Washington, D.C. 20549
Report of Foreign
Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16
or 15d-16
of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934
November 25, 2009
(Translation of
Registrants Name into English)
P.O. Box 142, Hadera,
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Paper Ltd. (the Company) (AMEX:AIP) announced in accordance with
Regulation 37a(3) of the Securities Regulations (Periodical and Immediate Reports)
1970 the appointment of Mr. Ofer Bloch as CEO of the Company, and the principal points of
his employment agreement, as follows:
Company is hereby honored to announce that on November 24, 2009, the Companys Board
of Directors approved the appointment of Mr. Ofer Bloch as CEO of the Company, in a
full-time capacity, to replace Mr. Avi Brener. In addition, the Audit Committee and the
Board of Directors approved the Companys engagement in an employment agreement with
Mr. Ofer Bloch, regarding his position as CEO of the Company. |
should be noted that the exact date of the start of the appointment has yet to be
determined and will be determined by mutual consent between Mr. Ofer Bloch and the Companys
Board of Directors. |
principal points of the employment agreement appear in a summarized form below. |
2. |
of the Agreement |
2.1 |
of employment and termination |
Ofer Blochs employment as CEO of the Company shall begin at a date to be
determined between the parties, as mentioned above, that shall be published by
the Company and shall be for a period that is not predetermined. |
party, according to its own judgment, may terminate the employment agreement at any time
by providing advanced notice in writing, of three months (hereinafter: the Advanced
Notice Period). During the Advanced Notice Period, the CEO will continue to be
employed by the Company, unless the Company selects to terminate his employment and to
redeem the advanced notice fee, at its own judgment. |
Ofer Blochs gross monthly salary during the engagement period shall
amount to NIS 100,000 (hereinafter: The Salary). The Salary shall
be updated every month in accordance with the increase in the Consumer Price
Index (Known Index), in accordance with the terms in the employment contract,
starting with the Known Index on the first day of employment. |
Ofer Bloch shall be eligible for an annual bonus that will be equal to a sum
ranging between six and nine monthly salaries, whose level within the said
range, shall be determined by the Board of Directors based on the Companys
performance, inter alia, provided that during a year when no net profit is
recorded by the Company according to its audited annual financial statements,
Mr. Ofer Bloch shall not be eligible for the said bonus, unless the Board of
Directors decides otherwise according to its own discretion. The bonus will be
paid according to the CEOs last salary, subsequent to the publication of
the Companys financial statements. |
2.4 |
benefits and additional terms |
Ofer Bloch shall be eligible for social benefits and additional terms as
practiced at the Company for managers of his standing, including a 13th annual
salary, annual leave, managers insurance or an alternate pension
arrangement, as well as a continuing education fund (deposits according to
generally accepted percentages), recuperation fees, sick leave, class 7 company
car, households and mobile phone maintenance, daily newspapers and the refund
of per diem and accommodation expenses as generally accepted according to
Company regulations, along with the grossing up of the value of the company car
and telephone, as detailed in the employment agreement. |
days after the date of the initial employment, the Board of Directors shall formulate a
stock option plan for the CEO (yet to be prepared), that shall be subject to the
principles of the Companys existing compensation plan, at a volume generally
accepted at the Company for a CEO, that shall be submitted to the Companys
certified bodies for approval. Subsequent to the approval of the said stock option plan
for the CEO, the Company shall publish an immediate report regarding the allocation of
options to the CEO, in accordance with the Security Regulations (Private Placement of
Securities at Listed Companies) 2000. |
2.6 |
and insurance |
with the date of the validity of the employment agreement, Mr. Ofer Bloch shall be
covered on account of his service as CEO, by the Companys existing officers liability
insurance (as that shall be from time to time), and will also receive from the Company a
letter of indemnification that shall be drafted in a manner identical with the text of
the letter of indemnification that is granted to Company officers. |
accordance with the instructions of the employment agreement, Mr. Ofer Bloch undertakes,
for the entire duration of the employment agreement and for a further two years after the
termination of his employment by the Company (whether for reasons of dismissal, or
resignation or any other reason), not to engage, whether directly or indirectly, whether
independently or as an agent, employee or any other manner, in the manufacture,
distribution, sale or marketing of products that are identical or similar to products
produced or marketed by the Company and/or its subsidiaries and associated companies, or
that serve or may serve for the same or similar use as the said products and not to make
any use whatsoever of any specific know-how obtained while at the Company, commercial
relations that were developed with the customers, agents or suppliers of the Company,
unless it is with the advanced and written approval of the Company. |
2.8 |
the employment agreement includes generally accepted instructions regarding
non-disclosure and intellectual property rights within the framework of the provision of
services by the CEO. |
2.9 |
following is a summary of the compensation components, pursuant to the sixth amendment of
the Securities Regulations (Periodical and Immediate Reports) 1970: |
information below appears in terms of the cost to the Company, assuming one entire
calendar year of employment, in accordance with the data known at the date of publication
of this report. |
Details of the Recipient of the Compensation
Remuneration for Services (in NIS thousands)
Scope of position
Holding % in company equity
Share-Based Payment
Total* (in NIS Thousands)
Ofer Bloch |
| 100 |
% |
| - |
NIS 100,000, linked to the known CPI on the initial date of employment |
On account of a year when the company records a net profit - between 6-9 monthly salaries per
year, pursuant to a BOD decision. For details see section 2.3, above. |
The stock option plan for the CEO has yet to be formulated. See section 2.5 above. |
Advanced notice: 3 months.
