before the meeting
or any adjournments or postponements thereof.

         Your vote is important. We urge you to complete, sign, date and return
the enclosed proxy card promptly in the accompanying prepaid envelope. You may,
of course, attend the Meeting and vote in person, even if you have previously
returned your proxy card.

                                        Sincerely yours,

                                        Joseph Vitale,
                                        President and Chief Operating Officer

                          To be held on March 10, 2004

To the Stockholders of
  Synergx Systems Inc.

     Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  of Synergx
Systems Inc., a Delaware  corporation  ("Synergx" or the "Company") will be held
at 11:00 a.m., local time, on March 10, 2004 at the offices of Dolgenos Newman &
Cronin LLP, 96 Spring Street,  8th Floor,  New York, New York, for the following

     (1) To  consider  and vote  upon the  election  of the  Board of  Directors
consisting  of seven (7) persons to serve  until the next annual  meeting of the

     (2) To consider and vote upon a proposal to ratify the  selection of Marcum
& Kliegman  LLP as  Synergx's  independent  auditors  for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2004;

     (3) To consider  and vote upon a proposal  to adopt the 2004  Non-Qualified
Stock Option Plan.

     (4) To conduct such other  business as may properly  come before the Annual
Meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.

     Although all  stockholders  are invited to attend the Annual Meeting,  only
stockholders  of  record at the close of  business  on  January  27,  2004,  are
entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting.  A list of stockholders
entitled  to  vote  at the  Annual  Meeting  will  be  open  to  examination  by
stockholders  during regular business hours at the Company's principal executive
offices from January 28, 2004, through the Annual Meeting date and at the Annual

                                             By Order of the Board of Directors

                                             John A. Poserina
                                             Secretary, Synergx Systems Inc.
January 30, 2004
Syosset, New York


                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                              SYNERGX SYSTEMS INC.

                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

     The accompanying  Proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Synergx  Systems  Inc.  (the  "Company")  for  use  at  the  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders (the "Annual Meeting") to be held on Wednesday,  March 10, 2004, at
11:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, or any adjournment  thereof, at the offices of
Dolgenos Newman & Cronin LLP, 96 Spring Street,  8th Floor,  New York, New York.
The  approximate  date  on  which  proxy  materials  are  first  being  sent  to
stockholders is January 30, 2004.

     The cost of soliciting proxies will be borne by the Company. In addition to
solicitation by mail, officers,  directors, and regular employees of the Company
may,  without  additional  compensation,  use their personal  efforts to solicit
proxies by telephone, telegraph, telecopier or in person. The Company expects to
reimburse  brokers,  banks,  custodians and other nominees for their  reasonable
out-of-pocket  expenses in handling proxy materials for beneficial owners of the
Common Stock. Should the Company's management deem it necessary, the Company may
also retain the services of a proxy solicitation firm to aid in the solicitation
of proxies for which the Company  will pay a fee not  expected to exceed  $5,000
plus reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses.

     Stockholders  can ensure that their shares are voted at the Annual  Meeting
by signing and returning the enclosed proxy in the envelope provided.  Shares of
Common  Stock par value  $.001 per share  ("Common  Stock")  represented  by the
accompanying  proxy  will be voted  if the  proxy is  properly  executed  and is
received by the Company  prior to the time of voting.  Sending in a signed proxy
will not affect a  stockholder's  right to attend the Annual Meeting and vote in
person. The Company's  principal  executive offices are located at 209 Lafayette
Drive, Syosset, New York 11791.

     Proxies  may be revoked at any time prior to the voting  thereof by written
notice  mailed or delivered  to the  Secretary,  by receipt of a proxy  properly
signed and dated  subsequent to an earlier proxy, or by revocation by request in
person at the Annual Meeting,  but if not so revoked,  the shares represented by
such proxy will be voted in  accordance  with the  authority  conferred  by such
proxy.  Where specific  choices are not indicated on the proxy,  proxies will be
voted in accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Directors.

                                  ANNUAL REPORT

     The Annual Report to  Stockholders  covering  operations of the Company for
the fiscal year ended September 30, 2003,  including  financial  statements,  is
enclosed  herewith and is  incorporated  herein by reference.  FORM 10-KSB,  THE


     Only  stockholders  of record at the close of  business on January 27, 2004
will be  entitled  to notice of and to vote at the  Annual  Meeting,  each share
being  entitled  to one vote.  Common  Stock is the only class of capital  stock
which has been issued by the Company. As of the close of business on January 16,
2004,  there were  4,706,728  outstanding  shares of Common Stock entitled to be
voted at the meeting.

                              OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT

     The following  table sets forth as of January 16, 2004,  the Company's best
knowledge of the amount of Common Stock beneficially owned and the percentage of
Common  Stock so owned with  respect to: (a) the persons or groups  known to the
Company to be the beneficial owner of more than five percent of the Common Stock
of the Company; (b) certain executive officers of the Company; (c) each director
of the Company; and (d) all executive officers and directors of the Company as a

                                     Number of Shares     Percent of Shares
Genterra Inc.(1)                          1,614,290              34.2%
Investors Money Management(10)              455,000               9.0%
Daniel S. Tamkin (2)                        255,466               5.4%
Nafund Inc. (11)                             50,000               1.0%
Joseph Vitale (3, 4)                         34,250                nil
Henry Schnurbach (4)                         10,334                nil
John A. Poserina (3, 5)                      32,334                nil
Dennis P. McConnell (4, 6)                    8,334                nil
Mark Litwin (8)                           1,664,290              35.0%
J. Ian Dalrymple (9)                              0                nil
All Executive Officers and
Directors as a Group (7 Persons)          2,005,008              41.3%
- ----------------------

(1) Address is 106 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ontario.

(2) Includes  21,666  shares of Common Stock  issuable  upon exercise of options
granted by the Company. Address is 96 Spring Street, New York, NY.

(3) Address is 209 Lafayette Drive, Syosset, NY 11791.

(4) Issuable upon exercise of options granted by the Company.

(5) Includes  19,334  shares of Common Stock  issuable  upon exercise of options
granted by the Company.

(6) Address is 96 Spring Street, New York, NY.

(7) Reserved

(8) By virtue of his position as an officer  and/or  director of such  entities,
Mr. Litwin may be considered  the  beneficial  owner of shares owned by Genterra
Inc. Mr. Litwin expressly  disclaims such beneficial  ownership.  Address is 106
Avenue Road, Toronto, Ontario.

(9) Address is 1200 Sheppard Avenue East, Willowdale, Ontario.

(10)  Address of  Administrative  office is 289 Avenue  Montjoie,  Box 13,  1180
Brussels,  Belgium,  includes  340,000  shares of  Common  Stock  issuable  upon
exercise of warrants.

(11) Includes 50,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of warrants.

                                 PROPOSAL NO. 1
                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Seven (7)  directors  will be  elected to hold  office  duly until the next
Annual Meeting of Stockholders  and until their successors have been elected and
duly qualified. The persons named on the accompanying proxy will vote all shares
for which they have  received  proxies for the  election of the  nominees  named
below  unless  contrary  instructions  are given.  In the event that any nominee
should become unavailable,  shares will be voted for a substitute nominee unless
the number of  directors  constituting  a full board is reduced.  Directors  are
elected by plurality vote.


The name, age and position with the Company of each nominee for director of the
Company is listed below, followed by summaries of the background and principal

    NAME            AGE             OFFICE                  COMMENCED

Daniel S. Tamkin     44             Chairman, Chief         October 1990
                                    Executive Officer,
                                    General Counsel,
                                    Director, and
                                    Audit Committee

Joseph Vitale        57             President, Chief        May 1994
                                    Operating Officer
                                    and Director

John A. Poserina     63             Treasurer, Vice         January 1997
                                    President, Chief
                                    Financial Officer,
                                    Secretary and

Dennis P. McConnell  50             Director and            January 1997
                                    Audit Committee

Henry Schnurbach     52             Director and            October 1988
                                    Audit Committee

J. Ian Dalrymple     52             Director                May 2002

Mark I. Litwin       41             Director                May 2002


Information Concerning Current Directors and Nominees for Director

     Mr. Tamkin has a J.D. degree from New York University  School of Law and an
A.B.  degree  from  Columbia  University.  Mr.  Tamkin has been Chief  Executive
Officer since March 15, 1996,  prior to which Mr. Tamkin was Vice  President and
General  Counsel of the Company from October 1990.  Also since October 1990, Mr.
Tamkin has been  Executive  Vice  President of Forum  Financial  Corporation,  a
Toronto based merchant banking  organization.  Since 1996, Mr. Tamkin has been a
director of Polyair Inter Pack Inc., an Ontario corporation registered under the
Exchange Act. Since November 1998, Mr. Tamkin has been a Director, President and
Chief  Operating  Officer  of  Camtx  Corporation,  a  manufacturer  of  textile
products.  Mr.  Tamkin is  presently  Counsel to  Dolgenos  Newman & Cronin LLP,
counsel to the Company.

     Mr.  Vitale has been  President of the Company  since March 15,  1996.  Mr.
Vitale has been active in the  fire/communications  industry  with Casey Systems
Inc.  since 1982. Mr. Vitale has been President of Casey since 1993 and has held
the  positions of Director of  Engineering,  Vice  President -  Engineering  and
Executive  Vice  President.  Mr.  Vitale  holds a Bachelor of Science  degree in
Engineering  from C.W. Post College and a Master of Science degree in Electrical
Engineering from New York University.

     Mr.  Poserina  joined  the  Company as  Treasurer,  Vice  President,  Chief
Financial  Officer and Director as of January 1, 1997.  From December 1995 until
he joined the Company,  Mr.  Poserina was an independent  financial  consultant.
Also, from July 1996 to September 1996, Mr. Poserina was Chief Financial Officer
of Happiness  Express Inc. Mr. Poserina was Chief Financial Officer of Dorne and
Margolin Inc. from November 1994 to December 1995.  Prior to that, Mr.  Poserina
spent 15 years as Vice  President,  Treasurer  and Chief  Financial  Officer  of
Chryon  Corporation,  which  was a NYSE  listed  company  registered  under  the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the  "Exchange  Act").  Mr.  Poserina  holds a
Bachelor of Science degree in accounting from the University of Rhode Island and
is a Certified Public Accountant.

     Mr.  McConnell  is a partner in the firm of  Dolgenos  Newman & Cronin LLP,
counsel to the Company.  Prior to being associated with Dolgenos Newman & Cronin
LLP,  he was  associated  with Varet & Fink P.C.  from 1989 to March  1993.  Mr.
McConnell holds a J.D. degree from New York Law School.