Social benefits
13th salary
Class 7 company car and grossing up for tax purposes.
Maintenance of the home and mobile phone and grossing up the value for tax purposes.
Daily newspapers
Refund of hospitality and per diem expenses as accepted at the company.
All as detailed in section 2.4 above. |
Approximately 2,562 |
* Based on a bonus of six monthly
salaries per year. Some of sums appear as estimates.
3. |
organs that approved the compensation and date of such approval |
Audit Committee and the Company Board Of Directors have approved the terms of employment
whose principal points were presented above, during their meetings on November 24, 2009. |
4. |
of determining the terms of employment |
the purpose of approving the terms of employment, the Audit Committee and the Board of
Directors have examined and taken into consideration, inter alia, the following
parameters and data: |
4.1 |
principles of the engagement with the Companys previous CEO, Mr. Avi Brener, and
data regarding the overall volume of compensation of Mr. Brener in his position as CEO of
the Company, that were presented to the members of the Audit Committee and the Board. |
4.2 |
figures with the compensation of CEOs at other publicly traded companies were collected
according to freely available information that was published by these same companies and
presented to the Audit Committee and the Board. |
4.3 |
professional experience, skills and compatibility of Mr. Ofer Bloch to serve as CEO of
the Company. |
4.4 |
Companys desire to compensate the CEO and provide incentive for him to work toward
the development and leadership of the Company, so as to maximize its earnings and attain
its objectives. |
5. |
considerations of the audit committee and the board, in the approval
of the terms of the agreement and the engagement
therein. |
5.1 |
view of the standing, skills and experience of Mr. Ofer Bloch, the Audit Committee and
the Board of Directors consider Mr. Ofer Bloch to be a worthy and
suitable person to serve as CEO of the Company. |
5.2 |
overall compensation that is being offered to Mr. Ofer Bloch according to the terms of
the employment agreement, is reasonable under the circumstances, taking into account the
size of the Company, the volume of operations and Mr. Ofer Blochs skills and
professional experience. |
5.3 |
terms of employment of Mr. Ofer Bloch are not superior to those of the Companys previous
CEO. |
5.4 |
Audit Committee and the Board of Directors have examined the possibility of equalizing
the accepted compensation in line with the compensation of CEOs at other publicly traded
companies. |
Audit Committee and the Board have determined that the total compensation granted on
account of the employment contract is reasonable under the circumstances and does not
deviate from generally accepted levels of compensation among CEOs at similar publicly
traded companies, yet they stated that the comparison figures served as only a partial
indication thereof, also on account of the existence of variance between the publicly
traded companies whose numbers have been reviewed, inter alia on account of their size,
volume and complexity of their operations, their shareholders equity and areas of
operation, as well as the various compensation components. |
5.5. |
into consideration all of the parameters and arguments outlined above, the
audit committee and the Board of Directors are of the opinion that the terms of
employment are reasonable and worthy and are intended to provide the CEO with
an appropriate incentive to work to maximize the groups earnings and to
attain its goals, and that such an engagement would be in the benefit of the
Company. |
to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly
caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly
HADERA PAPER LTD. (Registrant)
By: /s/ Lea Katz
Lea Katz Corporate Secretary |
Dated: November 25, 2009
1. |
release dated November 24, 2009. |