     Mr.  Schnurbach has a Bachelor of Commerce  degree from Sir George Williams
University and is a Certified  Management  Accountant in Ontario.  Since October
1991,  Mr.  Schnurbach  has  been  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  Cantar/Polyair
Corporation  ("CPC").  Since February  1996,  Mr.  Schnurbach has also served as
President  and  director  of Polyair  Inter Pack  Inc.,  an Ontario  corporation
registered  under the Exchange Act and traded on the Toronto and American  Stock
Exchanges, and the holding company of CPC.

     Mr.  Dalrymple  has a Bachelor of Commerce  degree and a Masters of Arts in
Economics from the University of Toronto.  Since 1990, Mr.  Dalrymple has been a
director of Nigel Stephens Counsel Inc., an Ontario corporation,  which provides
investment  and portfolio  management  services;  NSC Holdings  Inc., an Ontario
corporation  which  provides  investment  research  and  client   administrative
services;  and Fordal  Holdings  Inc.,  an Ontario  corporation  which  provides
trading,  settlement and related  services to portfolio  management  firms.  Mr.
Dalrymple  is  also a  director  of  Cornerstone  52  Foundation,  a  charitable
foundation with focus on children's  charities.  In addition,  Mr. Dalrymple has
been, since 1993, a director of Nafund Inc., an Ontario  investment  corporation
and,  since  1996,  a  director  of  Nafund   Administrators  Inc.,  an  Ontario
corporation originating merchant banking investments and advisory services.

     Mr. Litwin has a Bachelor of Arts and a Masters in Business  Administration
from York  University in Toronto,  Canada.  Since 1990,  Mr. Litwin has been the
President,  Chief Executive Officer and a director of Mirtronics Inc. an Ontario
corporation  which is  registered  under the  Exchange  Act.  Mirtronics  is the
largest stockholder of Synergx.

     There are no family relationships between any Director or Executive Officer
of Synergx and any other Director or Executive Officer of Synergx.

     Directors  hold office for a period of one year from the Annual  Meeting of
Stockholders  at which  they are  elected  or until  their  successors  are duly
elected and qualified. Officers are appointed by the Board of Directors and hold
office at the will of the Board.

     There is no nominating or compensation  committee of the Board of Directors
nor is there any committee performing similar functions.

     The Company has a standing  Audit  Committee  comprised of Messrs.  Tamkin,
Schnurbach  and  McConnell.  Its  functions  include the  selection of a firm of
certified public accountant to serve as independent auditors,  discussion of the
auditors'  report  with the Board of  Directors,  and the review of all  related
party  transactions.  The Audit  Committee met four times during the last fiscal

     There were eight  meetings of the Board of Directors of the Company  during
the fiscal year ended  September  30, 2003 (some actions were taken by unanimous
consent). All directors attended 75% or more meetings of the Board of Directors.
Directors were not compensated for their service.


         The following table sets forth certain information with respect to the
Executive Officers of the Company:

                                                                   DATE SERVICE
   NAME                      AGE             OFFICE                 COMMENCED

Daniel S. Tamkin              44          Chairman, Chief         October 1990
                                          Executive Officer,
                                          General Counsel,
                                          Director, and
                                          Audit Committee

Joseph Vitale                 57          President, Chief        May 1994
                                          Operating Officer
                                          and Director

John A. Poserina              63          Treasurer, Vice         January 1997
                                          President, Chief
                                          Financial Officer,
                                          Secretary and

     Mr.  Tamkin's  biographical  information  is  included  under  "Information
Concerning   Current  Directors  and  Nominees  for  Directors"  in  this  Proxy

     Mr.Vitale's   biographical   information  is  included  under  "Information
Concerning   Current  Directors  and  Nominees  for  Directors"  in  this  Proxy

     Mr.  Poserina's  biographical  information is included  under  "Information
Concerning   Current  Directors  and  Nominees  for  Directors"  in  this  Proxy

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The  following  table  sets  forth  certain  information  with  respect  to
compensation paid or accrued by the Company for services rendered to it for each
of the three fiscal years ended September 30, 2003, as to Daniel S. Tamkin,  the
Company's  present  Chief  Executive  Officer,   Joseph  Vitale,  the  Company's
President and Chief Operating Officer, and John A. Poserina, the Company's Chief
Financial Officer and Secretary;  none of the Company's other Executive Officers
had aggregate remuneration in excess of $100,000.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                       ANNUAL COMPENSATION                       TERM COMPENSATION
                                                                               All Other
Year                Salary ($)       Bonus($)     Other($)      Option/SAR    Compensation
Daniel S. Tamkin
2003               $102,000         $25,000       $2,000                          --
2002                 97,000                        2,000                          --
2001                 87,000          20,000        2,000           (1)            --

Joseph Vitale
2003               $147,000         $25,000       $7,000                          --
2002                140,000                        6,000                          --
2001                130,000          30,000        6,000           (2)            --

John A. Poserina
2003               $158,000         $25,000       $6,000                          --
2002                151,000                        5,600                          --
2001                141,000          30,000        5,600                          --

(1) Options to purchase  8,334 shares of Common Stock,  at a price of $0.515 per
share were issued to Mr. Tamkin in December, 2000.

(2) Options to purchase  15,918 shares of Common Stock, at a price of $0.515 per
share were issued to Mr. Vitale in December, 2000.

- -----------

     The  following  table  details,  as of  September  30,  2003,  the value of
unexercised  in-the-money  options held by Daniel S. Tamkin,  Joseph  Vitale and
John A. Poserina:

                       Number of Securities               Value of Unexercised
                    Underlying   Unexercised Options     In-The-Money Options (1)
                    Exercisable   Unexercisable         Exercisable   Unexercisable
                     ----------   ------------          -----------   -------------
Daniel S. Tamkin      19,668         2,000              $60,831        $6,125
Joseph Vitale         32,252         2,000              100,049         6,125
John A. Poserina      17,334         2,000               53,669         6,125
- - - ------

(1) Net value, calculated as the difference between the exercise price and the
market price reported for September 30, 2003.($3.550-bid, $3.700-ask)

     In December 1995,  the Board of Directors  voted to institute a 401(k) plan
for  nonunion  employees to be effective  January 1, 1996.  The plan  includes a
profit sharing  provision at the discretion of the Board of Directors.  In 2003,
the Board of Directors  approved a payment  totaling $29,000 for participants of
the non-union  401(k) plan. No profit sharing  contributions  were authorized in

     Directors do not receive any compensation for their service.  Out-of-pocket
expenses for travel, meals and miscellaneous  expenses incurred in the course of
the Director's activities on behalf of the Company are reimbursed at cost.

     On April 30, 1997, the Company and its shareholders  adopted a nonqualified
stock option plan ("1997 Plan"),  which was to expire September 30, 2002 and was
extended to December 31, 2005; see below,  except as to options then outstanding
under the 1997  Plan.  Under the 1997  Plan,  the Board of  Directors  may grant
options to eligible  employees at exercise prices not less than 100% of the fair
market value of the common shares at the time the option is granted.  The number
of shares of Common Stock that may be issued shall not exceed an aggregate of up
to 10% of its issued and outstanding shares from time to time. Options vest at a
rate of 20% per year  commencing one year after date of grant.  Issuances  under
the 1997 Plan are to be reduced by options outstanding under a 1990 nonqualified
stock option plan (replaced by the 1997 Plan). Effective September 30, 1998, all
outstanding  employee stock options were reset to an exercise price of $0.50 per
share. On September 30, 2002, options on 48,166 of Common Stock were extended to
December 31, 2005 and the option exercise price remained $0.50 per share.

     The  Company  currently  has issued  and  outstanding  options to  purchase
191,298 shares of its Common Stock,  at various  exercise prices ranging between
$0.50 and $0.56 per share, to certain of its officers,  Directors and employees.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Company's
directors and certain officers and persons who own more than 10% of a registered
class of the Company's equity  securities to file within certain  specified time
periods  reports of  ownership  and  changes  in  ownership  with the SEC.  Such
officers,  directors and shareholders are required by SEC regulations to furnish
the Company with copies of all such  reports  that they file.  Based solely on a
review of copies of reports  filed  with the SEC since  September  1, 2002,  and
written  representations by certain officers and directors,  all persons subject
to the reporting  requirements of Section 16(a) filed the required  reports on a
timely basis during the Company's fiscal year 2003.

Code of Ethics

     At this time,  the  Company  has not  adopted a formal  Code of Ethics that
applies to the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer.  The Company
expects to adopt a formal Code of Ethics during the current fiscal year.

     The Company has  followed an  informal  Code of Ethics  requiring  Board of
Directors'  approval of any material  transaction  involving the Company's Chief
Executive  Officer  and Chief  Financial  Officer.  The  Company  believes  this
procedure  reasonably deters material wrongdoing and promotes honest and ethical

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

     In 1985,  Casey  Systems  Inc, a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of the Company,
entered into a royalty  agreement with Joseph Vitale,  prior to his becoming the
President and Chief  Operating  Officer of the Company.  The agreement  pays Mr.
Vitale a royalty on certain  systems  marketed and serviced by Casey.  In fiscal
year ended September 30, 2003,  Casey paid $75,852  pursuant to the terms of the

     Management believes the foregoing  transaction was entered into on terms at
least as favorable as could be obtained from  unrelated  parties  negotiating at

     At an Annual  Meeting  held March 26,  2003,  the  stockholders  of Synergx
approved the  purchase of equity  positions  in Avante  Technology  Partners and
Re:Port  Business  Solutions.  The  positions  were acquired from Nafund Inc., a
Toronto  based private  equity fund  ("Nafund").  Mark Litwin,  the president of
Mirtronics Inc. and a director of the Company and Ian Dalrymple, also a director
of the Company, are directors of Nafund.  Moreover,  Mr. Litwin is the president
of Nafund and Mr.  Dalrymple is on its investment  advisory board. Mr. Dalrymple
is also a principal in NSC Holdings,  a Toronto based  financial  services group
which is a principal in Re:Port.


     The Corporation has established a three-member  audit committee  within the
Board of Directors which currently consists of Messrs.  Daniel S. Tamkin, Dennis
P. McConnell and Henry Schnurbach.

     The Board of Directors has  determined  that each of Messrs.  McConnell and
Schnurbach  is an  "independent  director,"  as  such  term is  defined  by Rule
4200(a)(15)  of  the  National   Association  of  Securities   Dealers'  listing

     The audit  committee has reviewed and discussed the  Corporation's  audited
financial statements with management.

     The audit committee has discussed with the independent auditors the matters
required to be discussed by  Statement  on Auditing  Standards  No. 61 (SAS 61),
"Communication  with Audit  Committees," as amended,  by the Auditing  Standards
Board of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

     The audit  committee  has received the written  disclosures  and the letter
from the independent accountants required by Independence Standards Board No. 1,
"Independence  Discussions with Audit Committees," as amended, and has discussed
with the independent accountant the independent accountant's independence.

     The Board has  considered  whether the  provision of non-audit  services is
compatible  with  maintaining  the  external  accountant's  independence.  After
discussing  this  matter  among  themselves,   with  management,  and  with  the
independent  auditors,  the Board  believes  that the provision of the specified
non-audit  services  is  compatible  with  maintaining  the  external  auditor's

     Based on the review and discussions  referred to above, the audit committee
has recommended to the Board of Directors that the audited financial  statements
be  included  in the  Corporation's  Annual  Report on Form  10-KSB for the last
fiscal year.

     The following table summarizes fees for professional  services  rendered by
the principal accountant for the most recent fiscal year:

  ------------------------ ----------------------- ------------------
  Audit Fees                        2002                 2003
  ------------------------ ----------------------- ------------------
  Audit-Related Fees              $53,500               53,500
  ------------------------ ----------------------- ------------------
  Tax Fees                        $22,000               $22,000
  ------------------------ ----------------------- ------------------
  All Other Fees                   $8,900               $12,865
  ------------------------ ----------------------- ------------------

                                PROPOSAL NUMBER 2

     The  Board of  Directors  of  Synergx  selected  Marcum &  Kliegman  LLP as
auditors for the fiscal year ending  September 30, 2004,  subject to stockholder
approval by  ratification.  Marcum & Kliegman LLP has been since September 2000,
the independent  auditors for Synergx. A representative of Marcum & Kliegman LLP
is expected to be present at the Annual Meeting, at which time he or she will be
afforded an opportunity to make a statement, and will be available to respond to

     The  Board  of  Directors  of  Synergx  may,  in  its  discretion,   direct
appointment  of new  independent  auditors at any time during the fiscal year if
the Board believes such change would be in the best interests of Synergx and its
stockholders. No such change is anticipated.


                                PROPOSAL NUMBER 3
                      2004 NON-QUALIFIED STOCK OPTION PLAN

     The Company has  reserved an amount of Common  Shares equal to an aggregate
of up to 10% of its issued and  outstanding  shares  from time to time (less all
shares issuable upon exercise of options  previously  granted pursuant to any of
the Company's  previous Non Qualified Stock Option Plans) for issuance under its
2004  Non-Qualified  Stock Option Plan (the "Plan") to  employees,  officers and
directors  of the  Company and its  subsidiaries.  A Copy of the Plan is annexed
hereto  as  Appendix  A.  The Plan is  administered  by the  Company's  Board of
Directors,  which  determines  the  employees,  officers  and  directors to whom
options  ("Options")  are to be  granted,  the  number  of  shares  that  may be
purchased  at the  Option  price,  which  may not be less  than 100% of the fair
market  value of a Common  Share at the time the Option is granted.  Each Option
granted under the Plan is evidenced by a written Option Agreement.

     All Options  granted  under the plan expire on December 31,  2009,  or with
respect to any optionee,  90 days after  termination of employment (with certain
exceptions  in the case of death or permanent  disability of the optionee) or if
an optionee is terminated for cause, upon termination.

     Directors  may grant  options to eligible  employees  and/or  directors  at
exercise prices not less than 100% of the fair market value of the common shares
at the time the option is granted.

     The Plan provides for anti-dilution protection for optionees in the case of
recapitalizations,  stock splits or combinations,  and stock distributions.  The
standard  form  of  Option  Agreement  (which  may  be  modified)  provides  for
piggy-back  registration of Common Shares issued upon exercise of Options issued
under the Plan. All Options issued under the Plan are  non-transferable  (except
to an executor or  administrator  of an optionee's  estate for a limited period)
and  all  Common  Shares  issuable  upon  exercise  of  Options  are  restricted
securities and may only be sold pursuant to a registration  statement  under the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended  (the  "Securities  Act"),  or an available
exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act.

     Your  Board  of  Directors  has  determined  it is in  the  Company's  best
interests to adopt the plan described above to (I) provide incentive for present
employees, officers and directors of the Company and (ii) to attract individuals
that will benefit the Company in the future.


                                 OTHER BUSINESS

     The proxy  confers  discretionary  authority on the proxies with respect to
any other  business  which may come  before  the  Annual  Meeting.  The Board of
Directors  of Synergx  knows of no other  matters to be  presented at the Annual
Meeting. The persons named in the proxy will vote the shares for which they hold
proxies  according  to their best  judgment if any matters not  included in this
Proxy properly come before the meeting, unless the contrary is indicated.

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Any stockholder  proposal to be included in the proxy statement and form of
proxy  relating  to the 2004  Annual  Meeting  of Synergx  Stockholders  must be
received  by the close of  business  on October  31, 2004 and must comply in all
other  respects with the rules and  regulations  of the  Securities and Exchange
Commission.  Proposals  should be addressed  to:  Corporate  Secretary,  Synergx
Systems Inc., 209 Lafayette Drive, Syosset, NY 11791

                                                                    APPENDIX A

                              SYNERGX SYSTEMS INC.

                      2004 NON-QUALIFIED STOCK OPTION PLAN

     1.  Purpose.  The  purpose of the 2004 Stock  Option  Plan (the  "Plan") of
Synergx  Systems  Inc.  (the  "Company")  is to secure for the  Company  and its
stockholders the benefits that flow from providing corporate officers, directors
and key employees with the incentive, inherent in the ownership of the Company's
Common Stock par value $.001 per share (the "Common  Stock"),  to  contribute to
the success and growth of the business of the Company and its  subsidiaries  and
to help the Company and its subsidiaries  secure and retain the services of such
employees.  For purposes of the Plan, the terms "parent" and "subsidiary"  shall
mean "parent corporation" and "subsidiary  corporation,"  respectively,  as such
terms are  defined in section  425(e) and (f) of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of
1986, as from time to time, amended (the "Code").

     2. Stock Option Committee.

          2.1  Administration.  The Plan shall be  administered  by the Board of
     Directors or by a Stock Option Committee (the "Committee") of not less than
     three members of the Board of Directors.  The  appointment  of a Committee,
     however,  shall not preclude the Board of Directors  from granting  options
     and  otherwise  exercising  its powers  with  respect to the Plan.  As used
     herein,  the term  "Committee"  shall be  deemed  to  include  the Board of
     Directors, whether or not a Committee shall have been appointed.

          2.2  Interpreation;   Procedures.   The  Committee  is  authorized  to
     interpret  the  provisions  of the Plan and  shall  adopt  such  rules  and
     regulations  as it shall deem  appropriate  concerning  the  holding of its
     meetings  and the  administration  of the  Plan.  A  majority  of the whole
     Committee  shall  constitute  a quorum,  and the act of a  majority  of the
     members of the Committeee present at which a quorum is present shall be the
     act of  Committee.  Any member of the  Committee may be removed at any time
     either  with or  without  cause  by  resolution  adopted  by the  Board  of
     Directors of the Company,  and any vacancy on the Committee may at any time
     be filled by resolution adopted by the Board of Directors.

     3. Shares Subject to Options.

          3.1  Number of Shares.  Subject  to the  provisions  of  paragraph  12
     (relating to  adjustments  upon changes in  capitalization),  the number of
     shares of Common Stock subject at any one time to options granted under the
     Plan,  plus the  number of shares of  Common  Stock  theretofore  issued or
     delivered pursuant to the exercise of options granted under the Plan, shall
     not exceed an aggregate of up to 10% of its issued and  outstanding  shares
     from time to time (less all shares  issuable upon exercise  options granted
     pursuant to the Company's prior Non Qualified Stock Option Plan);  provided
     that if and to the extent that options  granted  under the Plan  terminate,
     expire or are cancelled  without having been exercised,  new options may be
     granted  under the Plan with respect to the shares of Common Stock  covered
     by such terminated, expired or cancelled options.

          3.2 Character of Shares.  Common Stock  delivered upon the exercise of
     options granted under the Plan may be authorized and unissued Common Stock,
     issued Common Stock held in the Company's treasury, or both.

          3.3  Reservation  of Shares.  There shall be reserved at all times for
     sale  under the Plan a number of shares  of Common  Stock  (authorized  and
     unissued Common Stock,  issued Common Stock held in the Company's treasury,
     or both)  equal to the  maximum  number  of shares  which may be  purchased
     pursuant to options granted or that may be granted under the Plan.

     4. Grant of Options. The Committee shall determine,  within the limitations
of the Plan,  the  officers,  directors  and  employees  of the  Company and its
subsidiaries to whom options are to be granted, the number of shares that may be
purchased under each option and the option price.  Each option granted under the
Plan shall be evidenced by a written agreement (an "Option  Agreement")  between
the  Company  and the  Optionee  (as  hereinafter  defined)  in such  form,  not
inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan, as the Committee shall provide.

     5.  Employees  Eligible.  Options  may be  granted  under  the  Plan to any
officer,  director  or key  employee  or  prospective  officer,  director or key
employee  (conditioned  upon,  and effective  not earlier than,  his becoming an
officer or employee) of the Company and its subsidiaries. Employees who are also
officers or directors of the Company or its subsidiaries  shall not by reason of
such offices be ineligible to receive options under the Plan, but members of the
Committee  shall not be eligible to receive  options unless granted by the Board
of Directors.  An officer,  director or employee  receiving any option under the
Plan is hereinafter  referred to as an "Optionee."  Any reference  herein to the
employment  of an Optionee by the Company  shall  include his  employment by the
Company, its parent or any of its subsidiaries.

     6. Price.  Subject to  paragraph  12, the option price of each Common Stock
purchasable  under any option granted under the Plan shall be not less than 100%
of the fair market value thereof at the time the option is granted  (which time,
in the case of the grant of an option to a prospective  officer or key employee,
shall be deemed to be the time of effectiveness of such grant).

     7. Expiration. Termination and Amendment of the Plan.

          7.1  General.  Options  may be granted  under the Plan at any time and
     from time to time on or prior to September 30, 2009, on which date the Plan
     will expire  except as to options  then  outstanding  under the Plan.  Such
     options shall remain in effect until they have been  exercised,  terminated
     or have expired. The Plan may be extended, terminated,  modified or amended
     by the Board of  Directors  at any time on or prior to  December  1,  2009,
     except  with  respect  to any  options  then  outstanding  under  the Plan;
     provided  that any  increase  in the  maximum  number of shares  subject to
     options,  as  specified  in  paragraph  3, or any  change  in the  class of
     employees eligible for the grant of options hereunder,  shall be subject to
     approval  by  the  Company's  stockholders,  unless  made  pursuant  to the
     provisions of paragraph 12.

          7.2 Modification of Options.  No modification,  extension,  renewal or
     other change in any option  granted  under the Plan shall be made after the
     grant of such option,  unless the same is consistent with the provisions of
     the Plan.

     8. Exercisability and Duration of Options.

          8.1  Determination  of Committee;  Acceleration.  Each option  granted
     under the Plan  shall be  exercisable  at such  time or times,  or upon the
     occurrence of such event or events,  and in such amounts,  as the Committee
     may provide upon the granting thereof. Subsequent to the grant of an option
     which is not  immediately  exercisable in full, the Committee,  at any time
     before  complete  termination  of such option,  may  accelerate the time or
     times at which such option may be exercised in whole or in part. Any option
     granted under the Plan shall be exercisable  upon the death of the Optionee
     or upon the  termination  of the  Optionee's  employment  by the Company by
     reason of his  illness or  disability  only to the extent  such  option was
     exercisable  by the  Optionee  immediately  prior  to  such  event,  unless
     otherwise expressly provided in the option at the time it is granted.

          8.2  Automatic  Termination.  The  unexercised  portion  of any option
     granted under the Plan shall automatically and without notice terminate and
     become null and void at the time of the earliest to occur of the following:

          (a) The  expiration  of five  years  from the date of such  option was

          (b) The  expiration  of  ninety  days  from  the  termination  date of
     termination  of the  Optionee's  employment  by the  Company  (other than a
     termination described in subparagraph (c), (d) or (e) below); provided that
     if the  Optionee  shall die  during  such  ninety day  period,  the time of
     termination  of  the  unexercised  portion  of any  such  option  shall  be
     determined under the provisions of subparagraph (d) below;

          (c) The  expiration  of one year from the date of  termination  of the
     employment of an Optionee who is permanently  and totally  disabled  (other
     than a termination described in subparagraph (e) below);

          (d) The  expiration  of six months  following  the issuance of letters
     testamentary or letters of  administration to the executor or administrator
     of a deceased  Optionee,  if the Optionee's  death occurs either during his
     employment by the Company or during the  three-month  period  following the
     date of termination of such employment (other than a termination  described
     in  subparagraph  (e) below,  but not later than one year after  Optionee's

          (e) The  termination  of the  Optionee's  employment by the Company if
     such termination constitutes or is attributable to a breach by the Optionee
     of an employment  agreement with the Company, its parent, if any, or any of
     its  subsidiaries,  if any, or if the Optionee is discharged for cause. The
     Committee  shall have the right to determine  whether the Optionee has been
     discharged for cause and the date of such discharge, and such determination
     of the Committee shall be final and conclusive; or

          (f) The  expiration  of such period of time of the  occurrence of such
     event as the  Committee  in its  discretion  may provide  upon the granting

     9. Exercise of Options; Certain Legal and Other Restrictions.

          9.1 Exercise. Options granted under the Plan shall be exercised by the
     Optionee (or by its executors or  administrators,  as provided in paragraph
     10) as to all or part of the  shares  covered  thereby,  by the  giving  of
     written notice of exercise to the Company,  specifying the number of shares
     to be purchased,  accompanied by payment of the full purchase price for the
     shares being purchased. Payment of such purchase price shall be made (a) by
     check payable to the Company or (b) with the consent of the  Committee,  by
     delivery of Common Stock having a fair market value  (determined  as of the
     date such option is exercised)  equal to all or part of the purchase  price
     and if  applicable,  of a check  payable to the Company  for any  remaining
     portion of the purchase price. Such notice of exercise, accompanied by such
     payment, shall be delivered to the Company at its principal business office
     or such other office as the  Committee  may from time to time  direct,  and
     shall be in such form,  containing such further provisions  consistent with
     the  provisions  of the  Plan,  as the  Committee  may  from  time  to time
     prescribe. The Company shall effect the transfer of the shares so purchased
     to the  Optionee (or such other person  exercising  the option  pursuant to
     paragraph  10) as  soon  as  practicable,  and  within  a  reasonable  time
     thereafter,  such transfer  shall be evidenced on the books of the Company.
     No  Optionee or other  person  exercising  an option  shall have any of the
     rights of a stockholder of the Company with respect to shares subject to an
     option granted under the Plan until certificates for such shares shall have
     been issued  following the exercise of such option.  No adjustment shall be
     made for cash  dividends or other rights for which the record date is prior
     to the date of such issuance.  In no event may any option granted hereunder
     be exercised for a fraction of a share.

          9.2  Restrictions on Delivery of Shares.  Each award granted under the
     Plan is subject to the conditions that if at any time the Committee, in its
     discretion, shall determine that the listing, registration or qualification
     of the shares covered by such award upon any  securities  exchange or under
     any state or federal law is  necessary or desirable as a condition of or in
     connection  with the granting of such option or the purchase or delivery of
     shares  thereunder,  the  delivery  of any or all  shares  pursuant  to the
     exercise  of the option  may be  withheld  unless  and until such  listing,
     registration or qualification  shall have been effected.  The Committee may
     require,  as a  condition  of exercise  of any  option,  that the  Optionee
     represent,  in writing,  that the shares  received  upon  exercised  of the
     option  are  being   acquired  for  investment  and  not  with  a  view  to
     distribution,  provided  that  the  Committee  may  thereafter  waive  such
     representation, subject to such restrictions as it may determine if, in the
     opinion of counsel to the Company,  the offer of such shares by the Company
     pursuant to such option and the resale of such shares by the  Optionee,  or
     either of such acts,  is pursuant to an applicable  effective  registration
     statements  under the Securities  Act of 1933, as amended (the  "Securities
     Act"),  or is exempt  from such  registration.  The  Company may endorse on
     certificates representing shares issued upon the exercise of an option such
     legends  referring  to the  foregoing  representations  or  any  applicable
     restrictions  on resale  as the  Company,  in its  discretion,  shall  deem

     10. Non-Transferability of Options. No option granted under the Plan or any
right evidenced thereby shall be transferable by the Optionee other than by will
or by the laws of descent  and  distribution,  and an option  may be  exercised,
during the lifetime of an Optionee, only by him.

     In the event of an Optionee's  death during his  employment by the Company,
its parent or a subsidiary  of the  Company,  or during the  three-month  period
following  the  date  of  termination  of  such  employment,  his  option  shall
thereafter be exercisable,  during the period specified in paragraph 8.2 (d), by
his executors or administrators.

     11.  Right to  Terminate  Employment.  Nothing in the Plan or in any option
granted  under the Plan shall  confer upon any Optionee the right to continue in
the  employment  or affect  the right of the  Company,  its parent or any of its
subsidiaries  to  terminate  the  Optionee's  employment  at any time,  subject,
however,  to the provisions of any agreement of employment  between the Company,
its parent or any of its subsidiaries and the Optionee.

     12.  Adjustment  Upon Changes in  Capitalization,  etc. In the event of any
stock split, stock dividend, reclassification, recapitalization, reorganization,
merger,  consolidation,  combination,  exchange  or the like which  changes  the
character or amount of the Company's  outstanding Common Stock while any portion
of any option theretofore granted under the Plan is outstanding but unexercised,
the  Committee  or the Board of  Directors  of the Company or any  surviving  or
acquiring corporation shall make such adjustments in the character and number of
shares  subject to such  options and in the option  price and to take such other
actions (including, without limitation, the assumption of the existing option or
the substitution of a new option) as shall be equitable and appropriate in order
to make each such option,  as nearly as may be  practicable,  equivalent to such
option immediately prior to such change;  provided that no such adjustment shall
give the Optionee any additional benefits under his option .

     If any such  change or  transaction  shall  occur,  the  number and kind of
shares for which  options  may  thereafter  be  granted  under the Plan shall be
adjusted to give effect thereto.

     13. Registration Rights; Form S-8 Registration.  The Board of Directors may
grant to any Optionee "Piggy Back Registration  Rights" relating to Common Stock
acquired  under the Plan.  The terms of such rights  shall be  specified  in the
Option Agreement.  The Board of Directors may also elect to cause the Company to
register  the Common Stock  acquired  (or which may be acquired)  under the Plan
pursuant to a Form S-8 Registration Statement under the Securities Act.

     14.  Effective  Date of Plan. The plan shall be effective as of the date of
its original adoption by the Stockholders of the Company.

SHARES                            SYNERGX SYSTEMS INC.              PROXY NO.
                  209 Lafayette Drive, Syosset, New York 11791


     The undersigned hereby appoints Daniel S. Tamkin and Dennis P. McConnell as
Proxies,  each with the power to appoint his  substitute  and hereby  authorizes
them to represent and to vote, as  designated  below and on the reverse  hereof,
all shares of common stock of Synergx Systems Inc. ("Synergx") held of record by
the  undersigned  on January 27, 2004 at the annual meeting of  stockholders  of
Synergx  to be  held  on  March  10,  2004  or  any  adjournments  thereof.  The
undersigned hereby revokes any proxies heretofore given to vote said shares.

     The undersigned hereby acknowledges  receipt of Synergx's Annual Report for
2003 and of the Notice of Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  and  attached  Proxy
Statement dated January 28, 2004.

     This proxy,  when properly  executed,  will be voted in the manner directed
herein by the undersigned stockholder.  If no direction is made, this proxy will
be voted FOR Proposals 1, 2, and 3.

                    Please sign exactly as your name appears to the left hereof.
                    When signing as corporate officer, partner, attorney,
                    administrator, trustee or guardian, please give your full
                    title as such.

                                            Dated                        , 2004

                                            Authorized Signature

         Please mark boxes on reverse hereof in blue or black ink. Please date,
sign and return this Proxy Card promptly using the enclosed envelope.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.                          Election of Directors. For all nominees o Withhold
                            Authority o listed below (except as to vote for all
                            nominees marked to the contrary listed below below)

(Instruction: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee strike a
line through the nominee's name below.)

   Daniel S. Tamkin      Dennis P. McConnell    Henry Schnurbach   Joseph Vitale

   John A. Poserina      Mark I. Litwin         J. Ian Dalrymple

2.  To ratify the appointment of Marcum & Kliegman LLP as independent public
    accountants for Synergx for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004.

         For o               Against o           Abstain o

3. To adopt the 2004 Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan

         For o               Against o           Abstain o